Periodicals, Journals, and Newspapers
United States
80’s, The theoretical journal of the Communist Workers Party
A World to Gain Newspaper of the Bay Area Branch of the Leninist Core to Found the U.S. Bolshevik Party
A World to Win magazine of the Revolutionary Internationalist Movement associated with the Revolutionary Communist Party
Ad Hoc Bulletin (Marxist-Leninist) publication of the Ad Hoc Committee for a Marxist-Leninist Party
Amanecer rojo, El political paper of the Communist Collective of the Chicano Nation
American Communist publication of the American Communist Movement
American Mass Line newspaper of the American Communist Workers Movement (Marxist-Leninist) (A.C.W.M.), 1970-71
Ann Arbor Student local paper of the Ann Arbor Student Movement, associated with the A.C.W.M.
Antithesis anti-revisionist bulletin published in San Francisco, 1964-65
Appeal to Reason theoretical journal of the Communist Labor Party
Awaken shop paper issued by the Mound Engine Section of the Communist Labor Party in Detroit.
Black America quarterly magazine of the Revolutionary Action Movement
Black Nation, The magazine of the League of Revolutionary Struggle (M-L)
Black Newark newspaper of Committee for a Unified Newark, then of the Congress of Afrikan Peoples (CAP)
Black Revolutionary single issue publication of the Black Revolutionary Party, set up by the A.C.W.M.
Bolshevik organ of the Revolutionary Workers League (M-L)
Bolshevik journal of the U.S. Leninist Core
Bolshevik Revolution bulletin of the Bolshevik League of the U.S.
Boston Communist, The newsletter associated with the A.C.W.M.
Buffalo Worker local newspaper of the Central Organization of U.S. Marxist-Leninists (C.O.U.S.M.L.)
Buffalo Workers’ Movement Newsletter from the Buffalo Workers Movement
C.L. Organizer internal organizing bulletin of the Communist League
Call, The/ El Clarin newspaper of the October League (M-L), then the Communist Party (Marxist-Leninist)
Challenge/Desafio newspaper of the Progressive Labor Party
Changeover newspaper of the Motor City Labor League
Chicago Worker local newspaper of C.O.U.S.M.L.
Chicago Workers’ Voice local newspaper of former members of the Marxist-Leninist Party
Chicago Workers’ Voice Theoretical Journal Publication of former members of the Chicago branch of the of Marxist-Leninist Party. 16 issues appeared
Class Against Class theoretical journal of the Marxist-Leninist Organizing Committee;
Class Struggle publication of the East Coast Communist Party, USA (Marxist-Leninist), 1970
Class Struggle theoretical journal of the October League, then Communist Party (Marxist-Leninist)
Class War anonymously published periodical by forces formerly connected to the first Marxist-Leninist Party and its publication, The Communist
Columbia Student local paper of the American Student Movement, associated with the A.C.W.M.
Commentator, The newspaper of the Commentator Collective
Communist newspaper of the first Marxist-Leninist Party (1970-71)
Communist, The theoretical journal of the Revolutionary Communist Party
Communist, The newspaper of the Black Workers Congress
Communist, The newspaper of the Workers Congress (M-L)
Communist, The political journal of the Progressive Labor Party
Communist Correspondence internal newsletter of the groups associated with the Theoretical Review journal
Communist Line journal of the Marxist-Leninist Organizing Committee.
Communist Voice journal of the Communist Voice Organization
Demarcation journal issued by a small group in New York City, formerly associated with Red Dawn (only 1 issue)
Demarcations irregular theoretical journal issued by the Revolutionary Communist Party, starting in 2009
Detroit Worker local newspaper of C.O.U.S.M.L.
Digest of North American Revolutionary Material for Proletarian Revolution Bulletin of Red Banner (M-L)
East Wind a magazine of the League of Revolutionary Struggle (M-L)
Fight Back! a newspaper issued by first the Attica Brigade and thereafter by the Revolutionary Student Brigade
Fight Back News a newspaper published by the National Fight Back Organization, associated with the October League (M-L)
Fore ’N Aft, bulletin issued by the Maritime Committee for a Communist Party in 1948
Forward journal published by the League of Revolutionary Struggle (M-L)
Forward tabloid-bulletin from the Communist Workers Group (ML)
Forward! journal of the Committee for Scientific Socialism (M-L)
Forward Motion magazine published by the Proletarian Unity League, then the Freedom Road Socialist Organization
Freedom Road journal of the Freedom Road Socialist Organization.
Frontline newspaper of Line of March
Getting Together monthly newspaper of I Wor Kuen
GI News newspaper of the RU/RCP-led Veteran Veterans Against the War organization
Great Lakes Steel Tribune, The shop paper issued by the Communist Labor Party's Great Lakes Steel Unit in Detroit.
Guardian Clubs Newsletter newsletter published by the Guardian Clubs associated with the Guardian newspaper
Guardian Sustainer, The monthly publication for members of the Guardian Sustainer program
Heartbeat, The shop paper issued by the Communist Labor Party nuceleus in Detroit's Metropolitan Hospital
Hammer & Sickle journal of the League for Proletarian Revolution
Hammer & Steel Newsletter irregular bulletin issued by Hammer & Steel and then by the New England Party of Labor
Inner-city Voice began in 1967 as Detroit's Black community newspaper but evolved into the official organ of the League of Revolutionary Black Workers
Inside-Out newsletter of the RU/RCP-led Veteran Veterans Against the War organization for prisoners
International, The journal of the Peoples’ Socialist International
I.W.K. Journal political organ of I Wor Kuen
Labor’s Champion newspaper of the Revolutionary Political Organization (Marxist-Leninist)
L.A. Notes Anti-revisionist bulletin published by the Los Angeles Committee for Correspondence after World War II
Line of March journal of Line of March
Marxist-Leninist Forward newspaper published by Martin Nicolaus in 1977
Marxist-Leninist Organizer publication of Marxist-Leninist Organizer
Marxist-Leninist Quarterly journal of Progressive Labor Movement
Marxist-Leninist Vanguard newspaper of the Provisional Organizing Committee (POC) then the American Workers’ Communist Party
Mass Line in Culture publication of the Necessity for Change Institute in the U.S.
MIM Notes newspaper of the Maoist Internationalist Movement (MIM)
MIM Theory was the theoretical journal of the Maoist Internationalist Movement (MIM)
Movin’ On newspaper of the Revolutionary Workers’ Congress
NCP Report anti-revisionist bulletin published by the New Committee for Publications beginning in 1946
National Continuations Committee Newsletter newsletter of the National Continuations Committee party-building effort
New Dawn newspaper of the J-Town Collective
New Left Notes newspaper published by the Progressive Labor Party-aligned Students for a Democratic Society, after the SDS split at its 1969 convention
New Voice, The newsletter of the League for a Labor Republic
New Worker newspaper of the M.I. Laski led group of the Communist Party U.S.A. (Marxist-Leninist)
North America News, later, North America News Service bulletin issued by the American Communist Workers Movement (M-L)
Notes from Orange journal of the Socialist Organizing Committee, Santa Ana, California
Notes: On the Class Struggle and Communist Practice bulletin from Line of March
Obreros En Marcha political organ of M.I.N.P.-El-Comité
OC Bulletin bulletin of the Organizing Committee for an Ideological Center
On the Move Washington DC area workers'newspaper associated with the Revolutionary Union.
Organizer, The The Newspaper of the Philadelphia Workers Organizing Committee
Palante newspaper of the Puerto Rican Revolutionary Workers Organization (formerly the Young Lords Party)
Pamoja Venceremos newspaper of the Venceremos organization
Patriot, The newsletter of the Afro-Asian Latin American Solidarity Forum (Seattle), a project of the Seattle Workers Movement which was under the leadership of the Seattle Branch of the Central Organization of U.S. Marxists-Leninists.
People’s Democracy journal published by Revolutionary Review Press in 1978 (4 issues)
People’s America Daily News daily newspaper of the A.C.W.M., 1970-71
People’s Tribune political newspaper of the Communist League, then of the Communist Labor Party, then of the League of Revolutionaries for a New America
People’s Voice newspaper of the Communist Party U.S.A. (Marxist-Leninist) 1965-69
Progressive Labor journal of Progressive Labor Movement, then the Progressive Labor Party
PLP Convention Bulletin an internal bulletin issued by the Progressive Labor Party for its Third Convention in 1973
PLP Internal Bulletin an internal bulletin issued by the Progressive Labor Party follwing its Third Convention in 1973
Proletarian Cause a single issue journal published by Bill Epton
Proletarian Internationalism theoretical journal of the Central Organization of U.S. Marxist-Leninists, then the Marxist-Leninist Party
Proletariat theoretical journal of the Communist League then the Communist Labor Party
Proletariat theoretical journal of the Marxist-Leninist Organization of the U.S.A. (M.L.O.U.S.A.)
R.S.B. Newsletter internal newsletter of the Revolutionary Student Brigade, associated with the Revolutionary Union
Rally, Comrades! bulletin of the Communist Labor Party, then of the League of Revolutionaries for a New America
Ray O. Light journal of the Ray O. Light organization
Red Banner, The theoretical journal of the August 29th Movement
Red Dawn publication of the New York City-based Red Dawn Committee (ML)
Red Desert Bulletin newsletter the Tucson Marxist-Leninist Collective
Red Flag Theoretical journal of the Communist Party U.S.A. (Marxist-Leninist)
Red Flag Magazine of the Revolutionary Communist Youth Brigade
Red Papers, The pamphlet series from the Revolutionary Union/Revolutionary Communist Party, one issue from the Revolutionary Workers Headquarters
Red Star newspaper of the Red Women’s Detachment, associated with the first Marxist-Leninist Party (1970-71)
Red Worker political newspaper of the Georgia Communist League
Resistance political newspaper of Resistencia Puertorriqueña and then of the League for Proletarian Revolution (M-L)
Revolution newspaper issued by the Revolutionary Union/Revolutionary Communist Party
Revolution irregular magazine issued by Revolutionary Communist Party in the 1980s and 1990s
Revolutionary Cause newspaper of August Twenty-Ninth Movement (ATM)
Revolutionary Communist Youth national newspaper of the RCP's Revolutionary Communist Youth Brigade
Revolutionary Worker newspaper of the Revolutionary Communist Party
Rhode Island Student paper of the American Student Movement, associated with the A.C.W.M.
Road Ahead, The Anti-revisionist journal published in Philadelphia after World War II
Science, Class & Politics quarterly journal of the Marxist-Leninist League
Seattle Worker local newspaper of C.O.U.S.M.L.
S.F.C.C. Bulletin Anti-revisionist bulletin published by the San Francisco Committee for Correspondence after World War II
Siege short-lived newspaper of the Black Workers Congress (only two issues)
Seize The Time newspaper/journal of the Seize The Time organization
Seize the Times! internal newsletter of the Revolutionary Student Brigade, associated with the Revolutionary Union
Spark Anti-revisionist journal published 1947-1948
Spark newspaper published by the Progressive Labor Party on the West Coast
Spark newspaper of the Party for Workers Power (former New England members of PLP)
Speak Out publication of the Communist Youth Organization linked to the Communist Party (Marxist-Leninist)
Stalinist Workers Group Bulletin bulletin of the Stalinist Workers Group for Afro-American National Liberation and a New Communist International.
Tendency Newsletter from the Sojourner Truth Organization
Theoretical Review initially sponsored by the Tucson Marxist-Leninist Collective & allies
Toward Socialism an anti-revisionist publication issued by Francis Franklin, 1948-49
Turning Point Anti-revisionist journal published 1948-1962
Uncommon Sense bulletin of the American Workers Party
Unite! newspaper of the Marxist-Leninist Organizing Committee, then of the Communist Party USA (Marxist-Leninist)
Unity newspaper of the League of Revolutionary Struggle
Unity & Struggle newspaper of the Congress of Afrikan People and then of the Revolutionary Communist League
Urgent Tasks theoretical journal of the Sojourner Truth Organization
Vanguard a short-lived anti-revisionist bulletin published by trade unionists in New York after World War II
Venceremos newspaper of the Venceremos organization
Veteran, The newspaper of the RU/RCP-led Veteran Veterans Against the War organization
Vietnam Veterans Against the War-Winter Soldier Organization Newsletter bulletin of the RU/RCP-led Veteran Veterans Against the War organization
Voice of Revolution periodical of the United States Marxist-Leninist Organization (published in English, Spanish and Arabic)
Western Worker, The West coast newspaper of the Communist League then the Communist Labor Party
West Indian Voice newspaper for the West Indian community published by COUSML/Marxist-Leninist Party
Winter Soldier newspaper of the RU/RCP-led Veteran Veterans Against the War organization
World Revolution magazine of the Progressive Labor Party
Worker, The publication of the Marxist-Leninist Workers Organization
Worker – for the Milwaukee Area and Wisconsin, The one of the many regional newspapers issued by the Revolutionary Communist Party during the period 1975-1977
Worker, The/Workers Voice newspaper of the Revolutionary Workers’ Headquarters
Workers’ Advocate newspaper of the A.C.W.M., then C.O.U.S.M.L. then the Marxist-Leninist Party, 1969-93
Workers’ Advocate Supplement theoretical supplement to the newspaper of the Marxist-Leninist Party, 1985-93
Workers’ Daily News Release bulletin of the Central Organization of U.S. Marxist-Leninists
Workers’ Herald newspaper of the Revolutionary Political Organization (ML)
W.I.N. The Workers International Newsletter Progressive Labor Party publication
Workers’ Press bulletin of the Marxist-Leninist Collective
Workers’ Tribune newspaper of the M.L.O.U.S.A.
Workers’ Tribune publication of the Bolshevik League of the U.S.
Workers Viewpoint newspaper first published by the Workers Viewpoint Organization, thereafter by the Communist Workers Party
Workers Viewpoint Journal journal issued by the Workers Viewpoint Organization. It was superceded by a newspaper, also called Workers Viewpoint
Young Communist, The newspaper of the Communist Youth Organization, associated with the October League
Young Communist, The newspaper of the Revolutionary Student Brigade after it went with the Revolutionary Workers Headquarters in the RCP split
Youth in Struggle official newsletter of the Los Angeles Young Communist Leauge, associated with the Communist League
Alive literary/cultural magazine published in Guelph. (English only)
American Red Patriots publication of American supporters of the Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist) living in Canada (English only)
B.C. Newsletter British Columbia newsletter of the Progressive Workers Movement (English only)
Canadian Class Struggle periodical published by Alliance (Marxist-Leninist) (English only)
Canadian Revolution Marxist-Leninist discussion journal published by individuals and groups in 1975-76. (English only)
Canadian Student newspaper issued by the Canadian Student Movement, associated with the CPC (M-L). (English only)
Canadian Internationalist journal issues by Marxist-Leninist Youth and Student Movement in Canada (English only)
Canadian People’s United Front Bulletin newspaper published by the Canadian People’s United Front, associated with CPC (M-L). (English only)
Canadian Worker (in French L’Ouvrier) newspaper of the Canadian Party of Labour. Later re-named The Worker
Chingari newspaper for Indian immigrants published by CPC (M-L). (English only)
The Forge weekly newspaper of the Canadian Communist League (Marxist-Leninist)/Workers Communist Party. (Bilingual)
In Struggle weekly newspaper of the Marxist-Leninist Organization of Canada, In Struggle. (In French only from 1973 to 1975. Bilingual from 1976 to 1982)
International Forum international discussion journal published by In Struggle. (English/French/Spanish)
Left Leaf newsletter published sporadically during 1965-66 by the Ontario supporters of the Progressive Workers Movement.
Lines of Demarcation theoretical journal of the Bolshevik Union. (English only)
Literature and Ideology literary/cultural journal published by the CPC (M-L) from 1969 to 1975 when it merged with Alive (which shortly after broke with the CPC (M-L)
Mass Line weekly newspaper of the Canadian Communist Movement (M-L)/Communist Party of Canada (M-L)
McGill Marxist-Leninist Daily daily published by the McGill Student Movement, associated with CPC (M-L). (English only)
Mobilization magazine published by Mobilisation (groupe communiste marxiste-léniniste). (French only)
Nationalist, The journal published in Toronto by the Canadian Workers Project, Century 2
New Canada newspaper of the Canadian Liberation Movement. (English only)
North American News Service news-bulletin published by the CPC (M-L). (English only) (Bilingual)
October rheoretical magazine of the CCL(M-L)/WCP. (Bilingual)
The Partisan newspaper of the Mouvement révolutionnaire des étudiants du Québec. (Bilingual)
Patroite Rouge newspaper of Parti communiste du Québec (marxiste-léniniste). (French only)
People’s Canada Daily News newspaper of CPC (M-L). (In English only up to 1974 and bilingual after 1974)
Progressive Worker magazine of the Progressive Workers Movement. (English only)
Proletarian Revolution magazine of the Bolshevik Union. (Bilingual)
Proletarian Unity theoretical magazine of In Struggle. (Bilingual)
Québec Rouge newspaper of Mouvement révolutionnaire ouvrier. (French only)
Red Dawn youth journal published by the CCL (M-L). (Bilingual)
Red Montreal local newspaper published by CPC (M-L). (Bilingual)
Red Patriot magazine published CPC (M-L) for U.S. war resisters living in Canada. (English only)
Red Star/Etoile Rouge single issue newspaper of the Cellule Ouvriere Revolutionnaire (Bilingual)
Road of the Party, The theoretical journal of CPC (M-L). [1980s]
Spark, The newspaper for Asian, African, and Caribbean communities, published by CPC (M-L). (English only)
Third World Forum journal of Afro-Asian Latin American Peoples’ Solidarity Committee, based in Montreal. (English only)
Toronto Worker local newspaper published by CPC (M-L). (English only)
Two Lines in the Natural Sciences science journal published by CPC (M-L)(one issue only?). (English only)
Western Voice newspaper of the Western Voice Collective in Vancouver. This publication only became anti-revisionist in its last years, 1976-77 (English only)
United Kingdom
Advance official organ of the Internationalists, workers, Immigrants (National Minorities) Youth and Student Movement. (1967: 3 issues)
Afro-Asian Solidarity News release national journal of the Afro-Asian Peoples’ Solidarity Movement (1971-1974?) Associated with English Communist Movement (ML) later CPE (ML) folio stapled two-colour
Black Voice paper of the Black Unity & Freedom Party
Bulletin North London Alliance in Defence of Workers’ Rights (1971)
Class Against Class political journal published by the Marxist-Leninist Organization of Britain (MLOB)
Class Struggle journal of the Communist Federation of Britain (Marxist-Leninist)
Class Struggle political paper of the Revolutionary Communist League of Britain
Class War (incorporating the Bulletin) London Alliance in defence of workers rights (first published 1972)
COMbat theoretical journal published by the Communist League
Communist, The journal of the Marxist Forum Group (1966)
Communist, The monthly journal of the Communist Workers Organization
Communist, The publication of the British and Irish Communist Organization (BICO)
Communist Comment publication of the British and Irish Communist Organization (BICO)
Communist England! publication of the English Communist Movement (Marxist-Leninist)
Communist Formation theoretical journal of Communist Formation (formerly COBI) (1 issue?)
COMpass theoretical journal of the Communist League
Conquer the World Quarterly journal of the supporters of the Revolutionary Internationalist movement (RIM) in Britain (1988-92?)
C.D.R.C.U. Bulletin bulletin published by the Committee to Defeat Revisionism for Communist Unity (CDRCU) (at least two issues) (1967)
Dundee and Tayside Vanguard journal of the Workers’ Party of Scotland (Marxist-Leninist)
East Wind National Journal of the Far East and South East Asian Progressive Study Group Associated with English Communist Movement (ML)
Finsbury Communist monthly published by the Finsbury Communist Association
Forum for Marxist Leninist Struggle journal originally subtitled For Marxist-Leninist Inner-Party Struggle, published 1963/64 anonymously but linked to London Political Organization
Hammer or Anvil periodical published by the Action Centre for Marxist Leninist Unity
IPSG Newsletter national journal of the Indian progressive Study group (England) Associated with English Communist Movement (ML)
Liberation Newsletter of the Revolutionary Communist league, London branch (May 1994 – May 1995)
Intercom international new bulletin of the Communist League
Interim Journal published by the RCLB up to its 2nd Congress in the summer of 1981
International Review (semi-public) internal bulletin of the RCLB
Irish Liberation Press (incorporating News of the World Struggles) published by Irish National Liberation Solidarity Front
Line of March, The irregular monthly publication of the Revolutionary Communist Party of Britain (Marxist-Leninist), begun 2011
Marxist, The journal published by amalgamation of people some went on to form the Communist Party of Britain (M-L) (CPB (M-L) others retained publishing control as the Brent Marxist Industrial Group, later the Marxist Industrial Group, later Marxist Publications.
Marxist Forum (previously Forum for Marxist-Leninist Struggle)(1965/66: 8 issues?)
Marxist-Leninist the internal discussion journal of the Communist Party of England (Marxist-Leninist) (1st issue September 1974 20pp)
Marxist Leninist Quarterly theoretical journal published by the CFB (ML)
Marxist-Leninist Journal theoretical Journal of the Revolutionary Communist Party of Britain (Marxist-Leninist) (1980-91?)
Marxist-Leninist Research Bureau Independent research endeavor by Bill Bland. (1994-?)
New Age published by the Communist Workers’ Movement
New Perspectives published by Revolutionary Communist Party of Britain (Marxist-Leninist) (July/August 1989 – 3rd issue Spring 1990)
New World journal of the Workers’ Institute of Marxism-Leninism-Mao Zedong (Tsetung) Thought (1975)
Northern Star publication of BICO
October theoretical journal of the Revolutionary Communist League of Britain
October Review published by RCLB as internal newsletter (No. 1, 1996 – No. 15 last, issue April 1998)
Party Line theoretical journal of the Communist Workers’ Movement
Progressive Student published by Progressive Student Movement. (1972) 2nd issues broadsheet newspaper format
Proletarian bimonthly publication of the Communist Party of Great Britain (M-L)
Proletariat theoretical journal of the Communist Organization of the British Isles (COBI)
Proletarian Line Theoretical journal of the Revolutionary Marxist-Leninist Communist League (only issue 1977?)
Rebel, The Bulletin of the Revolutionary Internationalist Contingent in Britain (No.1 1987-?)
Red Clydersider journal of the Workers’ Party of Scotland (Marxist-Leninist) (1971/2)
Red Guard paper of Chelsea’s Young Communists (1967)
Red Rebel! Newspaper of the Revolutionary Vanguard group
Red Front theoretical journal published by the MLOB
Red Flag Journal of the East London Marxist-Leninist Association (3rd issue 1977)
Red Star A Marxist-Leninist Journal. Quarterly published 1980-82 by Nottingham Communist Group
Red Vanguard political journal published by the MLOB
Revolution Theoretical Journal of the National Committee of the Communist Federation of Britain (Marxist-Leninist)
Revolution Theoretical Journal of the Revolutionary Communist League of Britain (Marxist-Leninist)
Scientific Socialism published 1973 by Association for the Realisation of Marxism
Scottish Vanguard paper published by the Workers’ Party of Scotland (Marxist-Leninist)
South London Workers’ Bulletin revolutionary newsweekly of the Workers’ Institute (1976)
Struggle periodical published by the Communist Federation of Britain (Marxist-Leninist)
Theoretical Practice journal published by a group influenced by the work of Louis Althusser and his associates (1971-1973)
Vanguard newspaper published by the Committee to Defeat Revisionism for Communist Unity (CDRCU) (1964-1965)
Voice of the People (incorporating The Irish Liberation Press) publication of the Communist Workers League of Britain (Marxist-Leninist) 1972
Voice of the Youth published by Communist Youth Union of Britain (1981)
Voice of Women published by the Preparatory Committee for a Revolutionary Union of Women in Britain
Worker, The fortnightly newspaper published by the CPB (M-L)
Workers monthly magazine of the Communist Party of Britain (M-L)
Workers’ Broadsheet a journal published by the Working People's Party of England
Workers’ England Daily News release “All the News that serves the proletarian Socialist revolution” published by Communist Party of England (Marxist Leninist) (1970-73?) Previously Workers’ England Weekly News
Workers’ England Weekly News published by English Communist Movement (ML) later CPE (ML), later RCPB(ML)
Workers’ Newsletter paper published by the Working People’s Party of England (later renamed the Workers’ Newsletter Group)
Workers’ Notebook monthly journal of the Communist Workers’ Movement first published Feb. 1977. 8 issues
Workers’ Unity published by the Communist Unity Organization, later the Communist Unity Association Marxist-Leninist
Workers’ Weekly newspaper published by the English Communist Movement (M-L), later the Revolutionary Communist Party of Britain (M-L)
Workers’ Weekly publication of BICO in Ireland
Working People paper of the Committee for a Socialist Program
The Australian Communist theoretical journal of the Communist Party of Australia (Marxist-Leninist), 1964-
Bulletin of the Committee in Defense of Marxism-Leninism Mao Tsetung Thought irregular journal of the Committee in Defense of Marxism-Leninism Mao Tsetung Thought
Discussion Bulletin irregular publication of the Red Eureka Movement
Eureka irregular publication of the National Preparatory Committee of the Marxist-Leninist Communist Party of Australia, 2000-2005
The Rabble Rouser publication of the Committee for a Revolutionary Communist Party in Australia
Rebel!, The irregular publication of the Red Eureka Movement, 1977-?
Revolutionary Communist magazine of the Committee for a Revolutionary Communist Party in Australia
Struggle journal of the Committee for a Revolutionary Communist Party in Australia
Vanguard, The newspaper of the Communist Party of Australia (Marxist-Leninist), 1964-
New Zealand
New Zealand Communist Review, The theoretical journal of the Communist Party of New Zealand.
Class Struggle (Klassekampen) newspaper of the Workers Communist Party (marxist-leninists) of Norway (AKP (m-l)). For some years, an English and English/Spanish edition was also produced.
Red Banner (Røde Fane) theoretical journal of the Workers Communist Party (marxist-leninists) of Norway (AKP (m-l).
Red Flag publication of the Communist Workers League (KA)
Red Worker, The publication of the Communist Workers League (KA)
Revolution (Revolusjon) publication of the Marxist-Leninist Group of Norway Revolution
Worker, The (Arbeideren) publication of the Marxist-Leninist League
Communist, The journal published by the Irish Communist Organization and then of the British and Irish Communist Organization (BICO)
Communist Comment journal published by the Irish Communist Organization and then of the British and Irish Communist Organization (BICO)
Marxist-Leninist Journal organ of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Ireland (Marxist-Leninist)
Marxist-Leninist Weekly newspaper published by the Communist Party of Ireland (M-L)
Northern Star publication of BICO
Red Patriot newspaper published by the Communist Party of Ireland (M-L)
Voice of the Youth published by they Communist Youth Union of Ireland (Marxist-Leninist)
Worker & Unemployed News newspaper published by the Communist Party of Ireland (M-L)
Workers’ Weekly publication of the British and Irish Communist Organization (BICO)