MIA: History: USA: Publications: Daily Worker 1937
The Daily Worker
January and February only
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«Daily Worker for 1936
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Click here for a pdf file of the nine Fred Ellis and William Gropper political cartoons published on page 6 of The Daily Worker in the period of January 22 through February 15, 1937. Provided are those cartoons by them that related to the CP USA's position on Trotsky and the second Moscow Show Trial, being conducted at that time.
We present here small runs of The Daily Worker after 1936 that shed light on particular historic events of interest.
1937 Daily Worker January and February only – covering the Flint Sit Down Strike, and The Daily Worker’s coverage of (falling into line with) the second major Moscow Trial... the “Case of the Anti-Soviet Trotskyist Center” (or Pyatakov–Radek Trial, also known as the “Trial of the Seventeen”, January 1937).
Last updated on 27 May 2023