MIA: History: ETOL: Fourth International: 1971 5th Congress of the Partido Revolucionario de los Trabajadores: Program of the Revolutionary Army of the People
Fifth Congress of the
Partido Revolucionario de los TrabajadoresProgram of the Revolutionary Army of the People
For the national and social liberation of our country we propose:
(a) To sever, make public, and expose the pacts that bind us to the USA and other foreign powers.
(b) To establish a system of Social Democracy, a Revolutionary People's Government led by the working class.
(c) To bring political criminals, usurpers of power, etc., to trial.
(d) Full participation by the people as a whole in the government through their mass organizations.
2. In the economic sphere.
(a) Severance of agreements with the International Mon-etary Fund, the Inter-American Bank for Development and every other organization of imperialist control and penetration.
(b) Expropriation without compensation and national-ization of all companies controlled by imperialist capital and of the national capitalist interests that support them.
(c) Nationalization of banking and credit.
(d) Nationalization of foreign trade.
(e) Agrarian reform.
(f) Worker-state administration of all the nationalized companies.
3. In the social sphere.
(a) Urban reform. Expropriation of all rented housing owned by the big capitalists to be handed over to the tenants.
(b) A campaign to spread literacy to the entire people, extending the years of compulsory secondary education, and opening the universities to the people through extensive scholarship programs.
(c) Elimination of unemployment and the reopening of factories closed during the last ten years by capitalist interests to the detriment of workers and cities.
(d) Decent wages, pensions and retirement pay that will eliminate the people's poverty.
(e) Total freedom of religion.
4. In the military sphere.
(a) Dissolve the bourgeois army, police, and all other repressive bodies and replace them by the Revolutionary Army of the People and People's Armed Militias, that is, by the armed people.
(b) Every soldier or state worker who leaves the repressive bodies has a place fighting in the people's military forces.
Argentinians: The Revolutionary People's Army calls on all patriots to fulfill their responsibilities, to take their posts in our revolutionary war of the People, in this sec-ond War of Independence. General San Martin and Co-mandante Guevara are our finest examples. The task of the hour is to follow and emulate their thought and ac-tion and that of our past and present heroes and martyrs.