Marxists Internet Archive: Archive updates

MIA Updates


March 2025


See Also: Daily list of files updated


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We are now taking orders for books published by the MIA. These books are published by Marxists Internet Archive Publications and all proceeds benefit the MIA, ensuring our continued operation and enhancement.


30 March 2025: Added to the Portuguese Nelson Werneck Sodré Archive:

A Verdade e o Nazismo, 1984
[Thanks to Jornal Hora do Povo and Fernando Araújo]


30 March 2025: Added to the Swedish Ernest Mandel Internet Archive:

Imperialism and National Bourgeoisie in Latin America (1970)
[Thanks to Martin Fahlgren]


29 March 2025: Added to the Swedish Livio Maitan Interet Archive:

Cuba, military reformism and armed struggle in Latin America, 1970
[Thanks to Martin Fahlgren]


29 March 2025: Added to the new Lithuanian Julius Martov archive:

To All Socialist Parties and Trade Unions, 1921
[Thanks to Baltoji Rožytė]


28 March 2025: Added to the new Swedish Alec Nove Internet Archive:

Alec Nove: Was Stalin Really Necessary? (1969)
[Thanks to Martin Fahlgren]


27 March 2025: Opened the Michal Kalecki archive in the Portuguese-language section, with:

Aspectos políticos do pleno emprego, 1943
O fascismo do nosso tempo, 1964
[Thanks to Pietro Katsivalis Salles, Portal Vermelho and Fernando Araújo]


27 March 2025: Added to the U.S.A. Periodical and History Archive :

Debs Magazine. A Magazine of Militant Socialism, 1921-1923
[Thanks to Paul Saba]


27 March 2025: Added to the Swedish Communist International Internet Archive:

Problems of Strike Strategy: Decisions of the International Conference on Strike Strategy (1929)
[Thanks to Martin Fahlgren]


26 March 2025: Added to the Portuguese David Ricardo Archive:

Princípios de Economia Política e do Imposto (edição brasileira - com notas explicativas e críticas de J. B. Say), 1817
[Thanks to Fernando Araújo]


26 March 2025: Opened the Jean-Baptiste Say archive in the Portuguese-language section, with:

Notas explicativas e críticas à tradução francesa da primeira edição da obra Princípios de Economia Política e do Imposto de Ricardo, 1819
[Thanks to Fernando Araújo]


26 March 2025: Added to the Swedish Lenin Internet Archive:

Under a False Flag (1915)
[Thanks to Martin Fahlgren]


25 March 2025: Added to the Ireland and the Irish Freedom Archive significant runs of the following publications:

Irish Worker, 1911-1914, 1923-1925
Irish Opinion, 1917-1918
The Voice of Labour, 1918-1919
[Thanks to Paul Saba]

25 March 2025: Added to the Swedish Joseph Hansen Internet Archive:

Exchange of views on Deutscher's Trotsky trilogy., 1964
[Thanks to Martin Fahlgren]


24 March 2025: Added to the Portuguese Temática Archive:

Música Soviética, 1944
[Thanks to Pedro Lima Campos and Fernando Araújo]


24 March 2025: Added to the Swedish George Breitman Internet Archive:

On Deutscher’s The Prophet Armed 1954
[Thanks to Martin Fahlgren]


23 March 2025: Added to the Marxist Internet Archive English language pages significant runs of the following publications:

The Plebs Magazine, 1909-1929
The Young Socialists’ Magazine, 1911-1917
The One Big Union Monthly, 1919-1921
Avanti!, 1918-1921
Il Proletario, 1916-1921
The Miner’s Magazine, 1900-1903
[Thanks to Paul Saba, Bill Wright and Martin Goodman]


23 March 2025: Added to the Marx and Engels Archive:

Great Britain—A Money Stringency by Marx, 1860
Austria—Progress of the Revolution by Engels, 1860
[Thanks to De Leonibus Emiliano]


22 March 2025: Added to the Portuguese Emelian Iaroslavski Archive:

Karl Marx sobre a religião, 1941
O Leninismo contra a religião, 1932
[Thanks to Thales Caramante and Fernando Araújo]


22 March, 2025: Added to the Swedish Hal Draper Internet Archive:

Karl Marx's Theory of Revolution V - War & Revolution, 2005. In PDF format.
[Thanks to Martin Fahlgren]


21 March 2025: Added to the Swedish George Breitman Internet Archive:

Deutscher’s Biography of Stalin. 1949
[Thanks to Martin Fahlgren]


20 March 2025: Added to the Swedish Lenin Internet Archive:

Integrated Economic Plan (1921)
[Thanks to Martin Fahlgren]


19 March 2025: Added to the Swedish Roy Medvedev Internet Archive:

On socialist democracy, 1972
[Thanks to Martin Fahlgren]


March 18, 2025 Added to our eBook library (in English) in the last year:

Gilles Dauvé - The Communist Left in Germany 1918-1921
Petr Kropotkin - The Conquest of Bread
August Thalheimer - Introdution to Dialectical Materialism
Henry David Thoreau - On the Duty of Civil Disobedience
A.K. Voronsky - Communism, the Church and the State; G. V. Plekhanov obituary; On Art; Polemical Remarks about Gorky; Scoundrels and Toadies
[Thanks to Pablo Stern]


18 March 2025: Added to the Swedish Leon Trotsky Internet Archive:

A Squeak in the Apparatus.. (April 1930)
Toward Capitalism or Socialism? (April 1930)
[Thanks to Martin Fahlgren]


17 March 2025: Added to the Portuguese Temática Archive:

A RDA Apresenta-se, 1986
[Thanks to Antonio Carlos Cabral Medeiros and Fernando Araújo]


17 March 2025: Added to the Swedish Isaac Deutscher Internet Archive:

Mao and the Hundred Flowers (1957-58)
[Thanks to Martin Fahlgren]


16 March 2025: Added to the Lithuanian Marx and Engels archive:

On Social Relationsin Russia, 1874
[Thanks to Baltoji Rožytė]


16 March, 2025: Added to the Harry Young Internet Archive:

Smash! A new election programme?, March 1974
[Thanks to Adam Buick]


16 March 2025: Added to the Swedish Leon Trotsky Internet Archive:

The New Course in the Economy of the Soviet Union. (February 1930)
Open Letter to the Members of the CPSU(b) (March 1930)
[Thanks to Martin Fahlgren]


15 March 2025: Added to the Amilcar Cabral Archive:

National Liberation and Culture, 1970
[Thanks to Zdravko Saveski]


15 March 2025: Added to the Portuguese Leon Trotsky Archive:

A Revolução Traída [The Revolution Betrayed], 1936
[Thanks to Edições Combate, Lucas Schweppenstette]


14 March 2025: Added to the Lithuanian Marx and Engels archive:

Karl Marx, “A Contribution to the Critique of Political economy”, 1859
The Housing Question, 1872
[Thanks to Baltoji Rožytė.]


14 March 2025: Added to the Lithuanian Marx and Engels archive:

Anti-Dühring, 1877
[Thanks to Baltoji Rožytė.]


14 March 2025: Added to the Portuguese Jorge Amado Archive:

Saudação a Stálin em seu aniversário, 1949
[Thanks to Thales Caramante and Fernando Araújo]


14 March 2025: Added to the Portuguese Diógenes Arruda Archive:

Como festejará você o aniversário de Stálin?, 1949
O orgulho e honra de ser stalinista, 1949
Condições para ser militante comunista, 1977
Honrar o título de membro do Partido, 1977
Importância e atualidade de uma justa política de quadros, 1977
Critérios leninistas na seleção de quadros, 1977
Os pequenos “parafusos” imprescindíveis à máquina partidária, 1978
O sectarismo e o espontaneísmo — entraves ao trabalho de massas, 1978
Importantes tarefas partidárias, 1978
Homenagem a Maurício Grabois, 1978
Tática ampla, combativa e flexível, 1978
Onde há comunistas combativos, há o partido em luta, 1979
[Thanks to Thales Caramante and Fernando Araújo]


14 March 2025: Added to the Swedish Ernest Mandel Internet Archive:

The economic debate in Cuba 1963-1964 (1967)
[Thanks to Martin Fahlgren]


13 March 2025: Added to the Swedish Isaac Deutscher Internet Archive:

Two Autobiographies (1964)
[Thanks to Martin Fahlgren]


12 March 2025: Added to the Portuguese Zhou Enlai Archive:

O Partido Comunista da China na Atual Luta Política, 1926
[Thanks to João Victor Bastos Batalha, Lucas Schweppenstette]


12 March 2025: Added to the Swedish Josef Stalin Internet Archive:

The Right Deviation in the C.P.S.U.(B.) (1929)
[Thanks to Martin Fahlgren]


11 March 2025: Added to the new Swedish Mao Zedong Internet Archive:

Mao Tse-tung Unrehearsed: Talks and Letters, 1956-71 in PDF format
[Thanks to Martin Fahlgren]


10 March 2025: Added to the Swedish Joseph Hansen Internet Archive:

Fidel Castro’s Position on the Invasion and Occupation of Czechoslovakia by the Warsaw Pact countries, 1968
[Thanks to Martin Fahlgren]


9 March 2025: Added to theSwedish Brian Pearce Internet Archive:

Marxism and the Asiatic Mode of Production (2002)
[Thanks to Martin Fahlgren]


9 March 2025: Added to the Hungarian Lenin Internet Archive:

The State and Revolution, 1917
[Thanks to Márk Szász]


8 March 2025: Added to the Swedish Zetkin Internet Archive:

The International Communist Women’s Day, 1922
[Thanks to Martin Fahlgren]


6 March 2025: Added to the Swedish Lenin Internet Archive:

Socialism and the Peasantry (1905)
[Thanks to Martin Fahlgren]


5 March 2025: Added to the Swedish Pierre Broué Internet Archive:

Pierre Broué defends his thesis (1971)
[Thanks to Martin Fahlgren]


4 March 2025: Added to the Portuguese Manabendra Nath Roy Archive:

A Greve dos Ferroviários na Índia, 1922
O Liberalismo do Partido Trabalhista Britânico, 1922
O Movimento Camponês na Índia, 1922
[Thanks to Guilherme Corona]


4 March 2025: Added to the new Italian Ho Chi Minh Archive:

Message Sent To The Artists On The Occasion Of The 1951 Painting Exhibition, 1951
[Thanks to Emiliano]


4 March 2025: Added to the Swedish Spanish Revolution Internet Archive:

Soviet Union, Comintern and Spain 1937. (January to September)
[Thanks to Martin Fahlgren]


2 March 2025: Added to the Swedish Pierre Frank Internet Archive:

Czechoslovakia: First Assessment, First Lessons (1968).
[Thanks to Martin Fahlgren]


1 March 2025: Added to the Swedish Ernest Mandel Internet Archive:

Brief Analysis of Czech Crisis (1968)
[Thanks to Martin Fahlgren]


1 March 2025: Added to the Audio & Video/Film section of the U.S. Socialist Workers Party sub-section of the Encyclopedia of Trotskyism On-Line:

Film-to-video of 3 films made about the Socialist Workers Party in 1939, 1941, and 1948
[Thanks to Mike Taber]


1 March 2025: Added to the Swedish Ernest Mandel Internet Archive:

Brief Analysis of Czech Crisis (1968)
[Thanks to Martin Fahlgren]


Archived “What’s New” Pages: