MIA: Harry Young
Harry Young
1996: Obituary: Harry Young
October 1922: No More War?
July 1941: A Comparison
May 1943: Same Old Shaw
August 1943: Labour Leader's Misconceptions About Socialism
August 1943: Work — the Only Hope
November 1943: Religion and Reaction in Russia
December 1943: Socialism or Barbarism
February 1944: "Local Boy Makes Good," or "Alone He Did it"
August 1945: By the Way
October 1945: The Labour Party Programme. Let Us Face the Future
December 1945: Socialism and the Labour Party
December 1945: The Demand for "Workers Control"
February 1950: Socialism or Capitalism Election address
October 1953: Are the Workers Better Off?
May 1954: Are the Workers Better Off? (round two)
September 1955: The Mixture as Before
November 1957: The swindle of nationalisation
July 1958: The Old Order Changeth
June 1959: Lyndoe on Marx
November 1959: Charles Darwin. His Life and Work
November 1959: Darwin's Bulldog
April 1960: The Missing Link
June 1961: Worker's Prosperity in 1961
January 1972: Open Letter to Jimmy Reid. Communist shop steward, Upper Clyde shipbuilders
October 1973: Marie Stopes, Reformer
February 1973: Is Parliament a Sham?
April 1974: International Socialists . . . the Tripe Factory
October 1974: Workers' Councils: Solution or Delusion
January 1975: A Better Red, but Dead Review of Nikolai Burkharin by Stephen Cohen
February 1975: A German Tragedy
April 1975: Heroine and Victim Review of book by Aino Kuuisinen
September 1975: The Prentice Affair
February 1976: Why I Joined the S.P.G.B.
March 1976: Bert Ramelson Buries Lenin
December 1976: The Rake's Progress Review of Harry Pollitt by John Mahon
April 1977: Book Review Marx for Beginners
May 1977: Wrong Note
August 1977: The dictatorship of the proletariat
October 1977: Should the Unions back Labour?
February 1978: Book Review The Origins of British Bolshevism
December 1978: Rhymeating lion tamer
March 1980: In the Trenches
July 1980: Book Review Karl Marx and the Anarchists
June 1981: Book Review Workers against the Gulag
August 1982: Book Review The Eve of 1917 by Alexander Shlyapnikov
March 1983: Two Steps Back
March 1983: Marx and Darwin
May 1985: Marching along together
April 1986: Students in confusion
November 1989: Why water is a commodity