MIA: History: ETOL: Fourth International: Fifth Congress of the Partido Revolucionario de Ins Trabajadores
Discussion On
Resolutions of the Fifth Congress of the Partido Revolucionario de los Trabajadores
The Class Struggle Inside the Party
Criticism of the Fourth Congress
Self Criticism, Military Conception, Etc .
Strength and Social Composition of the Current TendenciesResolutions on Dynamics and Relations of Our Revolutionary War
Character of the Revolutionary War
Dynamics of the Revolutionary War
Countryside City RelationshipResolution on Work in the Mass Movement and the Union Movement
Founding Resolution of the Revolutionary Army of the People
Resolution on the Relationship Between the Party and the Army
Resolution on Democratic Centralism in the Army
Memorandum on the International
I. Marxist Internationalism
2. The Present Sttuation in the International Revolutionary Movement
3. The Fourth International
4. ConclusionStatutes of the Revolutionary Workers Party
Program of the Revolutionary Army of the People
Draft Program of the Revolutionary Workers Party
Resolutions of the October 1970 Central Committee Plenum
The Situation in the Country
First Military Operational Plan
The Party and the Army
On Discipline in the Army
Resolution on Morale When Facing the Enemy
On Financial NormsResolutions of the March 1971 Executive Committee Meeting
National Situation
Widening Possibilities for Legal and Semilegal Struggle
Levingston on a Tightwire
The Mass Movement
Our TasksResolutions of the April 1971 Executive Committee Meeting
Party Propaganda and Education
Party Propaganda
Party Agitation
The Army’s Agitation and Propaganda
Organizing Agitation and Propaganda
The National Situation
Specific Points on the Party and Army
Resolutions on the Revolutionary Tasks in Bolivia and Argentina
On July 19 20, 1970, the Fifth Congress of the Partido Revolucionario de Ins Trabajadores [PRT Revolutionary Workers Party] met clandestinely. Since its Fourth Congress in March 1968, the party had gone through difficult vicissitudes in its efforts to transform itself into a proletarian and combat party. Between November 1969 and July 1970 these vicissitudes took the form of a profound crisis, a product of the open outbreak of the class struggle within the party. This process culminated precisely at the time of the Fifth Congress, which marked a fundamental turn in the life of the organization.
The protagonists at this important meeting were compañeros representing party cells scattered in different parts of the country. The Fifth Congress was characterized by the firm determination to assume the complex and varied tasks belonging to the process of revolutionary war that our country and our people were beginning to go through. It was also characterized by its good social composition and by the serious, responsible, enthusiastic, and thorough discussion that ended by defining the party’s line with precision. In this way it illuminated the long and victorious road ahead by correctly applying the general principles of the science of Marxism Leninism to the concrete conditions of the Argentine revolution.
The pamphlet that we now offer to the working class vanguard and revolutionary intellectuals contains as its basic material the resolutions of our party’s Fifth Congress. In publishing this, we settle a revolutionary debt—the excessive delay in bringing out these materials. Although mimeographed copies and an incomplete and technically very poor printed edition were issued, their circulation was limited. The present complete edition, with the inclusion of some of the subsequent resolutions of the party and the program of the ERP [Ejército Revolucionario del Pueblo Revolutionary Army of the People] constitutes material that adequately puts forth the general line of our organization.
The fundamental importance of the party’s guiding role emerges clearly from an analysis of this material, which shows the conscious character of the activities developed by our organization and the discussion and continual elaboration of our line. The few months. experience we have lived through since the Fifth Congress has enabled us to test in daily activities and understand more clearly the correction of the Marxist Leninist concept of the role of the party in a process of revolutionary war, a concept that we are striving to apply consistently, conscious of the fact that it constitutes one of our fundamental contributions toward solving the problems of the Argentine and Latin American revolution.
July 1971