MIA: Subjects: Israel-Arab/Palestinian Conflict:

Israel-Arab/Palestinian Conflict

Map of Israel and Palestine 1946-2005


A collection of texts on Israel-Arab/Palestinian conflict and cooperation during the British Mandate of Palestine and after creation of Israel.

Israeli and Palestinian Writers
Cooperation and Conflict during the British Mandate of Palestine
Partition, the 1948 Arab–Israeli War, and the Establishment of the State of Israel
Israel's Early Years, the 1956 Suez Crisis, 1967 Six Day War, 1973 Yom Kippur War
The Palestinian Resistance
Publcations of the PLO's Palestine Research Center
First Intifada, Oslo Accords, Second Intifada, Gaza Wars


Israeli and Palestinian Writers

Tony Cliff (1935–2000)
Leading Palestinian Jewish Trotskyist during the 1930s and first half of 1940s.

Uri Avnery (1923–2018)
Israeli writer and activist, founder of the Gush Shalom peace movement in 1993.

Edward Said (1935–2003)
Palestinian-American professor of literature, and a founder of the academic field of postcolonial studies.

Ghassan Kanafani (1936–1972)
Palestinian writer and a leading member of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine.

Moshé Machover (1936– )
Founder member of the Israeli Socialist Organisation (Matzpen).

Mahmoud Darwish (1941–2008)
Leading Palestinian poet and a Communist.


Cooperation and Conflict during the British Mandate of Palestine


The Second International

Poale Zion (Workers of Zion)

The Jewish Problem and the Jewish Socialist State, Nachman Syrkin, 1898
Eretz Yisrael in Our Program and Tactics, Dov Ber Borochov, 1917
The Aims of Jewish Labour, Memorandum to the Socialist and Labor Democracy of the World, 1918
The Jewish Labour Movement in Palestine. Its Aims and Achievements, 1928
Jew and Arab, Hayim Greenberg, December 1934


Is Zionism Imperialistic?, Hayim Greenberg, January 1936
Jewish Frontier Editorial: What is Happening in Palestine?, May 1936
Communists in Palestine, June 1936
Arab Nationalism, Hayim Greenberg, June 1936
Histadrut and Arab Labor, Marie Syrkin, July 1936
The Communists and the Arab Problem, Marie Syrkin n.d. [mid-1930s]
Open Letter to the Third International, Hayim Greenberg, August 1936
Jewish and Arab Rights, Abraham Revusky, December 1936
Arab Worker and the Histadrut, S. Zemach, March 1937
Arab Factor in Palestine, David Ben-Gurion April 1937
Balkanization of Palestine, Hayim Greenberg, May 1937
Jewish Labor Views the Arab Worker, July 1937
A Different Point of View, Avraham Ben-Shalom, July 1937
Facts Behind Partition, Abraham Revusky, August 1937
Revolutionary Constructivism. Essays on the Jewish Labor Movement in Palestine,, Berl Katznelson 1937
Communist "Defenders of the Faith", January 1938
Defense – Not Revenge, January 1938
The Breach in the Wall, by Shulamith Schwartz, July 1938
The Threat of Revisionist Irresponsibility, by Hayim Greenberg, August 1938
Understanding or Capitulation? (The Jewish Communists and their new attitude towards Zionism), by Abraham Revusky, 1939
Solving the Arab-Jewish Question, by E. Golomb, 1940
Arab-Jewish Cooperation. Present Opportunities for Undestanding Between the Two Peoples and Suggestions for Action, by Abraham Revusky, 1940
The Essence of Revisionism, An analysis of a fascist tendency in Jewry, by Marie Syrkin, 1940
Arab and Jew Today, by Shulamith Schwartz, 1941
The Irresponsible Revisionists, by Hayim Greenberg, 1943
The Palestine Labor League. The Record of a Fight for Arab-Jewish Labor Cooperation, by Abba Khushi 1944


Socialist Party, USA

British Policy in Palestine, Bezalel Sherman 1939


The Third (Communist) International

Appeal from the Executive Committee of the Communist International to the Workers of the Union of Jewish Communists (Poale Zion) Bulletin of the Executive Committee of the Communist International, #2 September 20, 1921
The Class War Within the Arab National Movement, J.B. [Joseph Berger], International Press Correspondence, Volume 4, Number 32, June 5, 1924
Zionist Terror in Palestine, J.B. [Joseph Berger], International Press Correspondence, Volume 5, Number 5, January 15, 1925
Down with the White Terror in Palestine!, Appeal of the Eastern Bureau of the Comintern, International Press Correspondence, Volume 5, Number 17, February 26, 1925
Lord Balbour, his Zionist Lackeys, and the Toiling Masses of Palestine, J.B. [Joseph Berger], International Press Correspondence, Volume 5, Number 36, April 23, 1925
The Rise of the Labour Movement in Palestine and in Syria, A.M., International Press Correspondence, Volume 5, Number 50, June 11, 1925
The First of May in Palestine 1926
The Sixth Party Conference of the Communist Party of Palestine 1926
Jewish and Arab Workers in May Day Parade
Class and National Struggles in Palestine, A. Shami, Communist International, Volume 4, Number 4, March 15, 1927
The Bankruptcy of Zionism, J.B. [Joseph Berger], International Press Correspondence, Volume 7, Number 21, March 27, 1927
The Fight for Land in Palestine, J.B. [Joseph Berger], International Press Correspondence, Volume 9, Number 38, August 9, 1929
Against British Imperialism in Palestine, Manifesto of the League Against Imperialism, Daily Worker, [US] September 28, 1929
The Revolutionary Outlook in Palestine. The Socio-political background of the recent events, Communist International, Volume 6, Number 22, October 1, 1929
Extracts from a Resolution of the ECCI Political Secretariat on the Insurrection Movement in Arabistan, 1929
Significance of the Events in Palestine, Letter of the West European Bureau, ECCI, Daily Worker, [US] October 25, 1929
Bloodshed and Treachery of the McDonald Government in Palestine, J.B. [Joseph Berger], International Press Correspondence, Volume 10, Number 30, June 26, 1930
MacDonald's Hypocritical Palestine Declaration, Appeal of the League Against Imperialism, International Press Correspondence, Volume 10, Number 51, November 13, 1930
Speech by Ridwan al Hilw (Yusuf), the Palestinian Delegate, to the 7th Comintern Congress, 1935
The Fighting in Palestine, Communist International January 1939
The Present Struggle in Palestine, I. Rennap April 1939
The Revisionist Menace, I. Rennap August 1939
The Situation in Palestine and the Near East, I. Rennap December 1939
The War Drive in the Middle East, I. Rennap 1940
The Position in Palestine, I. Rennap 1941
Anti-Fascist Unity in Palestine 1942


Palestine Communist Party

Against the English-Zionist Occupation of Palestine, Appeal of the Communist Party of Palestine, International Press Correspondence, Volume 5, Number 33, April 16, 1925
Communist Party of Palestine Calls for United Front Against British Bosses, Zionist Tools, Daily Worker, [US] May 5, 1925
Palestine Reds Lead Fight on British Rule. Arabs and Jews Unite Against Imperialism, J.B. [Joseph Berger], Daily Worker, [US] May 15, 1925
The Sixth Party Conference of the Communist Party of Palestine 1926
Palestine Labor Has Conference for Union Unity. Hebrew, Arab Workers Meet in Harmony, [Report to the Profintern] Daily Worker, [US] March 23, 1927
Situation in Palestine. Communist Party and Arab Masses, by Bob (Jaffa), Daily Worker, [US] April 12, 1930
Palestine Communists Call for Arab-Jewish Front Against British, Theodore Repard, Daily Worker, [US] April 28, 1936
After the Liquidated Balfour Declaration in Palestine, M. Welner (Meir Vilner) The Communist, [US] Volume 18, Number 8, August 1939
Palestine Communists Call for Jewish-Arab Unity, Daily Worker, [US] December 1, 1945
The Anti-Imperialist Struggle in Palestine. Resolution of the IX Congress of the Communist Party of Palestine [1945], Political Affairs, March 1946
Arab-Jewish Unity for the Solution of Palestine's Problems, [Statement before the Anglo-American Inquiry Commission, March 1946] Meir Vilner Political Affairs, June 1946
Palestine Communists Hold Report Tightens British Rule, Meyer Vilner, Daily Worker, [US] June 5, 1946
The United Nations and Palestine, Meyer Vilner, Daily Worker, [US] June 6, 1946
Hypocrisy of the Palestine Report, Meyer Vilner, Daily Worker, [US] June 7, 1946
The Palestine Report: Conclusion, Meyer Vilner, Daily Worker, [US] June 8, 1946
Britain Using Grand Mufti as Pawn, Palestine Communists Charge, Daily Worker, [US] July 6, 1946
Palestine Communists Urge Jewish Appeal to UN, Daily Worker, [US] July 15, 1946
British Doubletalk in Palestine, Ester Vilenska, General Secretary, CP of Palestine, Daily Worker, [US] August 12, 1946
Class Struggle in Palestine, Eliahu Goshanski, December 1946


The Communist Movement in Palestine, 1919-1949
Reflections on a Silenced History. The PCP and Internationalism, Musa Budeiri 2012


Communist Party оf Great Britain

The Class Character of the Palestine Rising (Part 2), 1930
Statement on Palestine, British Section, League Against Imperialism 1930
The Events in Palestine, 1936
Is Palestine Prosperous?, 1936
Palestine: The Imperialist View, 1937
The Palestine Report, 1937
Partition is a Crime Against Arabs and Jews, 1937
Against the British Plan to Divide Palestine, William Gallacher 1937
Open Letter to a Socialist-Zionist, 1938
The Arab-Jewish Conference, I. Rennap 1939
The Position in Palestine and the Path to Peace, I. Rennap 1939
War Effects in Palestine and the Near East, I. Rennap January 1940
The War for the Middle East, I. Rennap, Labour Monthly, December 1940
Jews Can't Rely on British Gov't, Gallacher Says, Daily Worker, [US] October 23, 1946
Declaration on Palestine, [at the Empire Communist Parties Conference, 1947]


British Palestine, British Communists, and the "Ideo-Logical" system of Labour Monthly, Emerson Bodde 2016


Communist Party, USA

"Bloody" Balfour Goes to Jerusalem in Cause of British Imperialism, J. Louis Engdahl, Daily Worker, March 26, 1925

Zionists Turning Holy Land into Gory Battlefield, Daily Worker, March 28, 1925

Communist Party of Palestine Calls for United Front Against British Bosses, Zionist Tools, Daily Worker, May 5, 1925

Palestine Reds Lead Fight on British Rule. Arabs and Jews Unite Against Imperialism, J.B. [Joseph Berger], Daily Worker, May 15, 1925

The Imperialist Movement in Syria and Jerusalem, J.B. [Joseph Berger], Daily Worker, May 30, 1925

The Labor Movement in Syria and Palestine, H.M. Wicks, Daily Worker, December 2, 1925

Palestine Labor Has Conference for Union Unity. Hebrew, Arab Workers Meet in Harmony, [Report to the Profintern] Daily Worker, March 23, 1927

The "Histadruth" Congress in Palestine, J.B. [Joseph Berger], Daily Worker, September 7, 1927

Zionist Group Asks Palestine Be Made a British Dominion, Daily Worker, January 1, 1929

U.S. Demands More Troops in Palestine War. Land Thefts Cause Riots. Rich Arab Clerics Use Old Trick of Pogrom, Daily Worker, August 27, 1929

Daily Worker Editorial: The Fruits of Zionism, Daily Worker, August 29, 1929

The Class Character of the Palestine Revolt and its International Significance, Statement of the Political Committee, CPUSA, Daily Worker, August 30, 1929

Daily Worker Editorial: Under What Slogans Will the New Imperialist War be Waged? [class war in Palestine], Daily Worker, September 2, 1929

The Revolutionary Uprising in Palestine and Tasks of the Party, Thesis by Agitprop Department of Central Committee, CPUSA, September 3, 1929

Daily Worker Editorial: For a Leninist Evaluation of the Revolt in Palestine, [mistakes of the Morning Freiheit], Daily Worker, September 7, 1929

Daily Worker Editorial: The Right Danger is a Monstrous Reality, by Max Bedacht, Daily Worker, September 11, 1929

Zionist Tools Found Guilty. Convicted of Aiding Imperialism, Daily Worker, September 23, 1929

Jewish Masses Repudiate Zionist Swindle and Follow Party Lead on Palestine, Daily Worker, September 24, 1929

Against British Imperialism in Palestine, Manifesto of the League Against Imperialism, Daily Worker, September 28, 1929

Situation in Palestine. Communist Party and Arab Masses, Bob (Jaffa), Daily Worker, April 12, 1930

Jewish Workers Make Plea to Proletarians to Leave Paole Zion, Daily Worker, June 3, 1930

Daily Worker Editorial: The Arab Upsurge, Daily Worker, October 30, 1933

Brown Shirts in Zion. Jabotinsky – The Jewish Hitler, Robert Gessner 1935

Cross, Crescent and Star. A Picture of Palestine, Lester Cohen 1935

Chain Gangs in Palestine, Ellis Sax, New Masses, March 24, 1936

Britain Uses Jews as Puppets as Arabs Struggle for Independence, Theodore Repard, Daily Worker, April 27, 1936

Palestine Communists Call for Arab-Jewish Front Against British, Theodore Repard, Daily Worker, April 28, 1936

New Masses Editorial: Blood in Palestine New Masses, April 28, 1936

Palestine Under Britain's Heel, Alter Brody, New Masses, May 12, 1936

Unity of Jewish-Arab Masses Communist Aim in Palestine, Daily Worker, May 15, 1936

3,500 Hear Browder on Palestine Revolt, Daily Worker, June 10, 1936

Zionism, Earl Browder 1936

Questions and Answers, [Question on Palestine] Daily Worker, June 11, 1936

Questions and Answers, [Question on Palestine] Daily Worker, June 20, 1936

Zionism Today, Paul Novick 1936

Palestine: The Communist Position, Paul Novick 1936

Palestine – Land of Anti-Imperialist Struggle, Paul Novick, The Communist,June 1936

On the Communist Approach to Zionism, J. Sultan, The Communist,June 1936

The Meaning of the Palestine Partition, Earl Browder, John Arnold and CPGB 1937

Daily Worker Editorial: Jewish-Arab Unity Against Britain is Needed, Daily Worker, July 10, 1937

Partitioning of Arabian Penninsula by Britain is Climax of 20 Years of Double-Dealing Against Both Arabs and Jews, Paul Novick, Daily Worker, July 15, 1937

Zionism and the Partition of Palestine, Earl Browder Jewish Life, 1937

World Front: Palestine, Harry Gannes Daily Worker, July 28, 1937

The Holyland Exploited by Imperialists and Jabotinsky's Jewish Fascists, Mike Gold, Daily Worker, August 9, 1937

New Masses Editorial: Zionism Muffs its Opportunity New Masses, August 17, 1937

Mass Work Among National Groups, Moissaye Olgin, [from Proceedings, 10th Convention. Communist Party, New York State, May 20-23, 1938]

Is There a Solution for Palestine?, A discussion between Maurice Samuel and Paul Novick, August 1938

Arab Here Calls for Unity with Jews, Leon Harris, Daily Worker, August 24, 1938

A Solution for Palestine, Paul Novick, The Communist, September 1938

A Year of "Jewish Life", J.V. Jerome, The Communist, September 1938

The British "White Paper" is a Betrayal of Both Jews and Arabs in Palestine, Harry Gannes, Daily Worker, May 18, 1939

The White Paper and the Need for Jewish-Arab Unity, Daily Worker, May 20, 1939

Solution for Palestine. The Chamberlain White Paper, Paul Novick 1939

Jews in Palestine Bitter over Chamberlain Sellout, Daily Worker, July 24, 1939

Daily Worker Editorial: British Treachery in Palestine, Daily Worker, March 1, 1940

Win Jewish Masses for Anti-War Fight, Browder Urges, Daily Worker, April 29, 1940

Zionism and the Imperialist War, Paul Novick, The Communist, May 1940

Palestine Land Rules Show Imperial Britain's Betrayal of Jews, I. Rennap, Daily Worker, May 4, 1940

Both War Camp Foe of Jews, Browder Declares, Lawrence Emery, Daily Worker, May 13, 1940

The Jewish People and the War, Earl Browder, May 1940

His Majesty's Gov't Is Responsible for Jewish Refugee 'Death Ship', John Arnold, Daily Worker, November 28, 1940

Palestine Masses Suffer from Effects of Imperialist Conflict, Daily Worker, January 4, 1941

Daily Worker Editorial: Both Sides Are Enemies of the Jewish People, Daily Worker, March 28, 1941

To Win Arab World As Ally Main Task in Middle East, John Arnold, Daily Worker, June 30, 1942

Joint Mobilization of Jews, and Arabs Needed in Palestine, John Arnold, Daily Worker, July 1, 1942

Should Jews Unite? Jewish People's Unity as a Force for American National Unity, Alexander Bittelman, October 1942

Postal Telegram to the Presidium, American Jewish Conference, R. Satlzman, Jewish American Section, I.W.O., June 14, 1943

Collaboration with Hoover, Hearst Would Betray Jews, Abraham Chapman, Daily Worker, July 28, 1943

Again Asks Seat in Jewish Conference, Daily Worker, August 12, 1943

Excluded Groups Present Case Before American Jewish Parley, Daily Worker, September 1, 1943

What Jewish Conference Achieved Part I, Daily Worker, September 8, 1943; Part II, Daily Worker, September 9, 1943, Abraham Chapman

Jewish Committee Leaders Hurt Unity, Abraham Chapman, Daily Worker, October 28, 1943

Letter to the Editor, Daily Worker, and Editor's Response [on the British White Paper on Palestine] Daily Worker, December 8, 1943

Some Questions Concerning Zionism, the Jewish Army and Palestine, [excerpted from the pamphlet Jewish Unity for Victory, Alexander Bittelman, December 1943

The Palestine Resolution, Abraham Chapman, Daily Worker, February 17, 1944


Palestine Jews Uphold Bi-National State, Daily Worker, March 7, 1944

Book Review: Near Eastern Problems, Robert S. Eliott, New Masses, March 14, 1944

Defeatists Use Palestine Issue to Disrupt Home Front Unity, Abraham Chapman, Daily Worker, April 1, 1944

Towards Unity and Victory, R. Saltzman [from the book Our People. The Jew in America,] 1944

Post-War Jewish Problems, B. Z. Goldberg [from the book Our People. The Jew in America,] 1944

FDR Pledges Help for Jewish Commonwealth in Palestine, Daily Worker, October 16, 1944

Palestine's Jewish Warriors, Albert Weiner, November 1944

Palestine Jews Condemn Terror, Abraham Chapman, Daily Worker, November 15, 1944

American Jewish Conference Votes to Admit IWO Affiliate, Daily Worker, December 5, 1944

America, Palestine and the White Paper, Abraham Chapman, Daily Worker, December 18, 1944

Issues in Zionist Council Crisis, Abraham Chapman, Daily Worker, December 29, 1944

FDR's Spirit Will Life, Browder Tells Memorial, [Morning Freiheit Anniversary meeting] Daily Worker, April 15, 1945

17,000 Celebrate 15th Birthday of IWO's Jewish Section, Daily Worker, May 28, 1945

Asks Jewish Issues Put on 'Big 3' Agenda, Daily Worker, July 9, 1945

Daily Worker Editorial: Open Palestine's Doors, Daily Worker, September 27, 1945

Unionists Back Palestine Rally, Daily Worker, September 28, 1945

Flays Treachery by Labor Gov't on Palestine, A. Strauss, Daily Worker, October 22, 1945

What is the Outlook for the Jewish People?, Alexander Bittelman, Political Affairs, October 1945

Zionist Garden Rally Hits British Palestine Ban, Daily Worker, October 1, 1945

250,000 Rally for Jewish Refuge in Palestine, Helen Simon, Daily Worker, October 25, 1945

Morning Freiheit Editorial: The People's Demonstration Against the White Paper – What Next?, Daily Worker, October 29, 1945

Unity Urged in Fight Against 'White Paper', Statement by New York State Committee, CPUSA, Daily Worker, November 2, 1945

British Policy Feeds Palestine Crisis, Daily Worker, November 3, 1945

For a Free Palestine of Jews and Arabs, Alexander Bittelman, Daily Worker, November 27, 1945

CP Leaders Speak Tomorrow at 12 City Rallies on Palestine, Daily Worker, December 12, 1945

Daily Worker Editorial: Rally Against the White Paper!, Daily Worker, December 13, 1945

Communists Picket to 'Open Palestine', Daily Worker, December 14, 1945

Daily Worker Editorial: Challenging Ancient Wrongs, Daily Worker, February 7, 1946

Sly Palestine Report Stirs Jewish Anger, Daily Worker, May 2, 1946

Reject the Report. Morning Freiheit Leaders Score Palestine Commission Report, Daily Worker, May 2, 1946

Arabs Paralyze Palestine by 12-hour General Strike, Daily Worker, May 4, 1946

Light on Palestine, Moses Miller May 1946

Book Review: Moving Account of Palestine Issues, Lee Lawson, Daily Worker, May 27, 1946

The Palestine Issue, Joseph Starobin, Daily Worker, June 15, 1946

Urge American Jewish Conference Mobilize on Palestine Crisis , Daily Worker, June 17, 1946

The Way Out for Palestine, William Z. Foster, Daily Worker, June 22, 1946

Daily Worker Editorial: Terror in Palestine, Daily Worker, July 1, 1946

20,000 Hit British Terror in Palestine, Daily Worker, July 3, 1946

Izvestia Asks Jews Share Rule of a Free Palestine, Daily Worker, July 20, 1946

Daily Worker Editorial: Deceit in Palestine, Daily Worker, July 26, 1946

British Partition Arab-Jew Unity, by Moses Miller, Daily Worker, July 29, 1946

Split to Make Palestine War III Bastion – State CP , Daily Worker, August 1, 1946

Britain, U.S. Scheme Carving of Palestine, Daily Worker, August 15, 1946

Daily Worker Editorial: Bullets at Haifa, Daily Worker, August 16, 1946

'Life' Plays 'Luce' with Palestine, Joseph Starobin, Daily Worker, August 20, 1946

Daily Worker Editorial: Britain and the Mufti, Daily Worker, August 28, 1946

Terror in the Promised Land, Moses Miller September 1946

The Arab Left, James S. Allen, Daily Worker, September 19, 1946

CP Greets Jewish People, Daily Worker, September 25, 1946

Crisis in Palestine, Moses Miller 1946

Thompson Blasts Dewey on Palestine, Daily Worker, October 29, 1946

Palestine: What Is the Solution?, Alexander Bittelman, November 1946

Program for Survival: The Communist Position on the Jewish Question, Alexander Bittelman, November 1946

Communist Work Among the American Jewish Masses,, Resolution of the National Groups Commission, CPUSA, November 1946

Unity of Jewish, Arab Workers Growing, Daily Worker, December 25, 1946

A Democratic Solution for Palestine, Alexander Bittelman 1947

Crossroads in Palestine, R. S. Gordon 1947

Palestine: A Solution, Charles S. Abrams 1947

Palestine: Two Plans, John Stuart 1947

Palestine: What Now?, A.B. Magil 1947


Canadian Communists

Palestine: What Is the Solution?, Tim Buck 1946


The Fourth International

Revolutionary Communist Party (UK)

Palestine the Pawn, 1938

The Jews Abandoned, 1939

Zionism - An Outpost of Imperialism. Open Letter to Labour Party Conference by a Group of Palestine Socialists, 1944

Palestine - The Anglo-American Commission of Enquiry, 1946


Communist League of America (U.S.)

Palestine – Pogrom or Revolution?, Max Shachtman 1929


Socialist Workers Party (U.S.)

For a Socialist Policy on Palestine, Felix Morrow 1936

The Palestine Question, Paul Koston 1939

Zionism and the Arab Struggle, The Spark 1939

British Overlords Sole Gainers in Palestine Conference Plan, Felix Morrow 1939

A Program of Action for Palestine, Haor (El Nour) 1939

Rebuttal on the Palestine Question, The Spark 1939

Zionism and the Jewish Question in the Near East, Fourth International 1946


Workers Party (U.S.)

Jewish Colonization in Palestine, Karl Minter 1942

Nazi Pogroms Threaten Unarmed Palestine Jews, Albert Gates 1942

Whither Zionism? Wither Jewry?, Karl Minter 1943

Oldman girl nakba

Whither Zionism? Wither Jewry? - II, Karl Minter 1943

Whither Zionism? Wither Jewry? - III, Karl Minter 1943

A "Dreyfus Case" in Palestine, William Gorman 1943

The Jewish Question and Palestine, Labor Action 1944

Comments on Articles on Zionism, Ben Hall 1944

Palestine ...Political Divisions; The Coming Elections, William Gorman 1944

British Policy Reason for Moyne Murder, William Gorman 1944

Resistance Flares in Palestine, Max Shachtman 1946

For Self-Determination in Palestine, Leon Shields 1946

The Meaning of Self-Determination. A Reply to Leon Shields, Albert Gates 1946

The Jews of Europe and Immigration to Palestine, New International 1946

Free Immigration Everywhere. Free Palestine with Majority Rule, National Committee, Workers Party 1946

No Immigration to Palestine. Arab Freedom the Main Issue, W. Brooks 1946

Four Recent Books on Palestine, William Gorman 1947

[Jews and Palestine], W. Brooks 1947


Other currents

Socialist Party of Great Britain

Potash and Palestine. Dead-Sea Fruit, Edgar Hardcastle 1929

Divide and Rule in Palestine, Gilbert McClatchie 1937


Partition, the 1948 Arab–Israeli War, and the Establishment of the State of Israel


Social Democratic and Left Socialist Parties

The Borders adopted by the United Nations in 1947 for the partition of Palestine.

Jewish Workers' Bund

Statements on Palestine and Zionism: by the New York Bund Organization, the Bund in France, and the Jewish Socialist Organization in England, 1947 Jewish Labor Bund Bulletin, Vol. 1, No. 2, February 1948
Bundism, Zionism and the Jewish State Jewish Labor Bund Bulletin, Vol. 1, No. 3, March 1948
Jewish Labor Bund and the Jewish-Arab War in Palestine Jewish Labor Bund Bulletin, Vol. 1, No. 4, April 1948
The State of Israel Jewish Labor Bund Bulletin, Vol. 1, No. 6, June 1948
The Jewish Labor Bund and the State of Israel, Statement of the Executive of the Bund World Coordinating Committee June 1948
Truce in Palestine, Jewish Labor Bund Bulletin, Vol. 1, No. 7, July 1948
Nationalism on the Warpath (A New Wave of Zionist Terror), Jewish Labor Bund Bulletin, Vol. 1, No. 7, July 1948
Arab Refugees, Jewish Labor Bund Bulletin, Vol. 1, Nos. 8-9, August-September 1948
A Regrettable Event (The Reception for Menachem Begin), Jewish Labor Bund Bulletin, Vol. 1, No. 12, December 1948


United Workers Party of Israel (MAPAM)

What Orientation for Palestine?, Dr. Moshe Sneh, 1948

Platform of the United Left Zionist Parties (MAPAM) 1948

The Path I Follow, Dr. Moshe Sneh, 1948

Left Unity in Israel?, [MAPAM's response to Communist Party call for electoral unity slate and CP reply] 1948

Outlook for Mapam, 1950

Who Threatens Israeli Independence?, Moshe Sneh, 1950

Conflict in Mapam 1950


IHUD (Unity) Association

Towards Peace in Palestine, Judah L. Magnes, Foreign Affairs, January 1943

Compromise for Palestine, Judah L. Magnes, 1945

Towards Union in Palestine, edited by Martin Buber, Judah L. Magnes, and Ernst Simon, 1947

Transcript of Testimony of Representatives of IHUD before the UN Special Committee on Palestine (UNSCOP), July 1947

Report on Palestine: UNSCOP Partition Plan is Opposed, Bi-Nationalism Urged, Judah L. Magnes, 1947

For a Jewish-Arab Confederation, Judah L. Magnes, Commentary, October 1948


The Costs of Arab-Jewish Cold War: Ihud's Experiment in Moral Politics, Ernst Simon, 1950


Mainstream Communist Parties

Communist Party of the Soviet Union

Free Palestine or Put it Under UN Trusteeship, Soviets Urge, Daily Worker, [US] November 12, 1946

A Palestine Solution. Speech by Soviet Representative A. A. Gromyko to the UN General Assembly, May 14, 1947

Gromyko's Ray of Light, Itzik Feffer, September 1947

Speech by Soviet Representative A. A. Gromyko at Plenary Meeting of UN General Assembly, November 26, 1947

The Soviet Position on Palestine Speech by A. A. Gromyko, December 1947

Speech by Soviet Representative A. A. Gromyko to the UN General Assembly, May 14, 1948, Jewish Life, July 1948

A Soviet View of Zionism, by Ilya Ehrenburg 1948

From the Speech by the Soviet Representative at Plenary Meeting of UN General Assembly on Palestine Question, December 11, 1948


The Soviet Union and the Creation of the State of Israel, Gabriel Gorodetsky 2001

Moscow's Surprise: The Soviet-Israeli Alliance of 1947-1949, Laurent Rucker 2005


Communist Party of Palestine/Israel

Political Line-Up in the Yishuv, Esther Vilenska, February 1947

Palestine Communists Ask UN to Oust British, Daily Worker, [US] February 22, 1947

Memo to UN on Palestine, Central Committee, Communist Party of Palestine, 1947

Facts You Don't Know About Palestine, (from the Communist Party of Palestine's Appeal to the UN) Daily Worker, [US] February 22, 1947

Transcript of Testimony of Representatives of the Communist Party of Palestine before the UN Special Committee on Palestine (UNSCOP), July 1947

Imperialism Strangles Palestine Economy, Meir Vilner, July 1947

Critique of United Workers Party Platform, Esther Vilenska, January 1948

No Compromise! A Call to Arms!, Resolution of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Palestine. Jewish Life, May 1948

The Peoples of Palestine Struggle for National Independence, S. [Shmuel] Mikunis, For a Lasting Peace, For a People's Democracy!, April 15, 1948

Israeli Communists Hail 'Great Day'. Statement by the Central Committee on the Declaration of the State of Israel, Jewish Life, July 1948

Israeli Youth Calls to World Youth. Communication from the Young Communist League of Israel, June 1948

Call to All Arab Soldiers Manifesto of the Arab League of National Liberation, July 1948, Jewish Life, September 1948

Israel CP Calls for Unity, [proposal to MAPAM for electoral unity slate] 1948

Left Unity in Israel?, [MAPAM's response to call for electoral unity slate and CP reply] 1948

The Truth About the Irgun Part I; Part II, Esther Vilenska, 1948


Communist Party of Great Britain

Imperialist Intrique in the Middle East, I. Rennap, 1947

Bevin's Palestine Plan and UN, I. Rennap, 1947

Arab People Say "No" to Bevin, I. Rennap, 1948

Rusty Links in Bevin's Chain, I. Rennap, 1948


Communist Party of France

Palestine Visited, G. Koenig, 1947

Palestine Conversations on Unity, G. Koenig, 1947

How Jewish Workers Live in Palestine, G. Koenig, 1947

United Demonstrations in Paris, G. Koenig, 1948

Defend the Jewish State and the UN, Jacques Duclos, 1948


Communist Party, USA

The Palestine Issue, Joseph Starobin, Daily Worker, June 15, 1946

Daily Worker Editorial: The Line-Up in Palestine, Daily Worker, February 4, 1947

Kosher Meat from Ireland for the Palestine Rebels?, Mike Gold, Daily Worker, March 11, 1947

Jewish Life Editorial: Imperialist Schizophrenia, April 1947

Daily Worker Editorial: A Solution for Palestine, Daily Worker, April 23, 1947

Daily Worker Editorial: Solution for Palestine, Daily Worker, April 28, 1947

Dilemma in Palestine, by James S. Allen, Daily Worker, May 6, 1947

Claim Axis Agents Among Arab Delegates to UN, Daily Worker, May 12, 1947

Palestine: A Solution, Charles S. Abrams, June 1947

Jewish Life Editorial: Demand America Grant Justice to Yishuv, by Alexander Bittelman, July 1947

What Next on Palestine?, Moses Miller, July 1947

The Irgun Hoax, Catherine Wilson, July 1947

Jewish Life Editorial: Where Is Jewish Agency Going?, August 1947

Palestine: Two Plans, John Stuart, September 1947

A Zionist Views ZOA Convention, Joseph Brainin, September 1947

Daily Worker Editorial: Double-Talk on Palestine, Daily Worker, September 29, 1947

The Chips Are Down in Palestine Debate, Joseph Starobin, Daily Worker, October 6, 1947


Jewish Group Asks UN Trusteeship in Palestine, Daily Worker, October 8, 1947

Jewish Life Editorial: New Palestine Report – New Prospects, by Moses Miller, October 1947

Soviets Back Separate States for Jews, Arabs, Joseph Starobin, Daily Worker, October 14, 1947

The Fale of Palestine Hangs in the Balance, Moses Miller, November 1947

Palestine's New Mood, Louis Harap, Jewish Life, November 1947

Britain Provoked Disunity in Palestine, Louis Harap, November 1947

Daily Worker Editorial: Words Won't Finish the Job, Daily Worker, November 24, 1947

UN Zion Plan in Danger. Vote of US Satellites Perils Partition Proposal, Joseph Starobin, Daily Worker, November 26, 1947

Daily Worker Editorial: Palestine – The Way to Do It, Daily Worker, December 1, 1947

Jewish State Faces the Future,, Joseph Starobin, Daily Worker, December 1, 1947

Daily Worker Editorial: Enforce the UN Decision, Daily Worker, December 3, 1947

Jewish Agency Hits British Sabotage, Demands Arms, Daily Worker, December 18, 1947

Palestine: What Now?, A.B. Magil, December 1947

Safeguard the Jewish State!, A Statement by the Morning Freiheit Association, Jewish Life, January 1948

Wall Street Sells Out the Jewish State, Alexander Bittelman 1948

Jewish Life Editorial: Jewish Realignment, February 1948

New Tasks and Realignments in the Struggle for the Jewish State in Palestine, Alexander Bittelman, Political Affairs, February 1948

Palestine; Certain Ideological Questions Concerning Zionism, [excerpted from the pamphlet To Secure Jewish Rights: The Communist Position, Alexander Bittelman, March 1948

Jewish Life Editorial: That the Jewish State May Live.... June 1948

Salute to Israel, Soviet Russia Today, June 1948

Jewish Life Editorial: Honor is Departed from Thy Gates July 1948

Jewish Life Editorial: Bernadotte Comes Through August 1948

War and Peace in Israel, A. B. Magil, August 1948

The New State of Israel, Alexander Bittelman, Political Affairs, August 1948

Jewish Life Editorial: The Arab Liberation Movement November 1948


What We Did: The American Jewish Communist Left and the Establishment of the State of Israel, Dorothy M. Zellner 2019


Trotskyist Parties

Revolutionary Communist League (Mandatory Palestine)

The Trotskyist Position in Palestine: Against the Stream, Kol Ham'amad 1948


Socialist Workers Party (U.S.)

U.S. Imperialist Treachery on Palestine, Irving Dale 1948

Editorial: The Arab-Jewish War in Palestine, The Militant 1948

Zionism and the Middle East. The Aftermath of the Jewish-Arab War, S. Munier [Gabriel Baer] 1949


The Workers Party (U.S.)

What's Ahead for Palestine?, Al Findley 1948

Partition One Thing; Aid to Jews Another, Albert Goldman 1948

War of Independence or Expansion?, Labor Action 1948

How to Defend Israel. A Political Program for Israeli Socialists, Hal Draper 1948


Other currents

Socialist Party of Great Britain

Palestine and its Problems, Gilbert McClatchie 1948


Independent Writers

New Palestine Party: Visit of Menachem Begin and Aims of Political Movement Discussed (Letter to the New York Times), Albert Einstein et al. 1948

The Birth of Israel, Jean-Paul Sartre 1949


Israel's Early Years, the 1956 Suez Crisis, 1967 Six Day War, 1973 Yom Kippur War


Social Democratic and Left Socialist Parties

Jewish Workers' Bund

Jews Under the Islam, Jewish Labor Bund Bulletin, Vol. II, No. 13, January 1949
What Next in Israel?, Jewish Labor Bund Bulletin, Vol. II, No. 15, March 1949
The New Immigrants to Israel, Jewish Labor Bund Bulletin, Vol. II, Nos. 18-19, June-July 1949
The New Immigrants to Israel, Jewish Labor Bund Bulletin, Vol. IV, Nos. 3-5, March-May 1951
Jewish-Arab Relations, Jewish Labor Bund Bulletin, Vol. V, Nos. 13-14, January-February 1952
Israel Passes a Discriminatory Law, by Dr. B. Hoffman (Zivion) Jewish Labor Bund Bulletin, Vol. V, Nos. 15-17, March-May 1952
Israel's Arab Neighbors, by I. Artuski, Jewish Labor Bund Bulletin, Vol. V, Nos. 18-24, June-December 1952


United Workers Party of Israel (Mapam)

World Conference for Peace: Israeli United Front [Communist Party and MAPAM] 1949
World Conference for Peace: We Are Not Alone, by Meyer Yaari, Jewish Life, June 1949
New Phase in Israel, by Dr. Moshe Sneh, Jewish Life, August 1949
Interview with Dr. Sneh, Jewish Life, November 1949
Israel Is In Danger, Moshe Sneh, March 1953
Israel and Asian Liberation, Dr. Moshe Sneh, Jewish Life, September 1954
Dr. Sneh and the Israeli CP, Jewish Life, January 1955
The Expulsion of Israel From the UN – What Purpose Would It Serve? 1975
The Palestinian Problem in MAPAM: The Middle East, International Affairs 1985


Mainstream Communist Parties

Communist Party of the Soviet Union

Anglo-American Rivalry in the Middle East, by H. Salimjanov, 1949
Answer to a Letter, [on Israel and Zionism] by Ilya Ehrenburg, 1949
Suez: The Soviet View 1956
Soviet People Against Aggression in Egypt 1956
The Middle East. Soviet Statements: January-August 1958
On Soviet Policy following the Israeli Aggression in the Middle East, Report By L.I. Brezhnev to the Plenum of The Central Committee of the CPSU, 20 June 1967
Middle East: Way to a Just Peace. Questions and Answers 1970
The USSR and the Middle East. Problems of Peace and Security: 1947-1971 [Documents and Other Materials] 1972
The fourth Arab-Israeli war, by Prof. Y. Primakov [World Marxist Review, December 1973]
The Soviet Union and the Palestine Liberation Organization: An Uneasy Alliance, by Galia Golan 1980
Zionism and Israel against the Arab People of Palestine, by Yevgeny Primakov [from the book Zionism Enemy of Peace and Social Progress] 1981
Indicted for Crimes. Documents of the International Commission of Inquiry into Israeli Crimes against the Lebanese and Palestinian Peoples, August-November 1982
USSR Support for the Arab People of Palestine 1982
The Palestine Question: Documents adopted by the United Nations and other international organisations and conferences 1984
Zionist Ideas as Reflected in Israeli Government Policy on a Middle East Settlement in the Early 1980s, by Ye. Demitriyev [from the book Zionism Enemy of Peace and Social Progress, Issue Number 3] 1984
The Tragedy of the Palestinian People, by Ye. Demitriyev, 1984
The Palestine Problem: Aggression, Resistance, Ways of Settlement 1984
Zionism Counts on Terror, by Sergei Sedov 1984
Condemned by History. Israel's Cooperation with Racists and Reactionary Regimes, by Anatoli Agaryshev 1985
Zionism Through the Statements of its Leaders, by Lionel Dadiani 1986


Communist Party of China

China Backs Arab People's Just Struggle, Peking Review, Number 12, March 19, 1965


The Chinese People Firmly Support the Arab People's Struggle Against Aggression 1967

The Palestinian and Other Arab Peoples Will Win! 1970

Statement of the Government of the People's Republic of China, Peking Review, Number 39, September 25, 1970

US Imperialism Engineers Large-Scale Armed Suppression of Palestinian Guerrillas in Jordan, Peking Review, Number 39, September 25, 1970

Palestinian and Other Arab People Are Not to Be Intimidated, Peking Review, Number 40, September 30, 1970

A Sinister Political Trap, Peking Review, Number 46, November 13, 1970

US Imperialism Is Chief Wire-Puller in Suppression of Palestinian Guerrillas, Peking Review, Number 4, January 22, 1971

"Palestinian State" Scheme Rejected, Peking Review, Number 10, March 5, 1971

Salute Heroic Palestinian People, Peking Review, Number 19, May 7, 1971

Special Section: "Palestine International Week" in Peking, Peking Review, Number 20, May 14, 1971

US Imperialism, Arch-Criminal in Suppressing Palestinian Guerrillas, Peking Review, Number 31, July 30, 1971

Resolute Support for the Palestinian People's Counter-Blows at Attacks by Jordanian Reactionaries, Peking Review, Number 31, July 30, 1971

Armed Struggle in the Gaza Strip, Peking Review, Number 43, October 22, 1971

"Humanism" of Soviet Revisionism Unmasked, Peking Review, Number 53, December 31, 1971

Imperialism, Colonialism, Zionism is Terrorism, Peking Review, Number 49, December 8, 1972

Israel Pushes Zionization in Occupied Territories, Peking Review, Number 29, July 20, 1973

Arab People's Cause Against Aggression is Invincible, Peking Review, Number 42, October 19, 1973

Arab People Resist Israeli Aggressors, Peking Review, Number 42, October 19, 1973

Arab Struggle Against Common Enemy, by Cheng Kung Peking Review, Number 43, October 25, 1973

Why Has Soviet Revisionism Changed Its Tune on the Middle East?, Peking Review, Number 44, November 1, 1974

Palestine: Ten Years of Armed Struggle, Peking Review, Number 2, January 10, 1975

Soviet Betrayal of Palestinian People, Peking Review, Number 36, September 3, 1976


Communist Party of Israel (MAKI)

Jewish and Arab Communists Unite 1948

World Conference for Peace: Israeli United Front [Communist Party and MAPAM] 1949

Israeli Communists and Immigration, Samuel Mikunis, Jewish Life, September 1949

Peace Front in Israel, 1950

Who Endangers Israel's Security?, Esther Vilenska 1950

Dr. Sneh and the Israeli CP, Jewish Life, January 1955

An Act of Unity, Sam Lipshitz, Jewish Life, January 1955

Light on Israeli Policy, S. Mikunis [Labour Monthly, February 1956]

Israel, [on the Suez crisis] S. Mikunis 1957

Israeli Socialism?, Eliezer Feiler [Labour Monthly, February 1963]

Expropriation of Arab Land in Israel, Tawfiq Toubi [Labour Monthly, March 1965]

War and Peace in the Middle East, articles by Moshe Sneh, S. Mikunis, Esther Vilenska, Paul Novick, et al 1967

Outline for Israel's Path to Socialism [Theses for the 16th Congress of the Communist Party of Israel], Esther Vilenska 1968

The Real Gain For Israel Is a Peace Agreement, Esther Vilenska 1972

A Peace Medal For Yasir Arafat, Esther Vilenska 1975

Israeli Communists Differ On New Interim Agreement 1975

Israel-Egypt Interim Agreement Debated By Israeli Left 1975


Communist Party of Israel [MAKI] Information Bulletin [1966-1970]


New Communist List/Communist Party of Israel (Rakah)

Present Developments in Israel, Meir Vilner, [World Marxist Review, April 1967]

Interview with Meir Vilner, [World Marxist Review Information Bulletin, Volume 6, No. 13, 1968]

From the Theses for the 16th Congress of the Communist Party of Israel, Part 1, [World Marxist Review Information Bulletin, Volume 7, Nos. 5-6, 1969]

From the Theses for the 16th Congress of the Communist Party of Israel, Part 2, [World Marxist Review Information Bulletin, Volume 7, Nos. 7-8, 1969]

Israel and the Middle East, Tawfiq Toubi [Labour Monthly, February 1969]

Middle East: The Path to Peace, Tawfiq Toubi [Labour Monthly, March 1969]

Speech of Meir Vilner to the International Conference of Communist and Workers' Parties, Moscow, June 1969

Two Years Since the June 1967 War, Meir Vilner 1969

The Road to Peace in the Middle East, Wolf Ehrlich [Political Affairs, August 1969]

About the Idea of a Palestinian State, Emile Touma 1970


The Palestinian Question at the Present Stage of Development, Meir Vilner, [Jewish Affairs, [CPUSA] October 1970]

Resolutions of the 15th Plenary Meeting, CC, Communist Party of Israel, [World Marxist Review Information Bulletin, Volume 9, Nos. 3-4, 1971]

Interview with Meir Vilner, [World Marxist Review Information Bulletin, Volume 9, No. 9, 1971]

We Shall Struggle to Prevent the Renewing of Battles, for Establishment of a Just and Lasting Peace!, Statement of the CC of the Communist Party of Israel on the Occasion of the 4th Anniversary of the June War 1971

Nevertheless It Does Move, and Will Go on Moving! 4 Years After the June War, Wolf Ehrlich 1971

The New Face of the Old Horror Policy, Abraham Melamed, member of the CC of the CP of Israel [Jewish Affairs, [CPUSA] August-September 1971]

Political Bureau Statement: Decision on "Historical Right" Sabotage of Peace Prospects, [World Marxist Review Information Bulletin, Volume 10, Nos. 6-7, 1972]

17th Congress of Israeli Communist Party, [World Marxist Review Information Bulletin, Volume 10, Nos. 16-17, 1972]

17th Congress of Israeli Communist Party, (continued) [World Marxist Review Information Bulletin, Volume 10, Nos. 18-19, 1972]

A Disastrous Course, Meir Vilner [Jewish Affairs, [CPUSA] July-August 1973]

From Ceasefire to Peace, Statement of the Political Bureau of the CP of Israel [Jewish Affairs, [CPUSA] December 1973]

Let Us Secure the Lives of Our Children and of Israel by a Just and Lasting Peace, Speech of Meir Vilner in Knesset [Jewish Affairs, [CPUSA] December 1973]

The Palestine Question: Heart of the Middle East Conflict, Emile Touma, [Jewish Affairs, [CPUSA] March-April 1974]

Heroes of the War, Meir Vilner [The African Communist, #56, First Quarter 1974]

On the Zionist Ideological Crisis, Emile Touma, [Jewish Affairs, [CPUSA] September-December 1974]

Israeli CP Leaders Condemn Terror Against Civilians 1975

Healthy Forces in Israel, Wolf Ehrlich 1975

Zionism – Is It Racist? Two Statements on the UN Resolution, Hyman Lumer, Meir Vilner 1975

The Jewish-Arab Democratic Front for Peace and Equality, [Jewish Affairs, [CPUSA] March-April 1977]

The War on the Palestinians, Emile Habibi, [Jewish Affairs, [CPUSA] November-December 1977]

The Israeli Occupation, Felicia Langer, [Jewish Affairs, [CPUSA] May-July 1978]

Why Sadat Failed, Tawfiq Toubi, [Jewish Affairs, [CPUSA] May-July 1978]

The Separate Agreement is an Alliance Benefiting Foreign Interests, Speech by Tawfiq Toubi in the Knesset [Jewish Affairs, [CPUSA] May-June 1979]

Darkness and Light in Israel, Wolf Ehrlich [Jewish Affairs, [CPUSA] November-December 1980]

Break the vicious circle of bloodshed, Meir Vilner 1982

Leave Lebanon Immediately! Stop the Murder and Destruction!, [Jewish Affairs, [CPUSA] July-August 1982]

The Political Reality of Israel, Wolf Ehrlich [Jewish Affairs, [CPUSA] July-August 1983]

Lessons for Israel, Meir Vilner, [Jewish Affairs, [CPUSA] January-February 1984]

Confrontation and Prospects, Meir Vilner, [Jewish Affairs, [CPUSA] March-April 1984]

The Israeli Terrorists and Their Abettors, Meir Vilner, [Jewish Affairs, [CPUSA] May-June 1984]

Danger of New Imperialist Aggression in the Middle East, Tawfiq Toubi, [Jewish Affairs, [CPUSA] May-June 1984]

Anti-Fascist Unity Key in Israel, Meir Vilner, [Jewish Affairs, [CPUSA] July-August 1984]

Israel After the Election, Meir Vilner, [Jewish Affairs, [CPUSA] March-April 1985]

The Invasion of Lebanon: A Disaster for Israeli Policy, Wolf Ehrlich

Basic Policy of the Government is the Root of Evil!, Meir Vilner [Jewish Affairs, [CPUSA] November-December 1985]

A Profound Analysis and a Realistic Policy, George Toubi 1986

Condemned to Exile, Felicia Langer 1986

Two Texts: "The Only Way To Peace," by Meir Vilner, General Secretary of the Communist Party of Israel and "We Are Optimists," by Yasser Arafat, Chairman, Executive Committee of the PLO, [World Marxist Review, September 1987]

Who Is Setting the Militaristic Pace?, George Toubi, Secretary, CC, Communist Party of Israel [World Marxist Review, May 1988]


Communist Party of Israel [RAKAH] Information Bulletin [1966-1970]


Jordanian Communist Party

Deepening of the Political Crisis in Jordan, Fuad Nassar, First Secretary, Jordanian Communist Party [World Marxist Review, March 1967]
Speech of Fuad Nassar, First Secretary, Jordanian Communist Party to the International Conference of Communist and Workers' Parties, Moscow, June 1969
Repulse Imperialist-Zionist Aggression, Form a Government of National Unity, Resolution of the CC, Jordanian Communist Party [World Marxist Review Information Bulletin, Volume 7, Number 15, 1969]
Programme for National Palestinian Unity, Naim Ashhab, Political Bureau Member, CC Jordanian Communist Party, early 1970s
Conference of the Communist Parties of Jordan, Syria, Iraq and Lebanon,[World Marxist Review Information Bulletin, Volume 9, Nos. 3-4, 1971]
A new Development in the Balance of Strength in the Middle East, Faik Warrad, CC First Secretary, Jordanian Communist Party [World Marxist Review, May 1983]
Arab CPs Reject [Israeli-Lebanese] Accord, [P.F.L.P. Bulletin, Number 67, Summer 1983]
What is Behind the Royal Decision?, Salem Said, [World Marxist Review, November 1988]


Lebanese Communist Party

Program of the Lebanese Communist Party and Ways of Implementing It, Adopted at the Second Congress, July 1968, [World Marxist Review Information Bulletin, Volume 7, No.2, 1969]


Speech of the Head of the Lebanese Communist Party Delegation to the International Conference of Communist and Workers' Parties, Moscow, June 1969
Conference of the Communist Parties of Jordan, Syria, Iraq and Lebanon, [World Marxist Review Information Bulletin, Volume 9, Nos. 3-4, 1971]
Plenary Meeting of the CC, Lebanese Communist Party on Upcoming Third Congress, [World Marxist Review Information Bulletin, Volume 9, Nos. 18-19, 1971]
Speech Given by Comrade Nicolas Chaoui, General Secretary of the Communist Party of Lebanon at a Beirut rally commemorating the 6th anniversary of the DFLP 1975
Unity is the Best Road to Victory, George Haoui, General Secretary, Lebanese Communist Party [Tricontinental, Numbers 67-68 1980]
Many Streams Make a River, Maurice Nhora, Lebanese Communist Party [Tricontinental, Numbers 67-68 1980]
Synopsis of Interview with Georges Batal, member, Political Bureau, CC, Lebanese Communist Party, [P.F.L.P. Bulletin, Number 57, December 1981]
Arab CPs Reject [Israeli-Lebanese] Accord, [P.F.L.P. Bulletin, Number 67, Summer 1983]
Interview with George Hawi, General Secretary of the Lebanese Communist Party, [Democratic Palestine, Number 2, March 1984]
A Dangerous Crossroads, Georges Batal, member, Political Bureau, CC, Lebanese Communist Party [World Marxist Review, February 1989]
The Communist Movement in Syria and Lebanon, Tareq Y. Ismael and Jacqueline S. Ismael, 1998]


Communist Party оf Great Britain

War Moves Over the Middle East, by Clemens Dutt, New World Review, March 1952
Zionism, Andrew Rothstein, Labour Monthly, March 1953
The Suez Question, by "Quaestor", Labour Monthly, September 1956
The Invasion of Egypt, by "Quaestor", Labour Monthly, December 1956
Israel and the Arab Middle East, R. Palme Dutt 1957
'Take-over Bid' for Israel, Lazar Zaidman [Labour Monthly, April 1960]
A Peace Policy for Israel, Ivor Montagu [Labour Monthly, September 1969]
Middle East: War or Peace?, Sid Douglas [Labour Monthly, December 1969]


The British Communist Party and Israel: From the Establishment of the Jewish State to the Invasion of Lebanon, from June Edmunds' The Left's Views on Israel: From the Establishment of the Jewish State to the Intifada, 2013


Communist Party, USA

I Meet the Arab Progressives, A.B. Magil, January 1949

How Israel Voted, A.B. Magil, March 1949

Class Forces in Israel's Fight for Independence, A.B. Magil, Political Affairs, March 1949

Zionism and the State of Israel, Part I; Part II; Part III; Part IV; Part V Moses Miller, March-September 1949

Immigration Crisis in Israel, A.B. Magil, July 1949

Israel at the Crossroads, A.B. Magil, October 1949

Jewish Life Editorial: Israel – Second Anniversary, 1950

For a United-Front Policy Among the Jewish People – Sharpen the Struggle Against Bourgeois Nationalism, John Williamson 1950

Jerusalem, National Independence and Peace, Alexander Bittelman July 1950

Israel in Crisis, A. B. Magil 1950

What Program for U.S. Zionism?, Louis Harap 1952

Israel and Dollar Diplomacy, Victor Perlo 1953

Roots of the Arab-Israel Crisis, Louis Harap 1954

Which Way Israel?, A. B. Magil 1956

The Arab Refugee Question, A. B. Magil 1958

Which Way Israel?, Hyman Lumer 1966

The Middle East Crisis, Hyman Lumer 1967

Arabs and Israelis: The Broken Peace, Tom Foley 1967

War and Peace in the Middle East, 1967

Appraising the Middle East War, Alberto Moreau [Political Affairs, October 1967

Israel Today: War or Peace?, Hyman Lumer 1970

Statement on the Middle East, Adopted by the Political Committee, CPUSA. April 9,1970 [Jewish Affairs, June 1970]

New Hope for Peace in the Middle East, Statement of the Political Committee, CPUSA, August 6,1970 [Jewish Affairs, August 1970]

For a Just and Durable Peace in the Middle East, Herbert Aptheker [Jewish Affairs, December 1970]

The Middle East Crisis: Who is Responsible?, Louis Harap 1971

The Middle East: Which Way to Peace?, Herbert Aptheker 1971

Israel: Image and Reality, Carl Bloice 1973

Zionism: Its Role in World Politics, Hyman Lumer 1973

The Palestinian Question and the Middle East Conflict, Hyman Lumer, [Political Affairs, January 1975

Zionism – Is It Racist? Two Statements on the UN Resolution, Hyman Lumer, Meir Vilner 1975

Resolution on the Middle East [Jewish Affairs, July-August 1975]

The Zionist Movement Revisited, Louis Harap 1976

Zionist Robbery and Brutality in the West Bank, Hyman Lumer [Jewish Affairs, March-April 1976]

On the Present Situation in the Middle East, Text of a resolution issued recently by the Central Committee, CPUSA [Jewish Affairs, July-August 1977]

Camp David: Framework for Conflict, Statement of the Central Committee, CPUSA [Jewish Affairs, October-November 1978]


Communist Party of Cuba

Cuba's Position on the Middle East Crisis, 1967


World Marxist Review

Documents of the Conference of Arab Communist and Workers' Parties, July 1968, [World Marxist Review Information Bulletin, Volume 6, Nos. 17-18, 1968]
Statement in Support of the Just Struggle of Arab Peoples Against Israeli Aggression, Adopted at the International Conference of Communist and Workers' Parties, June 1969 [World Marxist Review Information Bulletin, Volume 7, No. 12, 1969]
A People in Exile. Facts About the Condition of the Palestinian Arab People, [World Marxist Review, February 1980]
The right to a homeland. Communists of the Arab Countries on the Palestinian Problem, [World Marxist Review, September 1980]
Two Texts: "The Only Way To Peace," by Meir Vilner, General Secretary of the Communist Party of Israel and "We Are Optimists," by Yasser Arafat, Chairman, Executive Committee of the PLO, [World Marxist Review, September 1987]
Who Is Setting the Militaristic Pace?, George Toubi, Secretary, CC, Communist Party of Israel [World Marxist Review, May 1988]


Organization of Solidarity with the Peoples of Africa, Asia and Latin America (OSPAAL)

Manifesto from the Palestinian National Liberation Front (G.T.F.), [Tricontinental Bulletin, Number 34, January 1969]

Algeria: NLF's 10 Points on Palestine, [Tricontinental Bulletin, Number 36, March 1969]

Israel's New Expansionist Attacks, [Tricontinental Bulletin, Number 36, March 1969]

Arab Peoples: the revolutionary response to falseness, [Tricontinental Bulletin, Number 41, August 1969]


In the Face of a New Zionist Assault, [Tricontinental Bulletin, Number 45, December 1969]

Peoples' War: Decisive Path for the Palestinians, [Tricontinental Bulletin, Number 45, December 1969]

Palestine: Middle East battle trench, [Tricontinental Bulletin, Number 46, January 1970]

Middle East: Support for the Revolutionary Line, [Tricontinental Bulletin, Number 49, April 1970]

Plunder and Dignity, by Steffan Beckman [Tricontinental, Number 23, 1971]

Boomerang for Israel, by Osvaldo Ortega [Tricontinental, Number 26, 1971]

From a Palestine Ghetto, by Osvaldo Ortega [Tricontinental Bulletin, Number 62, May 1971]

Palestine: People's Revolution, Interview with Yasser Arafat, [Tricontinental Bulletin, Number 66, September 1971]

The Palestinian Resistance: Crux of the Arab Struggle, Interview with Comrade Mohammad Massoun, Republic of Syria representative to the OSPAAAL Executive Secretariat [Tricontinental Bulletin, Number 70, January 1972]

The Lebanese and the War, by Domingo del Pinto [Tricontinental Bulletin, Numbers 74-75, May-June 1972]

Definitions of a Battle, by Nayef Hawatmeh [Tricontinental, Number 31, July-August 1972]

A Difficult Coexistence, by Domingo del Pinto, [Tricontinental Bulletin, Number 82, 1973]

The Beginning of a Destiny, [speech at the Congress of the General Union of Palestinian Students] by Houari Boumediene, [Tricontinental, Number 40, September-October 1974]

Israeli Education Policy for the Palestinian Arabs,[Tricontinental, Number 40, September-October 1974]

Lebanon: fifth war with Israel?, by Alcibiades Hidalgo [Tricontinental Bulletin, Number 107, 1977]

For Lebanese Unity and Arabism, by George Haouli et al [Tricontinental, Number 64, 1979]

In Defense of Palestine's Cultural Heritage, by Walid Salim Yusef, [Tricontinental, Number 97, January 1985]


Afro-Asian People's Solidarity Organization

Emergency International Conference in Solidarity with the People of Palestine and National Lebanese Forces 1976
AAPSO's Consistent Stand on the Cause of Palestinian People and the Arab Peoples 1980
The Palestinian Legend 1982
First Meeting of the AAPSO Arab Solidarity Committees 1983

Trotskyist Parties and Organisations

Socialist Workers Party / International Socialists (UK)

Israel and Imperialism (A brief analysis), N. Israeli 1968

Palestine: Guerilla Organisations, Ibrahim Ali 1969

Palestine, Ibrahim Ali 1971

The Struggle to Liberate Palestine in Israel: The Hijack State, John Rose 1986

Palestinian Nationalism and the Arab Revolution, Phil Marfleet 1986


Socialist Workers Party (U.S.)

The Arab-Israeli War: Yost’s Analysis, Peter Buch 1968

Burning Issues of the Mid-East Crisis, Peter Buch 1969

Palestinian Liberation and Israel, Peter Buch 1969

Resolution on Israel and the Arab Revolution, adopted at the Twenty-Fourth National Convention of the SWP 1971

Israel and the Arab Revolution, Gus Horowitz 1973


Independent Socialist League (U.S.)

The Jewish Question and Israel, Resolution adopted by the Independent Socialist League 1951

Israel on its 4th Anniversary, Al Findley 1952

Israel's Arab Minority: The Beginning of a Tragedy, Hal Draper 1956

Israel's Arab Minority: The Great Land Robbery, Hal Draper 1957


American Socialist magazine

The Arab-Israeli Conflict, A Jewish Socialist 1957


World Outlook magazine

The Israeli Victory — a Setback for the Antiwar Movement, 1967

Bertrand Russell Scores Israel as Aggressor / Israeli Communist Party Backs Israel’s Aggression, 1967


Socialist Action magazine (U.S.)

Crisis of leadership in PLO, Ralph Schoenman 1983

Evolution of PLO strategy for Palestinian revolution, Ralph Schoenman 1987


Socialist Viewpoint magazine (Workers' Socialist League U.K.)

What's new since Lebanese invasion 1984


On Palestine, Nahuel Moreno 1982-1985


The New Left

United States

Arab-Israeli Debate: Toward A Socialist Solution, Jewish Liberation Project vs. Committee to Support Middle East Liberation 1970

The Way to Peace: Two Peoples, Two States, Robbie (Scholem) Skeist for the Chutzpah Collective 1975

Guilt Tripping: The Middle East Debate in the National Lawyers Guild, Steven Lubet and Mirian Henriquez Nudel 1976


Socialist Register

Israel, Palestine and Zionism, Marcel Liebman 1970


News and Letters

Historic roots of Israel-Palestine conflict, Raya Dunayevskaya 1980, 1982



Socialist Organisation in Israel / Matzpen

Peace, Peace, When There Is No Peace (Israel and the Arabs 1948-1961), N. Israeli (Akiva Orr and Moshé Machover) 1961

Some Remarks Concerning the Left in Israel, 1966

Matzpen. A Collection of Political Statements, 1967-1971

Matzpen. A Collection of Political Statements, 1967-1969

Zionism and Palestine, Akiva Orr 1971



The War in the Middle East Class Against Class 1973

Israel-Palestine: For a class analysis Workers International Newsletter 1974

Nationalism hurts Palestinian revolution Workers International Newsletter 1974

Correspondence with a Palestinian Revolutionary Workers International Newsletter 1974

Palestine: Ten Years of Armed Struggle Peking Review 1975

Resolution on Palestine, Second International Meeting of Marxist-Leninist Parties and Organizations 1984


The Palestinian Resistance

General Documents

The Palestinian Resistance Movement (in early 1969), Gerard Chaliand in Le Monde Diplomatique 1969

Basic Political Documents of the Armed Palestinian Resistance Movement (Fatah, PLO, PDFLP and PFLP), Leila S. Kadi 1969

Palestine Lives. Interviews with Leaders of the Resistance, 1973

National Reconciliation Document of Palestinian Prisoners Inside Israeli Prisons, Fatah, Hamas, DFLP, PFLP & Islamic Jihad Movement 2006

The Palestinian Resistance Before Black September, Jeff Abalos 2013

[See also Publications of the PLO's Palestine Research Center]


The Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO)

Proclamation of the Establishment of the PLO 1964

Palestinian National Charter 1964

Palestinian National Charter 1968

The Expulsion of the Palestine Arabs from their Homeland. A Dark Page in Jewish History, Dr. Izzat Tannous 1968

Palestine: Illustrated Political History, Prepared and designed by Ismail Shammout [PLO Cultural Arts Section] 1972

The Other Face of Palestinian Resistance early 1970s

Who Are the Palestinians? Profile of a Nation early 1970s

Political Program of the PLO 1974

For a Comprehensive Peace in the Middle East, Zehdi Labib Terzi, P.L.O. Representative to the United Nations [Jewish Affairs, [CPUSA] January-February 1982]

Two Texts: "The Only Way To Peace," by Meir Vilner, General Secretary of the Communist Party of Israel and "We Are Optimists," by Yasser Arafat, Chairman, Executive Committee of the PLO, [World Marxist Review, September 1987]

Communiqué of the 19th Extraordinary Session of the Palestine National Council 1988

Palestinian Declaration of Independence 1988

Address to the UN Security Council on the Situation in the Occupied Palestinian Territories, Yassir Arafat 1990

Nakba: The Untold Story of a Cultural Catastrophe


Palestinian National Liberation Movement (Fatah)

El Fateh 1960s

Constitution 1960s

Palestinian Women lead a demonstration in Gaza protesting the destruction of their homes by bulldozers

Fatah: The Freedom Fighters 1960s

Revolution Until Victory 1960s

Political and Armed Struggle 1960s

Press Release Number 1 1968

Address by the Al-Fateh Delegation to the Second International Conference in Support of the Arab Peoples, Cairo, January 1969

A Dialogue with Fateh 1969

Deir Yassin, 1948; Zeita, Beit Nuba and Yalu, 1967 1969

Why Did the Palestinians Leave Palestine in 1948? 1969

Message from Fateh to the Lebanese People 1969

Towards a Democratic State in Palestine 1970

The Palestinian Freedom Fighters and the World Press 1970?

Fatah, Volume 3, Number 1, March 23, 1971

Black September: An Organized Retreat. Interview with Yasser Arafat, [from the book Palestine. The Arab-Israeli Conflict. A Ramparts Press Reader] 1970

Palestine: People's Revolution: Interview with Yasser Arafat, [published in Tricontinental, Year VI, September 1971]

Interview with Khalid Al-Hassan, [published in Shu'un Falistinyya ('Palestine Affairs'), early 1972]

Interview with Abu Iyad, [published in Shu'un Falistinyya ('Palestine Affairs'), early 1972]

They Claim There is No Resistance [poetry] early 1970s

Palestine and the United Nations. The full text of Yasser Arafat's speech to the 29th Session of the UN General Assembly 1974

Lenin's Ideas, the Palestinian Revolutionary Struggle and the Development of Relations with the Soviet Union, by Majed Abu Sharar [published in Tricontinental, Number 82, 1982]


Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine

Founding Statement of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine 1967

The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine on People's War 1969

Resistance Until Victory [Strategy for Liberation] 1969

The Military Strategy of the P.F.L.P. 1970


Skyjack: An Interview with Leila Khaled, [from the book Palestine. The Arab-Israeli Conflict. A Ramparts Press Reader] 1970

Diary of a [PFLP] Resistance Fighter, [from the book Palestine. The Arab-Israeli Conflict. A Ramparts Press Reader] 1970

The Popular Front and External Operations 1971

PFLP and the September Attack: An Interview with Ghassan Kannafani, [from the book Palestine. The Arab-Israeli Conflict. A Ramparts Press Reader] 1971

"Hands off the Milita!" 1971

Tasks of the New Stage [Political Report of the PFLP's Third National Congress] 1972

No Longer a Refugee, by Leila Khaled 1972

Interview with George Habash, [published in Shu'un Falistinyya ('Palestine Affairs'), early 1972]

The 1936-39 Revolt in Palestine, by Ghassan Kannafani 1972

My People Shall Live. The Autobiography of a Revolutionary, by Leila Khaled 1973

Ghassan Kanafani, by Anni Kanafani 1973

Habash: Liberation Not Negotiation [interview with Il Manifesto] P.F.L.P. Bulletin, Number 9, March 9, 1974; Number 10, April 10, 1974

Hawatmeh-Burchett: Fact or Fancy?, P.F.L.P. Bulletin, Number 11, May-June 1974

PFLP Statement on Withdrawal from the PLO Executive Committee, P.F.L.P. Bulletin, Number 13, September-October 1974

Interview with Comrade George Habash, P.F.L.P. Bulletin, Number 13, September-October 1974

Comrade George Habash Outlines PFLP Policy in a Press Conference P.F.L.P. Bulletin, Number 13, September-October 1974

The Palestinian Revolution and the National Democratic Struggle P.F.L.P. Bulletin, Number 16, March-April 1975

Comrade Habash Speaks on May Day 1980

Political Report of the PFLP's Fourth National Congress 1981

Interview with Comrade Habash P.F.L.P. Bulletin, Number 59, February 1982

The Palestinian Communist Party P.F.L.P. Bulletin, Number 61, April 1982

PFLP Central Committee Report P.F.L.P. Bulletin, Number 61, April 1982

PFLP Marks Women's Day, Speech by George Habash, P.F.L.P. Bulletin, Number 61, April 1982

DFLP-PFLP Joint Communique P.F.L.P. Bulletin, Number 67, Summer 1983

DFLP-PFLP Joint Political-Military Command P.F.L.P. Bulletin, Number 67, Summer 1983

PFLP-DFLP: For Left Unity P.F.L.P. Bulletin, Number 68, Fall 1983

PFLP-DFLP Program for Unity and Democratic Reform in the PLO P.F.L.P. Bulletin, Number 69, Winter 1983

Comrade Habash: The Crisis: Roots and Solutions 1983

Joint Communique: PFLP-DFLP Joint Command, Palestinian Liberation Front, Palestinian Communist Party Democratic Palestine, Number 1, January 1984

Interview with Comrade Habash Democratic Palestine, Number 1, January 1984

PFLP-DFLP Warn Defeatists Democratic Palestine, Number 2, February 1984

Joint Communique: PFLP-DFLP Joint Command, Palestinian Liberation Front, Palestinian Communist Party Democratic Palestine, Number 3, May 1984

Political Statement Issued by the PFLP Central Committee Democratic Palestine, Number 3, March 1984

PFLP Position Paper: The National Democratic Revolution Democratic Palestine, Number 3, March 1984

Translation of the Preface to the Third Arabic Edition of "Tasks of the New Stage" 1989

Interview with George Habash 1990

Political Program of the PFLP's Fifth National Congress 1993

Towards a New Political Vision: The PFLP's Sixth National Conference 2000

A Radical Voice from Palestine: Recent Documents from the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine 2002

Statement by the PFLP Political Bureau 2002

The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine in Decline (1982-2007). Political Agency and Marginalisation, by Francesco Saverio Leopardi 2017


Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine (DFLP) (Also known as the Democratic Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (DPFLP)

The Political Report of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, [the August Program][document produced by elements of the PFLP who would go on to form the DFLP] 1968

Introduction to the Democratic Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, by the Committees for Solidarity with the Palestinian Revolution, 1969

A Democratic Solution for the Palestinian Problem, by Nayef Hawatmeh 1970

Towards a Democratic Solution to the Palestinian Question 1970


Interview with Nayef Hawatmeh: For a Multiracial State in Palestine Intercontinental Press, March 9, 1970

Three Articles: Terrorism and Revolutionary Violence; the Role of the Party; the Leninist Struggle Against Zionism 1970

September Counter-Revolution in Jordan, Part 1 Palestine Resistance Bulletin, Number 6, February 1971; Parts 2-3 Palestine Resistance Bulletin, Number 7, March 1971

Nayef Hawatmeh interview with Le Monde, Resistance in the Middle East, Number 2, Spring 1971

In Beirut Interview Hawatmeh Fears Sell-Out of Palestinians Intercontinental Press, April 5, 1971

DFLP Proposals to the 8th Palestinian National Congress Palestine Resistance Bulletin, Number 8, May 1971

Internationalist Position of DPFLP Palestine Resistance Bulletin, Number 9, June 1971

Present Tasks of the Resistance: DPFLP Proposals to the 9th Palestinian National Congress Palestine Resistance Bulletin, Number 10, October 1971

DPFLP Women: Notes around the Question of Women's Liberation Palestine Resistance Bulletin, Number 10, October 1971

The DPFLP on the 1936 Revolution Palestine Resistance Bulletin, Number 11, 1971

The DPFLP Enters its 4th Year Palestine Resistance Bulletin, Number 12, February-March 1972

Interview with Nayef Hawatmeh on the DPFLP's International Position Palestine Resistance Bulletin, Number 12, February-March 1972

Interview with Nayef Hawatmeh, [published in Shu'un Falistinyya ('Palestine Affairs'), early 1972]

The Popular Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine [from the book The Palestinian Resistance, by Gerard Chaliand] 1972

With the PDFLP [from the book The Palestinian Resistance, by Gerard Chaliand] 1972

Definitions of a Battle, by Nayef Hawatmeh [Tricontinental, Number 31, July-August 1972]

Interview with Nayef Hawatmeh 1974

A Year's Struggle, A Year's Victories: On the Occasion of the Sixth Anniversary of the D.F.L.P. 1975

The Political Program of the DFLP 1975

D.F.L.P. Report, No number, No date [1975]

D.F.L.P. Report, Number 12, 1975

The Palestinian Revolution. The Right to Self-Determination and the Independent State 1977

The Palestinian Revolution and the Confrontation Front. Interview with Nayef Hawatmeh 1978

DFLP-PFLP Joint Communique P.F.L.P. Bulletin, Number 67, Summer 1983

DFLP-PFLP Joint Political-Military Command P.F.L.P. Bulletin, Number 67, Summer 1983

PFLP-DFLP: For Left Unity P.F.L.P. Bulletin, Number 68, Fall 1983

PFLP-DFLP Program for Unity and Democratic Reform in the PLO, P.F.L.P. Bulletin, Number 69, Winter 1983

Joint Communique: PFLP-DFLP Joint Command, Palestinian Liberation Front, Palestinian Communist Party, Democratic Palestine, Number 1, January 1984

PFLP-DFLP Warn Defeatists Democratic Palestine, Number 2, February 1984

Joint Communique: PFLP-DFLP Joint Command, Palestinian Liberation Front, Palestinian Communist Party Democratic Palestine, Number 3, May 1984

The DFLP Stand: Interview with Abu Leyla, DFLP Politburo member, I&P. Israel & Palestine Political Report, Number 133, May 1987

A New Look at the Palestinian National Question, by Walid Ahmed 2000

DFLP Central Committee Statement on the September 11th Attack on the World Trade Center 2001

Resistance with responsibility: interview with Mohammed Al Batal, member of the DFLP Foreign Relations Committee 2002

From Israel the Plan; from US the Image: interview with Dr. Jehad K. Suleiman Rashid, coordinator of the DFLP in Europe 2004

National Unity Government with New Political Program 2007


Palestinian Communist Party

The Palestinian Communist Party P.F.L.P. Bulletin, Number 61, April 1982

The people's will is unbroken - the struggle goes on, by Naim Ashhab, World Marxist Review, October 1982

Joint Communique: PFLP-DFLP Joint Command, Palestinian Liberation Front, Palestinian Communist Party, Democratic Palestine, Number 1, January 1984

Joint Communique: PFLP-DFLP Joint Command, Palestinian Liberation Front, Palestinian Communist Party Democratic Palestine, Number 3, May 1984

A Palestinian State Proclaimed, by Naim Ashhab, World Marxist Review, February 1989


Palestinian People's Party

The Political Program 2000


Palestinian Resistance Periodicals

Arab Palestinian Resistance [PLO][1970-1973]

Democratic Palestine [PFLP][1984-1985]

Palestine. P.L.O. Information Bulletin [PLO][1978-1982]

Palestine Lives! [PLO][1975]

Palestine Resistance Bulletin [DFLP][1970-1972]

P.F.L.P. Bulletin [PFLP][1974-1983]

Palestinian Resistance Solidarity Periodicals

the facts about the Palestine problem [Arab Women's Committee, Friends of Jerusalem [Lebanon]][1968-1970]

Fedayeen [Palestine Solidarity Campaign [UK]][1969-1971]

Free Palestine [Friends of Free Palestine [US]][1970]

Palestine! [Palestine Solidarity Committee [US]][1976-1980]

Resistance in the Middle East [US][1971-1973]

Publications of the PLO's Palestine Research Center


The "Palestine Books" Series

Book No. 3: Liberation – Not Negotiation, by Ahmad Shukairy 1966

Book No. 4: Arab Summit Conferences and the Palestine Problem (1936-1950), (1964-1966), by Leila S. Kadi 1966

Book No. 13: Greater Israel: A Study in Zionist Expansionist Thought, edited by Dr. Ass' ad Razzouk 1970

Book No. 20: Selected Essays on the Palestine Question, edited by Ibrahim Al-Abid 1969

Book No. 23: The Art and Architecture of Ancient Palestine, by Dimitri C. Baramki 1969

Book No. 24: Israel and Human Rights, by Ibrahim Al-Abid 1969

Book No. 28: The Palestine Question and International Law, by F. Yahia 1970

Book No. 29: Whither Israel? A Study in Zionist Expansion, by Khalid Kishtainy 1970

Book No. 30: Settler Colonialism in Africa and the Middle East, by George Jabbour 1970

Book No. 34: Palestine in Perspective, by Khalid Kishtainy 1971

Book No. 40: Palestine Lives. Interviews with Leaders of the Resistance, 1973

Book No. 67: Documents and Reports on Israeli Violations of Human and Civil Rights, compiled and edited by Adnan Ahmad 1975

The "Palestine Essays" Series

Essay No. 2: Zionism & Racism, by Hasan Sa'b 1968

Essay No. 3: Palestine and Arab Nationalism, by Dr. Anis Sayegh 1970


Essay No. 4: Do Jews Have a "Divine Right" to Palestine?, by Dr. Fayez A. Sayegh 1967

Essay No. 7: Palestine in Focus, by Sami Hadawi 1969

Essay No. 11: Verdict in Absentia, by Khalid Kishtainy 1969

Essay No. 17: Palestine, Israel and Peace, by Dr. Fayez A. Sayegh 1970

Essay No. 19: The Judaization of Jerusalem, by Rouhi Al_Khatib 1970

Essay No. 20: Israel and Negotiations, by Ibrahim Al-Abid 1970

Essay No. 23: Palestinian Children: "The Generation of Liberation", by Bassem Sirhan 1970

Essay No. 24: Towards a Democratic State in Palestine, by Dr. Mohammed Rasheed 1970

Essay No. 25: The Three Basic American Decisions on Palestine, by Dr. Michael E. Jansen 1971

Essay No. 27: Gaza, by Arlette Tessier 1971

Essay No. 30: Crime and No Punishment: Zionist Israeli Terrorism, 1939-1972, by Sami Hadawi 1972

Essay No. 32: The Legal Status of Israeli-Zionist Fundraising in the USA: A Lawsuit, by Abdeen M. Jabara 1973

Essay No. 35: 127 Questions and Answers on the Arab Israeli Conflict, by Ibrahim Al-Abid 1973

Essay No. 38: The Arab-Israeli Conflict: The Peaceful Proposals, 1948-1972, by Leila S. Kadi 1973

Essay No. 42: Palestinian Leaders Discuss the New Challenges for the Resistance, by Mahmoud Darwish, moderator, 1974

Essay No. 47: Zionist Relations with Nazi Germany, by Faris Yahya 1978

The "Palestine Monographs" Series

Monograph No. 1: Zionist Colonialism in Palestine, by Dr. Fayez A. Sayegh 1965

Monograph No. 6: The Arab Boycott of Israel, by Marwan Iskandar 1966

Monograph No. 13: The Zionist Diplomacy, by Dr. Fayez A. Sayegh 1969

Monograph No. 16: Interaction of Political, Military and Economic Factors in Israel, by Angelina Helou 1969

Monograph No. 24: Territorial and Historical Waters in International Law, by Ahmad Shukairy 1967

Monograph No. 53: Essays on the American Public Opinion & the Palestine Problem 1969

Monograph No. 55: The Arabs Under Israeli Occupation 1969

Monograph No. 56: A Survey of American-Israeli Relations, by Leila S. Kadi 1969

Monograph No. 58: The Role of the Zionist Terror in the Creation of Israel, by Bassam Bishuti 1969

Monograph No. 62: Israeli Belligerent Occupation and Palestinian Armed Resistance in International Law, by Dr. Ezzeldin Foda 1970

Monograph No. 64: United States Policy toward the Arab-Israel Arms Race, 1950-1966, by Ahmad R. Elkashef 1969

Monograph No. 76: An Examination of Documents on Which the State of Israel is Based, by Bhim Singh and Angelina Helou 1970

The "Facts & Figures" Series

Facts & Figures No. 1: Do You Know? Twenty Basic Facts About the Palestine Problem 1969

Facts & Figures No. 2: The United Nations and the Palestine Question April 1947-April 1965, by Dr. Fayez A. Sayegh 1966

Facts & Figures No. 3: Discrimination in Education Against the Arabs in Israel, by Dr. Fayez A. Sayegh 1966

Facts & Figures No. 6: United States and West German Aid to Israel, by Asa'd Abdul-Rahman 1966

Facts & Figures No. 7: A Short Survey of the Palestine Problem, by Al-Hakam Darwazah 1966

Facts & Figures No. 35: Aims of the Palestinian Resistance Movement with Regard to the Jews

First Intifada, Oslo Accords, Second Intifada, Gaza Wars


Trotskyist Parties and Organisations

Israeli tank and Palestinian boys

International Viewpoint (Fourth International)

Self-determination for the Palestinian people, Salah Jaber 1988

Where is the PLO Going? (Part 2), Salah Jaber 1989

Palestine: risk of civil war, Michel Warschawski, 2007


Socialist Action magazine (U.S.)

Revolt in Palestine, 1988

Israel's answer to Uprising: Expel the Palestinians, Ralph Schoenman, 1988

Palestinian casualties mount as mass uprising escalates, Ralph Schoenman, 1988

Israel stepped up repression of Palestinians during Gulf War, Michel Warschawski, 1991


Socialist Outlook magazine (U.K.)

Palestine: the uprising continues, Michel Warschawski, 1988


Bulletin in Defense of Marxism

Palestine at a Turning Point, Tom Barret 1989


International Socialists (U.S.)

Zionism, Israel & the Arabs, Hal Draper 1990


Socialist Workers Party / International Socialists (UK)

Faris Odeh

A Tale of Two Movements, Phil Marfleet 1994

Bookwatch: Palestine and the Middle East ‘Peace Process’, Clare Fermont 1996

Palestine Solidarity in Israel, Chanie Rosenberg 2001

Building Solidarity with Palestine, Chris Harman 2007

The “South Africa moment” – Palestine, Israel and the boycott, Tom Hickey and Phil Marfleet 2010

An end to isolation? Palestine and the Arab revolutions, Phil Marfleet 2015


International Socialist Review magazine

Israel: The U.S. Watchdog, Lance Selfa 1998

Zionism: False Messiah, Lance Selfa 1998

The New Intifada: Standing up to Goliath, Lance Selfa 2000

Israel: Colonial-settler state, Phil Gasper 2000

Lies, damned lies, and Israeli propaganda, Paul D’Amato & Anthony Arnove 2002


French Jews for Palestinian Rights, Daniel Bensaïd et al. 2000


Socialist Viewpoint magazine

Collection of texts on Israel-Palestinian Conflict 2001-2019


League for the Fourth International

Defend the Palestinian People - Defeat Israel's Genocidal Blitzkrieg! 2002


Socialist Voice journal (Canada)

Anti-Semitism, Zionism, and the Defense of Palestinian Rights, Suzanne Weiss 2008

Collection of all texts on Israel-Palestinian Conflict 2006-2010


The New Left

Rachel Corrie confronts an Israeli bulldozer on 16 March 2003, Rafah, Gaza


Socialist Organisation in Israel / Matzpen

Israel: Politics, Myths and Identity Crises, Avika Orr 1994

Moshé Machover Archive


The Palestine Question Analyzed in the Light of Marxist Politics, Reuven Kaminer 2006


United States

News and Letters

Can Palestinian struggle become a new revolutionary beginning?, Olga Domanski 1988

Israel plunges toward barbarism, 1990

Israel-Palestine eruption, Peter Wermuth 1996

Middle East crises simmer: from Iraq to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, Kevin A. Barry 1998

Israel escalates Middle East crisis, 2000

Israel-Palestine crisis at boiling point, 2002

After the death of Arafat: Is there a way forward for Palestine and Israel?, Kevin A Barry 2004

Israel's war on Gaza shows need for a total uprooting, Gerry Emmitt 2009



RIM Committee Statement in Support of the Uprising in Palestine, Revolutionary Internationalist Movement 1988


See also

Jews, Marxism and the Worker’s Movement

History of Palestine

History of Anti-Imperalism and Workers Struggle in the Arab World

ETOL: Middle East


Comments to Paul Saba

Last updated on 1 January 2024