MIA Introduction: In 1948, three anti-revisionist groups - the P.R. Club (Expelled), the Maritime Committee for a Communist Party, and a trade union group which published the “Vanguard” united to issue the first number of a new publication, Turning Point (although by the second issue the Trade Union group had withdrawn). In 1954, the Turning Point group renamed itself the Communist League. The journal continued publication until 1962.
Letter to the Communist Information Bureau
Special Fore ’N Aft Issue: Save the N.M.U.
The Crisis in Harrison George & Co.
The Futile Maneuvers of Tito
The Future of the Progressive Party
The Marshall-Murray CIO Convention
Defiance by Compliance – United Office and Public Workers of America
Youthful Dialectics on the Ninth Floor – YCL to AYD to YCL
Still Stuck with Knickerbocker and Davis (City College of N.Y.)
American Communists on Trial before the World (A Letter on Force)
American Communists Must Defend the S.U.
The “12” Are Definitely Innocent (of Marxism-Leninism)
American Communists on Trial before the World (Worse than Book-burning)
Hurrah for Eisler
Franklin’s Socialism through Constitutional Amendment
Strike Two at CCNY
The Truth About the Daily Worker Diplomats
Letter from Paul Palazzi
CPUSA Waterfront Leader and TP’s Reply
Reprint: Engels on Force and Violence
An Open Letter to Comrade Stalin and the C.C. of the CPSU
Foster’s New Route to Socialism
Postcards, and Wires Are Not Enough – Smash the Smith Act
Francis Franklin Turns Rat
A Note on the CPUSA’s Abstinence on the Occasion of Stalin’s Anniversary
The Daily Worker “Misinforms” on the Communist Information Bureau’s Article on Japan
Letter from an N.M.U.er
Foster’s New Route to Socialism (cont’d)
The Progressive Party’s “Neutral” Retreat in Chicago
The Left Sectarian Attitude Towards the PP
Reprint: The Japanese People’s Road to Liberation (People’s China)
Wall St. Gets Tough; Wallace Gets Soft
An Un-Red May Day
The Wicked Three – or Why the D.W. Keeps People’s China A Secret
Leftism and Sophistry
Local 65 and the Taft-Hartley Affidavits
Reprint: Appeal to, the Working Men and Women of the U.S., Gt. Britain, France and Holland (WFTU)
If This Be Treason (on Korea)
After Union Square What?
An Appeal to Communists in Local 65
“Down-to-Earth” Grovelling
May Day 1951
A Minimum Gesture for Peace
The Tragi-Comedy of Civil Defense
Evil Prospects for Lesser Evils in 1954
Free Sobell; Vindicate the Rosenbergs
Free Sobell; Vindicate the Rosenbergs (Cont’d)
Will the Bi-Partisan Communist Control Act of 1954 Finally Outlaw the Lesser – Evil Illusion?
Consumers’ Guide to Trotskyism – 1955 Convertible
Towards A New Marxist-Leninist Communist Party
Registering Nonsense
Converting to the Democratic Party
The Casket of Your Choice
Empty Gestures for Sobell
Butchering the Fur Workers
Consumers’ Guide to Trotskyism (Vol, VIII, No. 1–printed form)
Rediscovering Revolution
Maxim Gorky’s “The Siskin That Lied and the Woodpecker, Lover of Truth”
The Next and Last Depression: 1. Depressions – Delayed or Removed
Supplement: The Rebellion of the Mode of Production Against the Mode of Exchange (Engels)
Against the Revisionism of the 20th CPSU Congress
The Next and Last Depression: 2. 1956: Prelude to Frenzy
Supplement: Italian Communists Defend Marxism-Leninism
Proletarian Revolution and Renegade Khrushchev (In Defense of Stalin)
Sir John Pratt Is Right– by Fyke Farmer (on Korea)
Khrushchev’s Un-Secret Speech
Supplement: A Non-“Rabid” Portrait of Stalin by Joseph Davies
Our Readers Defend Stalin
The Virtue of Abstention in the 1956 Elections
The Suppressed Facts in the Rosenberg Case–by Irwin Edelman
Supplement: Depression Blues–by Vincent Noga
Letters on Khrushchevism
Khrushchevism’s Boomerang
First Aid for Communists Suffering from Shock
On Khrushchevism
The Last Depression
Pilgrimage of Prayer for Freedom (Negro liberation)
Sobell Boatride
Why Use the Word “Communism”?
Little Rock and the Revolt against Patience
Correspondence Issue: Depression, Khrushchevism, Lesser-Evil and Civil Rights
Capitalism’s “Stable” Depression
Maximuminimumism–and the United (?) Independent(?)– Socialist Conference
The Stampede of Tired Radicalism
Harmless Revolution
Nuclear Waste Disposal: Throwout Worse than Fallout!
Against Nuclearrogance–A Consistent Position for Coexistence and Revolution
The Lesser-Evil Brotherhood (on elections)
Does Hypocrisy ‒Also– Cause Leukemia? (on testing)
A Specter Is Haunting Communism
Reprint: Stalin’s Speeches on the American Communist Party
Reprint: Enver Hoxha’s Expose of Khrushchev
Chasing the Subversive Activities Control Board
Return of the “Alien and Sedition” Image
Reprint: Declaration of the C.C. of the Party of Labor of Albania
Correspondence Issue on Stalin, Khrushchev, Hoxha, etc.
How Non-Violent Can You Get?
The Dialectics of Over-correction (letter and article)
Albanian Reprints, on Stalin, Kennedy, relations between Albania and the S.U. and Albanian Student Expulsions from the S.U.
Special mailing of ”The Second Declaration of Havana”
Correspondence Issue: discussion between TP and supporters of the Socialist Workers Party, Socialist Labor Party, Proletarian Party and Canadian Communist Party; independent Marxists, Southern college students. Also: Collector’s Item in Anti-Communism
Clemency for Jones and Brown
Birdman of Alcatraz: Robert Stroud
World Congress for General Disarmament and Peace in Moscow
Why Opportunism
The Revolutionary Intellectual
Special mailing of Conrad Lynn’s “Monroe, North Carolina...Turning Point in American History.”
Which Side Are You On, Boys–When Both Sides Are Testing?
Inside Prosperity–The Other Kentucky
Birdman of Alcatraz: Robert Stroud
Letters: For a New Marxist-Leninist Communist Party
Aptheker and TP’s “Harmless Revolution”
Letter from China
Letter to Khrushchev
Confusion Caused by TP’s Article on Neucleararrogance
TP Counterpoint
Suppose War Comes (Post-Extinction Plans)
How to Detect Non-Communists (Where You Least Expect Them)
Letters and Answers on Soviet Testing
A Note on Stalin and Anti-Semitism
The Strong Growl and the Weak Paw “Menacing Cuba”
Suggested Correction: Elect Candidates?
Is TP’s Position on Testing and Disarmament Unrealistic?
Letters and Answers on Testing