MIA: History: ETOL: Document: Socialist Workers Party [US}: Socialist Workers Party: Discussion Bulletins

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Socialist Workers Party: Discussion Bulletins Library

1970 through 1976

Socialist Workers Party [US]

A Note on SWP Discussion Bulletins

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1970— Discussion Bulletins

Vol. 28, No. 1, February 1970, SWP Discussion Bulletin:

On Women, Wages and Transitional Demands

1971— Discussion Bulletins

Vol. 29, No. 1, April, 1971

Perspectives and Lessons of the New Radicalization (National Committee draft Political Resolution, adopted March 14, 1971)
Report to the SWP National Committee Plenum on the Draft Political Resoltuion “Perspectis and Lessons of the New Radicalization" by Jack Barnes, geneal line approved March 14, 1971

Vol. 29, No. 2, April, 1971

For A Proletarian Orientation by Barbare Gregorich, Bill Massey, John McCann, Phil Passen

Vol. 29, No. 3, April, 1971

National Committee Draft Resolution on Israel and the Arab Revolution, Adopted March 13, 1971 p. 5
Report to the SWP National Committee Plenum on Israel and the Arab Revolution, March 13, 1971 by Gus Horowitz p. 12

Vol. 29, No. 4, April, 1971

Toward A Mass Feminist Movement, Political Committee Draft Resolution adopted April 19, 1971

Vol. 29, No. 5, May, 1971

The European Sections’ Activity in the Working Class and Our Trade Union Work, by David Keil, Minneapolis Branch
For Sharpening Our Polemic With the Population Alarmists, by Hayden Perry, Los Angeles Branch

Vol. 29, No. 6, May, 1971

Marxism and Ecology, by Jan Garrett, Minneapolis Branch p. 3
Building Women’s Coalitions, by Dianne Feeley, Upper West Side Branch p. 8
On Progressive Labor and Maoism, by Arthur Maglin, Upper West Side Branch p. 13

Vol. 29, No. 7, May, 1971

Toward A Mass Feminist Party, Resolution on the Feminist Movement, Proposed by Sudie and Geb, Boston Branch p. 3
Toward A Female Party, by Sudie and Geb, Boston Branch p. 4
Concerning Urblln Guerrilla Warfare, by Arthur Maglin, Upper West Side Branch, New York Local P. 10

Vol. 29, No. 8, June, 1971

On Trade Union Work, by Tom Cagle, Oakland-Berkeley Branch p. 3
Introduction to Transcript of Oakland-Berkeley Branch Discussion On 1970 UAW Strike, Frank Lovell p. 22
Repert to Oakland-Berkeley Branch On 1970 Uaw Strike, Discussion and Summary, September 27, 1970, Tom Kerry p. 23

Vol. 29, No. 9, June, 1971

The Origin of the Family: A Re-Evaluation by Rick Feinberg, Chicago Branch p. 3
In Reply to the Party Leadership’s Perspectives by Lauren Charous, Oak1and-Berkeley Branch p. 6
For A Better Relationsiitp Between Word and Deed by Hedda Garza, Lower Manhattan Branch, New York Local p. 18

Vol. 29, No. 10, June, 1971

Counter Draft Resolution On Israel and the Arab Revolution by Berta Langston, Bob Langston, Brooklyn Branch, New York Local; and Jon Rothschild, Upper West Side Branch, New York Local

Vol 29, No. 11, June, 1971

The Post W.W. II Social Transformations (A Contribution to the Discussion on China), by Stephen Bloom, Denver Branch p. 3
On the Panther Split, by Tony Thomas, Brooklyn Branch, New York Local p. 6
Culture and the Struggle of Oppressed Minorities in the United States, by Dick Garza, Lower Manhattan Branch, New York Local p. 7
What Means This Words and Deeds? by Lee Smith, Upper West Side Branch, New York

Vol. 29, No. 12, June, 1971

On the Discussion of A Proletarian Orientation, By Jean Tussey, Cleveland Branch p. 2
Answers to Some Questions On Gay Liberation, by David Thorstad, Upper West Side Branch, New York Local p. 4
On the Transitional Program in the Trade Unions, by Fred Ferguson, Minneapolis Branch p. 10
A Further Piece of Correspondence On the Sliding Scale of Hours, by Frank Lovell p. 16
Some Further Remarks On Words and Deeds, by Lee Smith, Upper West Side Branch, New York Local p. 17
A Reply to Rick Feinberg On Re-Evaluating the Origin of the Family, by Evelyn Reed, Lower Manhattan Branch, New York Local p. 19
Have We Given Up Our Proletarian Orientation, by Frank Lovell p. 21
An Historical and Dialectical Criticism of Comrade Hansen’s Document, by Tom Cagle, Oakland-Berkeley Branch p. 27

Vol. 29, No. 13, June, 1971

The Forging of an Oppressed Nationality, by Antonio Camejo, Oakland-Berkely Branch
The Struggle for Chicano Liberation, Political Committee Draft Resoltion, Adopted June 15, 1971

Vol. 29, No. 14, July, 1971

Schematism Or Marxism? What is At Issue in the Debate Over Our Political Line, by George Novack p. 3
The Minority’s Attitude Toward the Feminist Movement, by Chris Hildebrand, Boston Branch p. 9
The Cochranites and the Present Discussion, by Louis Proyect, Boston Branch p. 12
The Unions and the Antiwar Movement, by Don Gurewitz, Boston Branch p. 14
The Critics of Our Policy On the Gis, by Matilde Zimmermann, Boston Branch p. 17
The Role and Composition of the Students, by Mark Friedman, Boston Branch p. 19

Vol. 29, No. 15, July, 1971

The Meaning of A Proletarian Orientation, by Barbara Gregorich, Cleveland Branch; Bill Massey, Oakland-Berkeley Branch; John McCann, Boston Branch; Phil Passen, Cleveland Branch p. 3 An Open Letter to Lee Smith, by Hedda Garza, Lower Manhattan Branch, New York Local p. 15
On the High Schools and Trade Schools, by Glenn Jenkins, At-large, Kenosha, Wisconsin p. 16
On Our Tasks in the Women’s Liberation Movement, by Barbara Gregorich, Phil Passen, Cleveland Branch p. 16
On the Method of Marxism and the Proletarian Orientation, by Liz M., Mary-Jane H., Norman H., Pepe M., Brooklyn Branch, New York Local p. 24
Lessons and Perspectives: A Turn to the Right, by Alfredo Perez, Lower Manhattan Branch, New York Local35

Vol. 29, No. 16, July, 1971

Why the Panthers Split by Arthur Maglin, Upper West Side Branch, New York Local p. 3
Notes On the Marxist Study of Precapital1St Society by Jan Garrett, Minneapolis Branch p. 4
Questions On Our Organizational Principles by Peter Herreshoff, Los Angeles Branch p. 6
A Reply to Comrades Langston, Langston and Rothschild by Gus Horowitz p. 7
Declaration of Proletarian Orientation Tendency by Barbara Gregorich (For the Tendency), Cleveland Branch p. 16
Comrades Gregorich, Massey, Mccann and Passen — You Can Not Be for A Proletarian Orientation Without Standing On Proletarian Internationalism, by Tony Thomas, Brooklyn Branch, New York Local p. 17
Call for A Special Discussion in the Branches by Bob Fink, Lower Manhattan Branch, New York Local p. 19
A New View of Objective Reality and Consciousness by Bob Fink, Lower Manhattan Branch, New York Local21

Vol. 29, No. 17, July, 1971

Declaration of Communist Tendency p. 3
Historical Roots of the Degeneration of the Fourth International and of the Centrism of the SWP ’ for A Return to the Proletarian Road of Trotskyism by the Communist Tendency p. 5 Addenda On for A Proletarian Orientation Tendency p. 30

Vol. 29, No. 18, July, 1971

On Party Building by Dick Garza, Lower Manhattan Branch, New York Local p. 2
Critical Remarks On"For A Proletarian Orientation" Document and Some Real Trade Union Opportunities by Rachel Towne, Upper West Side Branch, New York local p. 3
On Being and Consciousness by Jon Britton Brooklyn Branch, New York Local p. 4
Some Comments On the Proletarian Orientation Document by Nat London, Lower Manhattan Branch, New York Local p. 6
The Feminist Movement and the Shorter Work Week by Mary F. Walter, Denver Branch p. 7
Party Building and Trade Union Work by Milton Alvin, Los Angeles Branch p. 8
Combined Revolution and the Need for A Women’s Party by Marc Bender, Philadelphia Branch p. 13
The Falsification ofMandel’s “Neo-Capitalism" By the Authors of “For A Proletarian Orientation" by Gary Sommer, Oakland-Berkeley Branch p. 15
Two Strategies for Building the Fourth International by Fred Feldman, Oakland-Berkeley Branch p. 16 Productive and Unproductive Labor—Answer to An “Economic theory" by Stephanie Coontz, Lower Manhattan Branch, New York Local p. 18
What Is the Basis of the Proletarian Orientation Tendency? by Nelson Blackstock, Oakland-Berkeley Branch p. 21

Vol. 29, No. 19, July, 1971

The Real Meaning of the Proletarian Orientation Tendency by Jack Barnes and Barry Sheppard p. 3
Appendix p. 17
The Minority’s Deviation From the SWP’s Position On Nationalism by Gary Sommer, Oakland-Berkeley Branch p.19
Building the Revolutionary Party in the Current Radicalization, Summary by Bob Himmel, San Francisco Branch p. 20
Has the Party Adapted to the Trade Union Bureaucracy? and Related Questions by Jeff Mackler, Oakland-Berkeley Branch p. 24
Ernest Mandel’s theory ofNeo-capitalism Correcting the Record by Dick Roberts, Upper West Side Branch, New York Local p. 29

Vol. 29, No. 20, July, 1971

The Implementation of Our Trade Union Orientation, by George Basley and Jeff Powers, Boston Branch p. 3
Where Does Hedda Garza Stand? by Lew Jones and Susan LaMont, Lower Manhattan Branch, New York Local p. 5
Some Historical Background to the Present Discussion, by Evelyn Sell, Austin Branch p. 8
On the National Question and the Transitional Program in Palestine, by Joel Aber, Atlanta Branch p. 14
The Revolutionary Party and the Gay Liberation Movement: An Answer to the Gregorich Tendency, by Steve Beren, Lower Manhattan Branch, New York Local p. 18
For the Party’s Inspection, A Letter and An Amendment, by David Keil, Minneapolis Branch p. 22
Text ofLetter to Comrade Keil, by Jack Barnes p. 25
On Gregorich (& Co.), Liz M. (& Co.), Hedda Garza, by Bob Fink, Lower Manhattan Branch, New York Local p. 26
Some Trends in the Labor Force, by Sue Smith, Oakland-Berkeley Branch p. 27
The Discussion in the Oakland-Berkeley Branch, by Allen Taplin, Oakland-Berkeley Branch p. 29
Aspects of the Gay Liberation Movement, by John Lauritsen, Upper West Side Branch, New York Localp. 31
The Proletarian Party in the 1970’s, by Tom Vernier, Detroit Branch p. 35

Vol. 29, No. 21, July, 1971

Building Trade Union Participation In the Antiwar Movement - the Gains the Party Can Make, By Rachel Towne, Upper West Side Branch, New York Local and Ron Wolin, Lower Manhattan Branch, New York Local p. 2
Some Criticism Of A Proletarian Orientation's Attitude On the Women's Liberation Movement, By Mary Henderson, Oakland/ Berkeley Branch p. 6
Lenin Verus Cagle, By Tony Thomas, Brooklyn Branch, New York Local p. 8
Fob Developing A Program Fob the Ecology Movement , By Wealey Weinhold, Seattle Branch p. 13
Building A Proletarian Party: Past and Present, By Brian Williams, Oakland/Berkeley Branch p. 14
Prisoners and the New Radicalization, By Joe Johnson, Denver Branch p. 16
Principled Politics and the Present Party Discussion, By Gordon Fox, Brooklyn Branch, New York Local p. 20
Some Open Remarks About Homosexuality, By Tom Leonard, Houston Branch p. 22
Some Notes On Implementing Our Work In the Unions, by Tom Leonard, Houston Branch p. 23

Vol. 29, No. 21, July, 1971

Building Trade Union Participation in the Antiwar Movement—The Gains the Party Can Make, by Rachel Towne, Upper West Side Branch, New York Local and Ron Wolin, Lower Manhattan Branch, New York Local p. 5
Some Criticism ofA Proletarian Orientation’s Attitude On the Women’s Liberation Movement, by Mary Henderson, Oakland/Berkeley Branch p. 8
Lenin Versus Cagle, by Tony Thomas, Brooklyn Branch, New York Local p. 14
For Developing A Program for the Ecology Movement, by Wealey Weinhold, Seattle Branch p. 14
Building A Proletarian Party: Past and Present, by Brian Williams, Oakland/Berkeley Branch p. 16
Prisoners and the New Radicalization, by Joe Johnson, Denver Branch p. 20
Principled Politics and the Present Party Discussion, by Gordon Fox, Brooklyn Branch, New York Local p. 22
Some Open Remarks About Homosexuality, by Tom Leonard, Houston Branch
Some Notes On Implementing Our Work in the Unions, by Tom Leonard, Houston Branch p.23

Vol. 29, No. 22, July, 1971

Building the Revolutionary Party in the Current Radicalization, Presentation, by Bob Himmel, San Francisco Branch, p. 2
The SWP and the GI Movement: Some Notes on Our Proletarian Orientation and Practice, by Michael Smith, Detroit Branch p. 7
Appendix: the SWP Approach to Military Policy and Its Evolution Since 1940 p. 11
Against A Proletarian Orientation, By Sudie and Geb, Boston Branch p. 12
The Generation Gap-Which Side Are You On? Or for A Better Relationship Between Word and Deed in Our Youth Orientation, by Sudie and Geb, Boston Branch p.16
Miscellaneous Resolutions for the Consideration of the Convention, proposed by Sudie and Geb, Boston Branch p. 24
What’s So Good About Gay? (Or Homosexuals Are Really Revolting!), by Sudie and Geb, Boston Branch p. 25
In Defense of the Revolutionary Party: An Answer to Sudie and Geb, by Matilde Zimmermann, Boston Branch p. 29
In Reply to Glenn Jenkins On the High Schools, by David Keepnews, Upper West Side Branch, New York Local p. 32
Livingroom Feminists, Consciousness-Raising Groups and Manhating, by Myrna Hill, Upper West Side Branch, New York Local p. 33
The Gay Issue in the Feminist Movement, by Myrna Hill, Upper West Side Branch, New York Local p. 34
On the Women’s Party, by Myrna Hill; Upper West Side Branch, New York Local p. 34
Some Unanswered Questions for the Proletarian Orientation Tendency, by Dave Wulp, Boston Branch p. 35
-The Question ofPrinciple and the Unconditional Call for A Feminist Party, by Lynn Henderson, Atlanta Branch. p. 38

Vol. 29, No. 23, August, 1971

Where the Proletarian Orientation Tendency Goes Wrong On Women’s Liberation, by Betsey Stone p. 3
Woman’s Suffrage and the Feminist Movement: Victory or Defeat, by Dianne Feeley, Upper West Side Branch, New York Local p. 9
In Reply to Comrades Lovell and Novack, by Barbara Gregorich and Phil Passen, Cleveland Branch p. 11
Notes On Anthropology and Related Topics in the Light of Marxism and Feminism, by R. Vernon, Brooklyn Branch, New York Local p. 16

Vol. 29, No. 24, August, 1971

Third World Work and A Proletarian Orientation: Counter-draft Resolution to “Struggle for Chicano p. 2 Liberation, “Political Committee Draft Resolution, submitted by Froben Lozada, Hilda Rangel de Guerrero, Fernando Guerrero, Oakland/Berkeley Branch p. 2
Toward A Marxist Approach to the Women’s Liberation Movement, by Margaret Charous, Sandy Hall, Beth Semmer, Celia Stodola, Oakland/Berkeley Branch p. 8
Three Concrete Ways to Build A Revolutionary Party, by Mary Henderson, Oakland/Berkeley Branch p. 22
Some Comments On Hedda Garza’s Words and Deeds, by Mary Henderson, Oakland/Berkeley Branch p. 23

Vol. 29, No. 25, August, 1971

July 25, 1971, Letter From Bill Massey for the Proletarian Orientation Tendency to Jack Barnes A Serious Tendency Which Has Acted Seriously Deserves to Be Treated in A Serious Manner and p. 3
Receive Adequate Time to Present Its Views to the Highest Body of the Party, by Bill Massey for the Proletarian Orientation Tendency p. 3
JULY 30 Letter From the Political Committee to Bill Massey p. 3
Appendix: Correspondence Between Proletarian Orientation Tendency and the National Office p. 7
Comrade Tussey Versus the Proletarian Orientation, by Bill Massey, Oakland/Berkeley Branch p. 15
In Reply to “Third World Work and A Proletarian Orientation,” by Maxine Williams, Brooklyn Branch, New York Local p. 26
Organizational Questions and the Party Crisis, by the Communist Tendency p. 27
The International Situation: An Initial Assessment, by the Communist Tendency p. 29

Vol. 29, No. 26, August, 1971

The Devil theory in the SWP Pre-Convention Discussion, by Bob Fink, Lower Manhattan Branch, New York Local p. 3
Third World Women and the Debate of “Freeabortion” Vs. “Repeal of All Abortion Laws", by Patti Iiyama, Upper West Side Branch, New York Local p. 5
Facts About the Bolshevik Party, by Doug Jenness, Brooklyn Branch, New York Local p. 7
Remarks Made At the Houston Branch Pre-Convention Discussion On July 27 in Support of the N. C. Draft p. 9
Political Resolution, by Deb by Leonard, Houston Branch p. 11
Contribution to the Pre-Convention Discussion, by Tom Leonard, Houston Branch p. 13
Why the Socialist Workers Party Must Reject the Politics of “Third World Work and A Proletarian Orientation", by Tony Thomas, Brooklyn Branch, and Mirta Vidal, Lower Manhattan Branch, New York Local p. 13
Some Thoughts On the Palestine Resistance, by Tony Thomas, Brooklyn Branch, New York Local p. 19
Proposed Amendment to Political Committee Draft Resolution Titled “Towards A Mass Feminist Movement, by Ruth H. Cheney and Ruthann Miller, Upper West Side Branch, New York Local p. 21
Toward A Concrete Understanding of Social Classes and Layers, by David Keil, Twin Cities Branch p. 21
The Position of the Proletarian Orientation Tendency On the Gay Liberation Movement, by Bob Bresnahan and Bernie Senter, Cleveland Branch p. 23
Have We Given Up Our Proletarian Orientation? An Alternative Look, by Paul Abbot and Rick Ehrmann, Washington, D. C. Branch p. 27

Vol. 29, No. 27, August, 1971

Why We Support A Democratic Secular Palestine and Oppose Self-Determination Dor Israel, by Peter Buch, Brooklyn Branch, New York Local
In Support of the Counter Draft Resolution On Israel and the Arab Revolution, by Berta Langston, Bob Langston, Brooklyn Branch, New York Local; and Jon Rothschild, Upper West Side Branch, New York Local
Postscript-An Answer to Comrade Horowitz, by Berta Langston, Bob Langston, Brooklyn Branch, New York Local; and Jon Rothschild, Upper West Side Branch, New York Local

Vol 29, No. 28, August 1971

Comments On the Gay Liberation Movement, by Michael Maggi, Houston Branch
An Answer to the Oakland-Berkeley Critics, by Evelyn Reed, Lower Manhattan Branch, New York Local
In Reply to “Toward A Marxist Approach to the Women’s Liberation Movement", by Caroline Lund, Lower Manhattan Branch, New York Local
A Criticism of the Party’s Trade Union Work With Respect to April 24-San Francisco, by Jack Burton, Los Angeles Branch

1972— Discussion Bulletins

Vol. 30, No. 1, June, 1972

Motion Approved by the SWP National Committee Plenum, May 14, 1972
Concerning the Gay Liberation Movement and the Party’s Orientation to it, by Barry Sheppard
Aspects of the Gay Liberation Movement, by John Lauristen, Upper West Side Branch, New York Local
A Constribution to the Discussion, by Lee Smith, Upper West Side Branch, New York Local

Vol. 30, No. 2, July, 1972

Is a Part that Bans Transvestim, Ready for Gay Liberation? by Sudie and Geb, Boston Branch p. 3
Gay Liberation and Class Struggle, by David Thorstad, Upper West Side Branch, New York Local p. 7

Vol. 30, No. 3, July, 1972

Gay Liberation, Capitalism, Stalinism, Sectarianism, Ultraleftism, and Trotskyism, by Sudie and Geb, Boston Branch
Antigay Laws in teh United States and some other Countries, by David Thorstad, Upper West Side Branch, New York Local
Gay Liberation and the Sexual Revolution by Jon Hilson, Denver Branch

Vol. 30, No. 4, July, 1972

Intervening in the Gay Liberation Movement, by David Keepnews, Upper West Side Branch, New York Local
Gay Economic Exploitation, by Kendall Green, Upper West Side Branch, New York Local
A Contribution to the Discussion on Gay Liberation by Nat Weinstein, San Francisco Branch
Concerning an Inadequate Compromise, by Sudie and Geb, Boston Branch

Vol. 30, No. 5, August, 1972

A Review and a Comment, by David Thorstad, Upper West Side Branch, New York Local
For National Party Intervention in the Gay Liberation Movement, by Steve Beren, Chicago Branch
Basic Questions that Muct be Answered, by Lauristen, Upper West Side Branch, New York Local
A Comment on Comrade Nat Weinstein’s Contribution, by Lee Smith, Upper West Side Branch, New York Local

Vol. 30, No. 6, August, 1972

History, Documents and Analysis of the Gay Liberation Movement and Proposed Outlines for Party Gay Work, by Michael Maggi, Los Angeles Branch p. 3
Appendix p. 10
Critical Remarks on Barry Sheppeard’s Contribution to the Current Discussion, by Michael Maggi, Los Angeles Branch p. 13
Indense of Marxism Against Comrade Weinstein, by Lauristen, Upper West Side Branch, New York Local p. 15
On Comrade Sheppard’s Remark Concerning the Party’s Involvement in the Gay Liberation Movement, by John Hilson, Denver Branch, p. 19

Vol. 30, No. 7, August, 1972

Toward a Programmatic National Orietnation in the Gay Liberation Movement, by Jon Hillson, Denver Branch p. 3
Party Building and Gay Struggles, by Fred Feldman, Brooklyn Branch, New York Local p. 4
Some Comments on Gay Liberation, by Wesley Weinhold, Seattle Branch p. 6
More Thoughts on the Gay Liberation Movement, by Eileen Gersh, Philadelphia Branch p. 7
Concerning the Gay Liberation Movement and Barry Sheppard’s Proopsed Orientation to it, by Roland Sheppard, San Francisco Branch p. 9
A Clarification, by Lee Smith, Upper West Side Branch, New York Local p. 10
Revoltuionary Potential of Gay Liberartion Demands, by Kendall Green, Upper West Side Branch, New York Local p. 11

Vol. 30, No. 8, September, 1972

Contribution to the Discussion On Gay Liberation, by Gloria Albee, Seattle Branch p. 3
The Party’sorientation Toward Gay Liberation, by George Novack, Lower Manhattan Branch, New York Local p. 4
Concerning the Discussion, by Barry Sheppard p. 6
A Reply to Nat Weinstein, by Steve Beren, Chicago Branch p. 11
The Key Questions in This Discussion, by David Thorstad, Upper West Side Branch, New York Local p. 14
A Statement to the Psychiatric Profession By Gay Liberation, by David Thorstad, Upper West Side Branch, New York Local p. 19
A Brief Commentary On An Important Issue in This Discussion, by Steve Beren, Chicago Branch p. 20
A Little More On Transvestism, by Sudie and Geb, Boston Branch p. 21
A Lesbian Speechand Some Comments, by Casey, Oakland—Berke1ey Branch p. 22
Gay Liberation Vs. “Workerism, ” by Sudie and Geb, Boston Branch p. 23
Gay Is Good, Gay Is Better—Whatshould the Party’sposition Be? by Sudie and Geb, Boston Branch p. 28
Some Questions and Answers, by Kendall Green, Upper West Side Branch, New York Local p. 29
Why Is A Gay Rights Stand Not Enough? by Lucy Roedder, Seattle Branch p. 30
Comments On A Side Issue Raised in the Discussion On Gay Liberation, By Betsey Stone, Upper West Side Branch, New York Local p. 31

Vol. 30, No. 9, September, 1972

Correction to Discussion Bulletin Vol. 30 No. 3
Some Additional Remarks On the Gay Liberation Movement, by Michael Maggi, Los Angeles Branch p.3
A Civil Liberties Approach to Gay Liberation Is Insufficient, by Harry Ring, Los Angeles Branch p. 6
Our Intervention, by John Lauritsen, Upper West Side Branch, New York Local p. 7
The Gay Liberation Movement: A New Era of Radicalization, by Art Gursch, Chicago Branch p. 9
Women and Gay Liberation, by Sudie and Geb, Boston Branch p. 14
Class Struggle and Gay Liberation, by Derrel Myers, San Francisco Branch p. 18

1973— Discussion Bulletins

Vol. 31, No. 1, April, 1973

Letter From the ‘SWP’ National Office p. 3
Letter to the Political Committeeon the Formation of a Political Tendency p. 4
The Only Road to Revolution is Through the Proletariat, by Gerald Clark, Oakland- Berkeley Branch p. 6
Resolution On Vietnam, by May Stark, Los Angeles Branch p. 15

Vol. 31, No. 2, April, 1973

The Marxist theory of Human Activity: Mediation theory or Historical Materialism, by Jan Garrett, Twin Cities Branch p. 2
Democratic Centralism and the International, by Milt Alvin, Los Angeles Branch p. 6

Vol. 31, No. 3, May, 1973

Three Flaws in the Party Leadership’s Policy On Ecology, by Jan Garrett, Twin Cities Branch p. 3
In Support of the International Majority Tendency: in Support of the Fourth International, by Bill Yaffe and Estelle Yaffe, At-Large Members p. 6
Memorandum on the Gay Liberation Movement Adopted by National Committee Plenum, April 29, 1973 p. 7

Vol. 31, No. 4, May, 1973

Transition in Leadership of the Socialist Workers Party Farrell Dobbs, George Breitman, Jack Barnes, George Novack

Vol. 31, No. 5, May, 1973

Excerpts From 1972 Socialist Activists and Educational Conference Speech On the Colonial Revolution: A Reply to Massey, Shaffer and Smith, by Tony Thomas, Lower Manhattan Branch, New York Local p. 3
Towards A Critique of“Political” Anthropology, by Jan Garrett, Twin Cities Branch p. 5
The Real Meaning of the Draft thesis: the Buildingof Revolutionaryparties in Capitalist Europe, by Ninure Saunders, Chicago Branch p. 10
The Basis of the International Discussion On Vietnam, by Stephen Bloom, Brooklyn Branch, New York Local p. 11

Vol. 31, No. 6, May, 1973

A Contribution, by C. Wachauer, Philadelphia Branch p. 3
“Student Orientation, ” “Youth Orientation, ” “Workerorientation” — Are they Compatible? by Ninure Saunders, Chicago Branch p. 3
American Maoism: Re-Emergence and Regroupment, by Jon Hillson, Denver Branch p. 5
Appendix: Selected Bibliography p. 15

Vol. 31, No. 7, May, 1973

Against Narrow-Mindedness, by Geb, San Francisco Branch p. 3
The Guerrilla Struggle in the Middle East, 1965-70: A Contribution Towards A Balance Sheet, by Tom Bias, Upper West Side Branch, New York Local p. 5
The Part Played by Militarismin the Rise ofPatriarchal Culture, by Jan Garrett, Twin Cities Branch p. 13
The Evolution of a Tendency, by David Keil, Lower Manhattan Branch, New York Local p. 17

Vol. 31, No. 8, May, 1973

An Answer to the National Organizational Secretary, by Bill Massey (Internationalist Tendency), Chicago Branch p. 3
Latin America and the Massey-Shafferf Smith Tendency, by Gordon Fox, Oakland-Berkeley Branch p. 6
Should We Junk Historical Materialism— Or Hold Fast to It? by George Novack p. 10
Appendix: Letter from Les Evans to Jan Garrett p. 14

Vol. 31, No. 9, June, 1973

Declaration ofInternationalisttendency, Bill Massey, Chicago Branch, et al. p. 2
Towards Clarity On the Struggle for Gay Liberation, by Arthur Maglin, Upper West Side Branch, New York Local p. 3
Heroin, by Arthur Maglin, Upper West Side Branch, New York Local p. 4
It Is Time to Call A Halt, by Milton Alvin, Los Angeles Branchp. p. 9
A Socialist Position On Drug Laws, by Sudie, Los Angeles Branch; and Geb, San Francisco Branch p. 12
A Contribution and Some Proposals, by Ninure Saunders, Chicago Branch p. 14

Vol. 31, No. 10, June, 1973

An Open Letterof Protest, by Bill Massey (Internationalist Tendency), Chicago Branch p. 3
Appendix: Letter From Barry Sheppard to Tom Kissner p. 5
Propaganda for the Uninitiated, by Steve Beck, Lower Manhattan Branch, New York Local p. 6
The Homosexual Rights Movement (1864-1935), by John Lauritsen and David Thorstad, Upper West Side Branch, New York Local p. 7

Vol. 31, No. 11, June, 1973

Statement ofSupport to the International Majority Tendency, Representatives of the Tendency now formed around this statement in SWP branches on the West Coast are: Ralph Levitt and Celia Stodola, Oakland-Berkeley Branch; Judy Shane and Ron Warren, Los Angeles Branch; Jeff Beneke and Garth Chojnowski, San Francisco Branch p. 3
The Real Unevenness in the Fourth International, by Tom Scharret, Oakland-Berkeley Branch p. 4
Comrade Peng Shu-Tse and the History of the International Discussion, by David Keil, Lower Manhattan Branch, New York Local p. 7
The SWP’s Position in the Debate On Armed Struggle, by Fred Feldman, Brooklyn Branch, New York Local p. 10
Building Revolutionary Parties in Capitalist Europe: Strategy for Mass Parties Or Mass Disorientation? by Alan Einhorn, Boston Branch p. 13
The Raza Unida Partyin Chicago, by Antonio DeLeon, Chicago Branch p. 14
Why White Radicals Cannot Understand Black Nationalism, by Ninure Saunders, Chicago Branch p. 14
Why A National Perspective On the Gay Liberation Movement? by Jo Dellagiustina, San Diego Branch p. 17

Vol. 31, No. 12, June, 1973

The Unfolding New World Situation, International Report by Jack Barnes, adopted by National Committee plenum, April 26, 1973 Youth Report to SWP National Committee Plenum, by Andy Rose, April 28, 1973

Vol. 31, No. 13, June, 1973

Draft Political Resolution (The general line ofthisresolutionwasapprovedbythePoliticalCommitteeJune 15, 1973.) p. 3
Appendix: Perspectives and Lessons of the New Radicalization (Political Resolution approved by the 1971 National Convention of the Socialist Workers Party) p. 23

Vol. 31, No. 14, June, 1973

In Defense ofEngels’ Marxist Method, by Evelyn Reed, Lower Manhattan Branch, New York Local p. 3
The “Internationalist Tendency” Steps Away From the Proletarian Orientation, by Fred Feldman, Brooklyn Branch, New York Local p. 7
The Internationalist Tendency and the Cuban Revolution, by Dave Jerome, Boston Branch p. 9
A Program for Building A Proletarian Party: in Opposition to the Centrism of the Party Majority, by Gerald Clark, Oakland- Berkeley Branch p. 12

Vol. 31, No. 15, June, 1973

For An intervention into the Gay Liberation Struggle, by David Thorstad and Kendall Green, Upper West Side Branch, New York Local p. 3
An Open Letter to the Party on the Resolution “For An intervention into the Gay Liberation Struggle” by Steve Beren, Detroit Branch; Kendall Green, David Keepnews, John Lauritsen, Lee Smith and David Thorstad, Upper West Side Branch, New York Local p. 9
An Open Letter to Comrade Lew Jones, by Bill Massey (Internationalist Tendency), Chicago Branch p. 9
Appendix: Letter from Bill Massey to Jack Barnes p. 10
POstpone the Convention to Allow A Full Debate, by Bill Massey (Internationalist Tendency), Chicago Branch p. 11
Problems with Novackian Philosophy, by Jan Garrett, Twin Cities Branch p. 13
Appendix: Book Review Submitted to the ISR p. 22

Vol. 31, No. 16, July, 1973

A Contribution to the Debate On indochina: the SWP’s Role in the Antiwar Movement, by Geoff Mirelowitz, BrooklynBranch, NewYork Local p. 3
An initial Evaluationof the “Breakthrough ” Strategy, by Jim Rousey, San Francisco Branch p. 7
Correspondence On the “Regular-Name ” Question, by Geb, San Francisco Branch p. 12
Letter From Barry Sheppard to Robert Gebert p. 13
The Plenum Report On Gay Liberation: Thirteen Basic Questions, by Sudie, Los Angeles Branch; and Geb, San Francisco Branch p. 14
The Argentine Gay Manifesto, by Sudie, Los Angeles Branch p. 24
The British Trotskyists On Gay Liberation, by Sudie, Los Angeles Branch p. 26
Opportunities for the Socialist Workers Party in the Gay Liberation Movement: in Support of the Contribution, “For An intervention into the Gay Liberation Struggle, ” by Thorstad and Green, by Sandy Knoll, Detroit Branch p. 28

Vol. 31, No. 17, July, 1973

The Agrarian Revolution and Nationalism: Trotsky’s View, by Dick Roberts, Upper West Side Branch, New York Local p. 3
Report On Puerto Rico, by Doug Jenness p. 8
Why FAPO Wasn’t A “Clear Political Tendency, ” by Jim Rousey, San Francisco Branch p. 10
Bolivia—Breakthrough Or Bolshevism? by Andrea Brod, PhiladelphiaBranch p. 12
The SWP’s Preparation for the World Congress—An Onerous Formality, by Irene Gorgosz, Detroit Branch p. 13
National Oppression, National Liberation and the Socialist Revolution: A Defense ofLeninism and A Reply to Comrade Ernest Germain, by Tony Thomas, Lower Manhattan Branch, New York Local p. 14
A Criticism ofEuropean Perspectives, by Dennis Brasky, Chicago Branch p. 20
Question Number Fourteen, by Geb, San Francisco Branch p. 23

Vol. 31, No. 18, July, 1973

The Building ofA Revolutionaryparty In Capitalist America, Political Counter Resolution Submitted by the Internationalist Tendency

Vol. 31, No. 19, July, 1973

The Abortion Struggle: What Have We Accomplished, Where Should We Go From Here? by Betsey Stone and Mary-Alice Waters

Vol. 31, No. 20, July, 1973

For A Socialist Intervention in Gay Liberation, by Dave Chamberlin, Los Angeles Branch; Casey, Oakland-BerkeleyBranch, Ninure Saunders and Art Gursch, Chicago Branch p. 3
Some Criticisms of the Memo On Gay Liberation, by Lee Artz, Detroit Branch p. 15
Repudiation of the Bachofen-Morgan-Engels Matriarchal Theory of Social Origins, by R.Vernon, Brooklyn Branch, NewYork Local p. 17
The Feminist Party Perspective—1973, by Sudie, Los Angeles Branch; and Geb, San Francisco Branch p. 25

Vol. 31, No. 21, July, 1973

On the New Mass Vanguard as an Adequate Instrument: theoretical Roots of an Erroneous Concept, by Tim Craine, Detroit Branch p. 3
Why the Socialist Workersparty should Advocate the Formation of a Mass Political Party of Puerto Ricans in the United States, by Richard Garza, Upper West Side Branch, New York Local p. 7
Letter to SWP National office, by Vinnie Longo, Jo Della-Giustina, Kim Allen, Mike Priddy, Lori Adolewski, and Salm Kolis, San Diego Branch p. 10
The Gay Liberation Movement and the Strategy of Party building, by Vinnie Longo, Jo Della-Giustina, Kim Allen, Mike Priddy, Lori Adolewski, and Salm Kolis, San Diego Branch p. 10
On the Question of the “Sectoral” Method: A Reply to the Internationalist Tendency, by Bob Frantz, Seattle Branch p. 13
Appendix: the Healyites and the “Sectoral” Method p. 15
In Defense of the Document “Building Revolutionary Parties In Capitalist Europe, ” by Guy Miller (Internationalist Tendency), Chicago Branch p. 15
On the Oakland-Berkeley Branch’s Experience With the Seale-Brown Election Campaign, by Rick Congress, Oak1and-Berkeley Branch p. 25
On Implementing Our Tasks In the Women’s Movement, by Victoria Jones, Upper West Side Branch, New York Local p. 28

Vol. 31, No. 22, July, 1973

A “Minimal” Understanding of the Role of Democratic Demands, by George Novack p. 2
The Ligue Communiste, the Debre Struggles, and the European Document, by Jane Roland, Boston Branch p. 5
The Communist League and the 1973 Legislative Elections In France, by Tony Thomas, Lower Manhattan Branch, New York Local p. 7
On Comrade Halstead’s nonsense: Or How His Politics Got Buried with the Coffin, by Gene Warren, Los Angeles Branch p. 11
On Gerald Clark ’s “Caricature” of the Leninist-Trotskyist position On Black Nationalism, by Ninure Saunders, Chicago Branch p. 13
The Chicago Branch of the Socialist Workers Party: An Anatomy of Corroding Democracy, by Nadja (Internationalist Tendency), Chicago Branch p. 16
Lack of Transition In Leadership of the SWP, by Sudie, Los Angeles Branch p. 20
Declarationof Revolutionary Internationalist Tendency, by Irene Gorgosz, Detroit Branch, Gerald Clark, Oakland—Berkeley Branch; and Michael Milin, Detroit Branch p. 21

Vol. 31, No. 23, July, 1973

Letter From Barry Sheppard to Robert Gebert and Sudie Trippet p. 3
Two Letters from Sudie and Geb to the Administrative Committee p. 4
Appeal to the National Leadership of the SWP: Concerning Internal Democracy, by Sudie and Geb p. 5
Appendix: Additional Documents Relating to the “Appeal to the National Leadership of the SWP Concerning Internal Democracy” p.9

Vol. 31, No. 24, July, 1973

A Sectarian Approach to the Feminist Movement, by Evelyn Reed, Lower Manhattan Branch, New York Local p. 3
The “Internationalist Tendency” Is Revising Trotskyismon the Class Nature of the State and On the Nature of Stalinism, by Fred Feldman, Brooklyn Branch, New ‘York Local p. 7
Vietnam, China, Latin America, Europe: the Same Error, by Steve Clark, Chicago Branch p. 11
Statement of Support to the Political Resolution of the Internationalist Tendency, by Ralph Levitt and Celia Stodola, Oakland-Berkeley Branch; Judi Shayne and Ron Warren, los Angeles Branch; Jeff Beneke and Garth Chojnowski, San Francisco Branch p. 13
The Role of the Vanguard and the Current Discussion, by Mike Taber, Chicago Branch p. 14
Letter to National office Concerning Changes In “The Building of A Revolutionaryparty In Capitalist America” by John B. (Internationalist Tendency), Chicago Branch p. 15
Letter In Response to John B., by Rich Feigenberg p. 16
In Support of “The Gay Liberation Movement and the Strategy of Party Building, ” by Helen S. Hollander and Pamela J. Mills, San Diego Branch p. 16
Once More On “Universal Preclass Matriarchy, ” by Jan Garrett, Twin Cities Branch p. 16
Political Committee “Theory” Over the Past Two Years, by Mark Lause (Internationalist Tendency), Houston Branch p. 18
Two, Three, Many Indochinas! An Action Proposal for the Swp, Draft thesis—Presented to the SWP Convention for Approval, by Bill Yaffe, At-Large 28

Vol. 31, No. 25, July, 1973

Questions Concerning Our Defense Against the Goon Attacks Launched By the NCLC, by Barry Sheppard p. 3
In Defense Of the Socialist Workers Party’s Position On Black Liberation: Where the Internationalist Tendency Goes Wrong, by Tony Thomas, Lower Manhattan Branch, New York Local p. 8
The Search for Greener Pastures, by Stu Singer, Los Angeles Branch p. 20
The Differences Over Vietnam, by George Johnson, Brooklyn Branch, New York Local p. 24
On the Question of the National Committee, by Oscar Coover, Los Angeles Branch p. 35
The European Document, by Derrick Morrison p. 36
Does Our Knowledge Correspond to Reality? by George Novack p. 42
The SWP’S Position On A Women’s Party, by Betsey Stone p. 44
Appendix: Correspondence with Bill Massey p. 46
Three Points Concerning Our Counter Resolution “For An Intervention into the Gay Liberation Struggle, ” by David Thorstad and Kendall Green, Upper West Side Branch, New York Local p. 47

Vol. 31, No. 26, July, 1973

The Houston Campaign to Raise the Branch Sustainer Base, by Anne Springer, Houston Branch p. 3
Aspects Of Financing A New Branch, by Bonnie Cady, San Diego Branch p. 4
Report On Spring 1973 Sales Campaign, by Sharon Cabaniss, Militant Business Office p. 7
Oakland-Berkeley 1973 Spring Sales Report, by Carl Finamore, Oak1and-Berkeley Branch p. 19
Spring Sales Campaign Report to the Lower Manhattan Branch, by Ron Wolin, Lower Manhattan Branch, New York Local p. 21
How to Organize A Sub Drive, by Debby Woodroofe, Lower Manhattan Branch, New York Local p. 27

Vol. 31, No. 27, July, 1973

The Barzman Letter
The Meaning Of the Barzman Letter: A Secret Faction In the Fourth International, by Jack Barnes p. 3
Appendix I: Report on the Splits in the Canadian Section APPENDIX II: 1971 Correspondence Between Bill Massey and Jack Barnes p. 30
Appendix III: the Preconditions for An AuthoritativeWorld Congress p. 35
Appendix IV: the Record on Translation of International Discussion Documents Into French p. 35
A Case History Of Clique Politics and Politicians, by Tom Kerry p. 39
In Response to Jeff Meisner, by Milt Alvin, Los Angeles Branch p. 43
Appendix: Correspondence Between Jeff Meisner and Lew Jones p. 44
The Truth About Comrademassey’s Charge That Traditional Norms Of Party Democracy Were Violated At the 1971 SWP Convention, by Andrea Morell and Peter Seidman, Upper West Side Branch, New York Local p. 45
Six Strides Backward: the Meaning Of the Political Resolution Submittedby the Internationalist Tendency, by Barry Sheppard 50
JUNE 17, 1973, Letter from Jack Barnes T0 Bill Massey 58

Vol. 31, No. 28, July, 1973

Proposal for Gay Liberation Work, by Becky Bohan, Minneapolis Branch p. 3
Vietnam: A Major Challenge to Our Program, by Stephen Bloom, Brooklyn Branch, New York Local p. 3
The Fight In the United Secretariat: Reformist Appetite Versus Guerrillaist Centrism, by Michael Milin, Detroit Branch p. 4
Open Letter to the Political Committee, by Judi Shayne, Los Angeles Branch p. 9
In Support Of the Resolution “The Building Of Revolutionary Parties In Capitalist Europe,” by Berta Langston and Bob Langston, Lower Manhattan Branch, New York Local; and Jon Rothschild, Upper West Side Branch, New York Local p. 9
Bourgeois Military Influence In the Frente Revolucionario Anti-Imperialista: An Answer to Comrade Ernest Germain, by Stephen Warshell, Upper West Side Branch, New York Local p. 28
The Gay Liberation Movementmemorandum: Inadequate Method, Incorrect Conclusions, by Jon Hillson, Denver Branch p. 38

Vol. 31, No. 29, July, 1973

Where the National Committee Memorandum On the Gay Movement Goes Wrong, by Steve Beren, Detroit Branch; Kendall Green, David Keepnews, John Lauritsen, and David Thorstad,Upper West Side Branch, NewYork Local; and Lee Smith, Lower Manhattan Branch, New York Local p. 3
Position Paper on the Current Dispute in the Fourth International,by Ralph Levitt and Celia
Stodola, Oakland-BerkeleyBranch; Ron Warren and Judi Shayne, Los Angeles Branch; Jeff Beneke and Garth Chojnowski, San Francisco Branch p. 18
On the Black Party Slogan, by Peter Gellert, Houston Branch p. 32
On the Oakland-Berkeley Discussion By Celia Stodola, by Celia Stodola, Oakland-Berkeley Branch p. 34
An Ultra Left Retrospective: An Answer to the IT’s Misrepresentations of Our GI Work, by Michael Smith, Lower Manhattan Branch, New York Local p. 37
Looking Backward: the SWP and Gay Liberation, 1970-1973, by Lee Smith, Lower Manhattan Branch, New York Local p. 39
The Internationalist Tendency and Gay Liberation—What Is the I.T. up to? by David Keepnews, Upper West Side Branch, New York Local p. 46
Letter to Lew Jones, by Charlie Bolduc, Los Angeles Branch p. 47

Vol. 31, No. 30, July, 1973

The Struggle for Proletarian Parties in Capitalist Europe, by Chris Marat (Internationalist Tendency), Washington D. C. Branch p. 2
Socialism and Technology: An Answer to Comrade Garrett’s View of Ecology, by Steve Beck, Lower Manhattan Branch, New York Local p. 14
Build the Party—No Concessions to Ultraleftismand Stalinism, by Bob Kissinger, Chicago Branch p. 19
The Central Issues in the Discussion on Latin America, by David Morrow, Chicago Branch p. 22
What the Discussion on the Gay Struggle Has Revealed, by Jon Hillson, Joe Johnson and Bill Perdue, Denver Branch p. 31
Where the N. C. Memorandum on Gay Liberation Goes Wrong, by Steve Gabosch, San Francisco Branch p. 33
For Democracy? Yes, Comrade Massey! But Just Who Is for Democracy? by Al Greengold and Gerry Clark, Oakland-Berkeley Branch p. 36
A Spectre Is Haunting the International: the Origins and Consequences of Pabloism, by Al Greengold, Oakland-Berkeley Branch p. 37

Vol. 31, No. 31, July, 1973

A Contribution to the Discussion on Vietnam, By Gus Horowitz P. 3
Ultra Leftism in the Black Movement and the Internationalist Tendency’s Adaptation to It, by Norman Oliver, Lower Manhattan Branch, New York Local p. 8
The National Question: Setting the Record Straight on Leninism and Nationalism, by Supporters of the June 10 “Statement of Support to the International Majority Tendency” p. 11
A Correction to Bulletin, by Jim Rousey, San Francisco Branch p. 16
Nationalism and “In Defence of Leninism,” by Jim Rousey, San Francisco Branch p. 21
A Contribution on the Discussion of Anthropology, byJoe Traugott,PhiladelphiaBranch p. 27
The Discussion in the Chicago Branch, by Dennis Brasky, Chicago Branch p. 31
Insularity, by Arthur Maglin, Upper West Side Branch, New York Local p. 33
Joint Statement of the Internationalist Tendency and the Tendency formed Around the June 10 “Statement of Support to the International Majority Tendency” p. 34
Statement on Gay Liberation Discussion, by Harry Ring, Los Angeles Branch p. 35
A Contributionto the Latin American Discussion, by Rudy Zeller, Detroit Branch p. 36
The United Front and the Ligue, by Fred Brode, Houston Branch p. 40
Confessions of A Cadre-Killer: An Open Letter to the Ranks of the Party by A Member of the Internationalist Tendency, by Mark Lause, Houston Branch p. 41
Deep Entryism: Its Relevance to the Present Discussion, by Cliff Conner, Lower Manhattan Branch, New York Local p. 43
A Contributionon the Radicalization of the ’30s, by Tim Brooks, Oakland-BerkeleyBranch p. 46

Vol. 31, No. 32, July, 1973

An Answer to Comrade Sterne on Indo-China, by Don Gurewitz, Boston Branch p. 3
When You Cut Political Corners You Cut A Party’s Throat,by Russell Block, Upper West Side Branch, New York Local; and Michael Smith, Lower Manhattan Branch, New York Local p. 10
Some Remarks on American Perspectives, by Tom Quinn, Washington, D. C. Branch p. 16
Where the Thorstad-Green Counter-Memorandum Goes Wrong on the Role of Gay Oppression in Capitalist Society, by Mimi Harary, Brooklyn Branch, New York Local p. 23
The Coming Shortages and What to Do About them, by Mary F. Walter, Denver Branch p. 24
How the Internationalist Tendency Orients to the American “New Mass Vanguard,” by Brian Williams, Oakland-BerkeleyBranch p. 25
In Support of the National Committee Memorandum on the Gay Liberation Movement, by Wayne Hieber, Brooklyn Branch, New York Local p. 28
Is the Detente Serious? Is the Minority Serious? by Bob Schwarz, San Francisco Branch p. 31
A Contribution to the Discussion on Ireland, by Peter Archer, Chicago Branch p. 34
Is the Nuclear Family Eternal? An Answer to Comrade Vernon, by Evelyn Reed, Lower Manhattan Branch, New York Local p. 40
A Report and Comments on the Discussion With the Massey-Shaffer-Smith Tendency In Bloomington, by Lee Artz, Detroit Branch p. 46

Vol. 31, No. 33, July, 1973

How the Positions of the Germain-Maitan-Frank Tendency Hold Together and How Its Method Leads Toward Popular Frontism, by David Keil, Lower Manhattan Branch, New York Local p. 3
A Feudal Monarchicalworkers State? the Internationalist Tendency and the Class Character of the State, by Steve Clark, Chicago Branch p. 8
The Real Oakland-Berkeley Discussion: A Reply to A Letter of Protest,by Frank Boehm, Oakland- Berkeley Branch p. 14
Again and once More Again on the Nature of the Current Radicalization (In Support of the National Committee Memorandum), by Terry Hillman, Upper West Side Branch, New York Local p. 17
For A Full Discussion of the Trade Union Question and Aggressive Implementation of the PC Resolution, by David Keil, Lower Manhattan Branch, New York Local; and Ninure Saunders, Chicago Branch p. 19
Centrist Alchemy Or Marxism? A Critique of ‘The Logic of Mass Action’ by Therese Seiler, Chicago Branch p. 29
Contributionm Ade to Preconvention Discussion to the Boston Branch on July 24, 1973 on the Gay Question, by L. Paltrineri, Boston Branch p. 34
An Unprincipled Grouping Within the SWP, by Tom Scharret, Oakland-BerkeleyBranch p. 35
Letter to the SWP on the Resolution “The Gay Liberation Movement and the Strategy of Party Building,” by VinnieLongo, JoDella-Giustina, Kim Allen, Mike Priddy, Lori Adolewski, Salm Kolis, Helen Hollander and Pam Mills, San Diego Branch p. 42
Setting the Record Straight on the Abortion Campaign, by Susan LaMont, Lower Manhattan Branch and Evelyn Smith, Brooklyn Branch, New York Local p. 43
The Thorstad-Green Counter Resolution: A Political Step in the Wrong Direction, by Fred Feldman, BrooklynBranch, New York Local p. 47

Vol. 31, No. 34, July, 1973

The Barnes-Kerry School of Scandals: A Brief Reply to a Last Minute Horror Story, by Bill Massey (Internationalist Tendency), Chicago Branch p. 3
The Anti-Dportation Movement: the Haitian Case, by Patti Iiyama, Upper West Side Branch, New York Local p. 4
Remarks Made in the Houston Branch on July 23, 1973, Regarding the Franchise Application of the Internationalist Tendency, by Paul McKnight, Houston Branch p. 7
Major Flaws in the Thorstad-Green Resolution, “For An Intervention Into the Gay Liberation Movement,” by Barry Sheppard p. 8
Some Problems of Political Interest in Ethnology, by R.Vernon, Brooklyn Branch,New York Local p. 12
Why We Must Take the Correct Stands on Gay Liberation, by John Lauritsen, Upper West Side Branch, New York Local p. 16
Some Preparatory Notes for A Trade Union Resolution, by Guy Miller and Ted Stacy (lnternationalist Tendency), Chicago Branch p. 18
Statement of Support to the Internationalist Tendency’ Spolitical Resolution, by Berta Langston and Bob Langston, Lower Manhattan Branch, New York Local; and Jon Rothschild, Upper West Side Branch, NewYorkLocal p. 21
For A Democratic Convention— Statement of 83 Party Members p. 24
Wonnaac: A Different Evaluation Or the Stone-Waters School of Opportunism, by Polly Connelly (Internationalist Tendency), Chicago Branch; and Hedda Garza (Internationalist Tendency), Lower Manhattan Branch, New York Local p. 25
Soviet Ethnology—Last Stronghold of Matriarchalism, by R. Vernon, Brooklyn Branch, New York Local p. 32
The Maitan-Mandel-Franktendency as a Guide for Revolutionaries: No Irish Need Apply, by Sally Lemley Moore, Brooklyn Branch, New York Local p. 34
Our Position of the “Democratic Secular Palestine” Demand: the L.T. Distortion and the Actual Record, by Peter Buch, Brooklyn Branch, New York Local p. 37
Some Observationson the Party’s Black Work, by Lynn Henderson, Atlantic Branch p. 41

Vol. 31, No. 35, July, 1973

In Defense of the International Majority’s Perspectives for Latin America, by Richard Mitten (Internationalist Tendency), Chicago Branch p. 2
For A Leninist Relationship Between Party and Youth, by Mark L. and Debby P. (Internationalist Tendency), Chicago Branch p. 20

Vol. 31, No. 1, December, 1973

Two Methods of Party Building: Trotsky Vs. Pierre Frank, by Joe Soares, Atlanta Branch p. 3
The Ligue Communiste In the Legislative Elections, by Brad Merrill, Brooklyn Branch, New York Local p. 7
An Exchange of Correspondence, by Les Evans, Brooklyn Branch, New York Local p. 10
Old Husband Yarns Hamper Discussion of Political Differences, by Tom Kerry p. 12
Appendix: Correspondence Between the International Marxist Grpup and the Socialist Workers Party p. 18
How the Trotskyism of the Iec Majority “Tendency” Is Disintegrating Under the Pressure of Its Line On Latin America, by Fred Feldman, Brooklyn Branch, New York Local p. 21
The Revolutionary Party-Instrument Or Goal, by Fred Feldman, Brooklyn Branch, New York Local p. 26

Vol. 31, No. 2, December, 1973

The Trotskyist View of Vietnamese Stalinism, by George Johnson, Brooklyn Branch, New York Local p. 3
Some Political Observations, by Wesley Weinhold, Seattle Branch p. 5
The Consequences of Pabloism: the ‘United’ Secretariat Breaks Up, by Al Greengold, Oakland-Berkeley Branch p. 7
The Case of South Africa and the Classical Variant, by Tony Thomas, Lower Manhattan Branch, New York Local p. 18
’Off In the Cosmos’-Or Why the IMT Waved ‘Bye-Bye’ to the PRT, by George Johnson, Brooklyn Branch, New York Local p. 20
Questions of Methodology and the 1973 Legislative Elections In France, by Paul Adams, Upper West Side, New York Local p. 22
On the Question of the Bourgeois Army, by Dianne Feeley, Lower Manhattan Branch, New York Local p. 26
An Error that Should Not Go Without Notice, by George Johnson, Brooklyn Branch, New York Local p. 29
Addendum to An Exchange, by Les Evans, Brooklyn Branch, New York Local p. 30

Vol. 31, No. 1, May, 1975


Vol. 31, No. 2, May, 1975

The Fight for Black Liberation, the Current Stage and Its Tasks, National Committee Draft Resolution, May 2, 1975 . p. 2
A Letter On Nation, Nationality, and National Minorities, by Gus Horowitz p. 14

Vol. 31, No. 3, June, 1975

The U.S. Radicalization, From Afar, by George Breitman, Lower Manhattan Branch, New York Local p. 3
Concerning the Draft Resolution On Gay Liberation, by Steve Beren, Upper West Side Branch, New York Local, and Sandy Knoll, Detroit Branch p. 5
Draft Resolution On Gay Liberation, by Steve Beren, Upper West Side Branch, New York Local, and Sandy Knoll, Detroit Branch p. 5
In Reply to Barry Sheppard On Gay Liberation, by Steve Beren, Upper West Side Branch, New York Local p. 11
For the Formation of Labor Party Educational Leagues, by Joe Harris, Newark-at large p. 19
For a Further Clarification of the “Long Detour", by Stephen Bloom, Brooklyn Branch, New York Local p. 21

Vol. 31, No. 4, June, 1975

Report On “The Decline of American Capitalism: Prospects for a Socialist Revolution,” by Jack Barnes. [The general line of this report was adopted by the National Committee plenum on May 2, 1975.] p. 3
Party Tasks and Perspectives Report, by Barry Sheppard [The general line of this report was adopted by the National Committee plenum on May 2, 1975.] p. 17
The January 1975 Plenum of the International Executive Committee of the Fourth International by Mary-Alice Waters [The general line of this World Movement Report was Adopted by the National Committee plenum on May 4, 1975.] p. 26
Appendix I: Letter from Steering Committee of Leninist-Trotskyist Faction to United Secretariat 32
Appendix II: Minutes of the January 1975 International Executive Committee Meeting 33
Report On National Committee Perspectives and Election of Political Committee, by Jack Barnes [presented to the National Committee Plenum May 4, 1975] p. 47
Appendix A: National Committee elected by the 1973 SWP Convention p. 51
Appendix B: Excerpts from the Minutes of April 22, 1975 p. 52

Vol. 31, No. 5, June, 1975

The Liberating Influence of the Transitional Program
Three talks by George Breitman:
  1. the Ludlow Amendment
  2. the Labor Party Question
  3. the SWP, Then and Now

Vol. 31, No. 6, June, 1975

Tradition, Orientation and Program by Milton Alvin, Central-East Branch, Los Angeles, California
On Meetings and Language by Eric Sell, Central-East Branch, Los Angeles, California

Vol. 31, No. 7, June, 1975

Letter of August 15, 1974, to the NC Protesting the Expulsion of the It, Preceded by Letter of Transmittal, Transmitted by Bob Langston, Lower Manhattan Branch, New York Local, June 12, 1975
For a Change in Our Call for a Black Party by David Keil, Lower Manhattan Branch, New York Local, Juhe 15, 1975
On Beating a Dead Horse: a Reply to Comrades Beren and Knoll, by Lee Smith, Lower Manhattan Branch, New York Local,

Vol. 31, No. 8, July, 1975

Revisionism and Opportunism by Milton Alvin, Central-East Branch, Los Angeles Local p. 2
Are Things Really That Bad? by Joseph Hansen p. 5
Appendix: SWP Statement Giving Critical Support to Aptheker Campaign p. 13
The Man On the Flying Trapeze by Tom Kerry p. 15
Appendix 1: Transcript of Tom Kerry’s Remarks at November 21, 1973 Political Committee Meeting p. 25
Appendix 2: Letter From Doug Jenness, for the Political Committee; to Milt Alvin, of December 6, 1973 p. 28
A Correction to SWP Discussion Bulletin VoL 33, No.5, June 1975 p. 32
An Embarrassed Explanation by George Breitman, Lower Manhattan Branch, New York Local p. 32

Vol. 31, No. 9, July, 1975

Four Years of Teachers Union Work: a Balance Sheet, by Paula Rogers, Detroit Branch
What the Party’s Turn Should Mean, by David Keil, Lower Manhattan Branch, New York Local
Some Data On Female Cannibalism, by Robert Des Verney, Upper West Side Branch, New York Local
What We Mean by the ‘’’Long Detour,” a Comment on Comrade Steve Bloom’s Article by Les Evans, Brooklyn Branch, New York Local

Vol. 31, No. 10, July, 1975

On Affirmative Action and Preferential Layoffs, by Debby Leonard, Houston Branch p. 2
Appendix I, Original SWP Resolution submitted to National SWP CLUW Fraction p. 5
Appendix II, Counter-resolution submitted to National SWP CLUW Fraction by Debby Leonard p. 5
Appendix III, Resolution supported by SWP at CLUW National Coordinating Committee on 6/1/75 p. 6
Appendix IV, Resolution presented to CLUW NCC meeting and supported by the International Socialists and the October League p. 6
Appendix V, Resolution adopted by the National Coordinating Committee of the Coalition of Labor Union Women, June 1, 1975 p. 7
Nation and Nationality, by Tony Thomas p. 8
Some Comments On China’s Anti-Soviet Drive and the Current Stage of American Maoism, by Jon Hillson, Boston Branch p. 12
Sex Differentiation in Cannibalism, by Evelyn Reed p. 20
Why Blacks Joined the UAW in Detroit During the 40’s, by Lee Artz, Detroit Branch p. 24
In Defense of the Revolutionary Perspective: a Reply to Comrade Alvin, by Linda Jenness, Frank Lovell, and Baxter Smith p. 27
Michigan Federation of Teachers, An Appendix to “Four Years of Teachers Union Work: a Balance Sheet,” by Paula Rogers, SWP Discussion Bulletin, Vol. 33, No.9 p. 35

Vol. 31, No. 11, July, 1975

Tom Kerry’s Witch-Hunt, by Milton Alvin, Central East Branch, Los Angeles Local p. 2
Placing Our Cluw Work in Perspective, by Chris Hildebrand, Central East Branch, Los Angeles Local p. 6
Comments On the Trade Union Movement, Affirmativ’e Action and Seniority, by Frank Lovell p. 8
"Blimp” Taylor’s 1973 Campaign for Los Angeles Controller, by Stu Singer, Houston Branch p. 12
The Party and the Trade Unions, by Tom Leonard, Houston Branch p. 15
"You Sound More Like An English School Teacher", by Mareen Jasin, Houston Branch p. 18
The Party’s Role in Regional Work, by Mike Kelly, Detroit Branch p. 20
Organizing Party Contact Work, by Linda Thompson, Chicago Branch p. 22
On Our Propaganda, by Steve Beck, Upper West Side Branch, and Floyd Fowler, Brooklyn Branch p. 24
Against the “Democratic-Secular Palestine” Slogan, by Walter Shaffer, Oakland/Berkeley Branch p. 26
Two Criticisms of the Draft Resolution, by Paul Le Blanc, Pittsburgh Branch p. 27
The Problem of Layoffs, a Proposed Amendment to the National Committee Draft Political Resolution, by Milton Alvin, Central East Branch, Los Angeles Local p. 28

Vol. 31, No. 12, July, 1975

A Fifth “Is-Not", by Mike Kelly, Detroit Branch p. 2
Documents As a Recruitment Tool, by Mike Kelly, Detroit Branch p. 4
On the Problem of Defining the Working Class, by Paul Le Blanc, Pittsburgh Branch p. 5
Is the Gay Liberation Ship Sailing Without Us?, by Michael Maggi,. Upper West Side Branch, New York Local p. 9
For More Trotskyist Literature On Maoism, by Ed Pettley, Pittsburgh Branch p. 12
Recent Developments in the International Debate On Vietnam, by Fred Feldman, Brooklyn Branch, New York Local p. 13
A Proposed Amendment to the NC Draft Resolution On the Black Struggle, by David Keil, Lower Manhattan Branch, New York Local p. 16
The Proletarian Orientation and the Current Radicalization: the Continuity of a Political Line, by Fred Feldman and Jane Roland, Brooklyn Branch, New York Local p. 19
The Puerto Rican National Minority in the United States, by Doug Jenness p. 28
Discussion On the Unions,The Revolutionary Party, and the Civil-Rights Struggle, by Tom Kerry and Andy Rose p. 35
Appendix: Negro Workers and the CIO, by Tom Kerry, reprinted from May-June 1950 Fourth International

Vol. 31, No. 13, August, 1975

Making Debby Leonard’s Cluw Counter Resolution Perfectly Clear, by Rick Congress, Houston Branch p. 2
Discriminatory Layoffs and the Turn in Party-Building Priorities, byJean Tussey, Cleveland Branch, p. 3
On the Question of Defense of Incipient Fascist Leaders in the Union Movement, by Debby Leonard, Houston Branch p. 6
Are the Japanese Americans An Oppressed National Minority, by Patti Iiyama, West Side Branch, Los Angeles Local p. 9
In Defense of Democracy, by Barry Sheppard p. 19
1976 National Campaign Report, by Andrea Morell p. 21
For Rejection of Comrade Alvin’s Proposed Amendment to the National Committee Draft Political Resolution, by Linda Jenness p. 30
In Defense of Our Call for An Independent Black Party, by Tony Thomas p. 31
A Word About Puerto Ricans in the U.S., by Pedro Torres, Lower Manhattan Branch, New York Local p. 40
In Defense of Ending Discriminatory Layoffs, by Dianne Feeley, Brooklyn Branch, New York Local p. 42
Once Again On Discriminatory Layoffs, by John Teitelbaum, Pittsburgh Branch p. 44
A Forgotten Minority, by Almeda Kirsch, Cleveland Branch p. 47

Vol. 31, No. 14, August, 1975

Fiscal Crisis and the Need for a Selective Colonization of the Public Sector, by Jack Rasmus, San Francisco Branch p. 2
A History and Analysis of the Human Rights Party of Michigan, by Marti Pettit, Detroit Branch p. 6
On Our Trade Union Work, by Steve Beumer, Detroit Branch p. 8
Why the Rejection of Antigay Prejudice Is a Political Question Not a Scientific Or Cultural One, by Steve Beren, Upper West Side Branch, New York Local p. 14
Toward a Reevaluation of the Women’s Movement, by Rita Shaw, Seattle Branch p. 16
The United Front Tactic As Applied to S.C.A.R. by Joe Soares, Atlanta Branch p. 21
Why the Party Should Reject the Beren-Knoll Resolution, by Andrea Morell, Upper West Side Branch, New York Local p. 23
Some Comments On Work in the Pittsburgh Area Committee On Occupational Safety and Health, by Neil Berns, Pittsburgh Branch p. 27
The Filipino National Minority, by Robert P. Capistrano, San Francisco Branch p. 29
An Examination of the G.I. Movement, by Phil Reser, Denver Branch p. 34
An Examination of the G.I. Movement-Part Two, by Phil Reser, Denver Branch p. 39
Additional Material Relating to Cuba, by David Keil, Lower Manhattan Branch, New York Local p. 40
Postscript to “Four Years of Teachers Union Work: a Balance Sheet,” by Paula Rogers, Detroit Branch p. 44
Critical Support for the Gay Resolution, by Paul LeBlanc, Pittsburg Branch p. 45
Trotskyist Artists and the SWP: An Appeal, by Judy Cuttler, Lower Manhattan Branch, New York Local p. 48

Vol. 31, No. 15, August, 1975

The Slogan of Soviets: Some Lessons From the Past, by Peter Archer, Upper West Side Branch, New York Local p. 2
An Appraisal of Two Lines On Gay Liberation, by Terry Knapp, Boston Branch p. 4
For a More Conscious and Systematic Organization of Party Recruitment Work, by Jack Rasmus, San Francisco Branch p. 7
The Place Where I Work, by Carl Rennhack, Boston Branch p. 12
Some Correspondence On the Trade Union Question, by Debby Leonard, Houston Branch p. 13
When the Bus Starts “Smoking,” We Don’t Step Backward, by Arturo Ramirez, Detroit Branch p. 20
In Support of Gay Pride, by Ed Bromberg, Lower Manhattan Branch, New York Local p. 21
On the Method of the Memorandum, by Russell Block, Upper West Side Branch, New York Local p. 22
For a Fraternal Discussion With the French OCI, by David Keil, Lower Manhattan Branch, New York Local p. 24
Inflation in the U.S.: Origins, Structure, and Future Prospects, by Jack Rasmus, San Francisco Branch p. 32
A Challenge to the Integrity of the Party, by Barry Sheppard p. 43

Vol. 31, No. 16, August, 1975

For Democratic Functioning of the SWP, by Wesley Weinhold, Seattle Branch p. 2
Some Background to the Politics of Baraka and the Congress of African People, by Lynn Rashkind, Lower Manhattan Branch, New York Local p. 4
Marxism, Anthropology, and Science, by Stephen Bloom, Brooklyn Branch, New York Local p. 6
Against the Stream, by Randy Christensen, Milwaukee Branch p. 21
Komchvanstvo, by Robert Des Verney, Upper West Branch, New York LocaL p. 27
What the “Long Detour” Means to Us: a Continuation of a Discussion, by Stephen Bloom, Brooklyn Branch, New York Local, p. 33
Draft Resolution On Gay Liberation-Yes! Memorandum On the Gay Liberation Movement-No!, by Frank Grinnon, Upper West Side Branch, New York Local p. 36
Again: What Is the Class Basis for Our Call for a Black Party? by David Keil, Lower Manhattan Branch, New York Local p. 38
In Support of the Draft Resolution On Gay Liberation, by Patricia Fernandez, Upper West Side Branch, New York LocaL p. 39
Empirically in Valid Aspects of the Traditional Marxist View of the Nuclear Family, by Robert Des Verney, Upper West Side Branch, New York LocaL p. 40
Scientific Socialism and Socialist Science, by Eileen Gersh, Philadelphia Branch p. 43