Labor Challenge articles by Ross Dowson (pseudonyms: Paul Kane, Jean LaPlante) & editorial articles (Note re dates: 01_15th-1b page 2, first article Jan. 15th issue)
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01_01st-1a 01_01st-1b | (66) (Editorial article) 23,777 vote for R.W.P. candidate; Dowson makes big gains as LPP and CCF drop
(continuation) Second (radio) broadcast; Stalinist opportunism |
01_01st-2 | Radio speech heard by Toronto workers (by Dowson mayoralty candidate) |
01_01st-3 | AFL chiefs launch assault on autonomous rights of TLC (US- based craft union federation attempts to lay down law to Canadian labor |
01_01st-4 | (Editorials) Free the seamen (CSU-AFL members jailed framed in union-busting by bosses); Catspaw for bosses (American labor brass recruited to sell Marshall Plan) |
01_01st-5 | Stalinist M.P. joins Ceylon Trotskyists |
02_01st-1 | (67) (Editorials) The tradition is ours (Buck held up as founder of Canadian communism, but what of the others?); Prepare for tomorrow (economic crisis facing Canada) |
02_01st-2 | Trotskyism around the globe: China, Indonesia, Belgium, Italy, Germany |
03_01st-1 | (68) La V�rit� published by Quebec Trotskyists; Activities of the RWP (Toronto) |
03_01st-2 | (Editorials) At last the truth (US strategist Dulles admits Soviet Union strives for economic development, not war); Long live La V�rit�! (RWP Quebec journal) |
03_01st-3a 03_01st-3b | CCF youth group and party rank and file reject Coldwell-Lewis support of North Atlantic War pact, by Ross Dowson
(continuation) Join the scabs |
03_01st-4 | Vancouver RWP hits lay-offs, advances program (Reg Bullock speaks) |
04_01st-1 | (69) Doors slam on B.C. and Ontario labor lobbies, by Paul Kane |
04_01st-2a 04_01st-2b | (Editorial article) How to fight the Pact (Atlantic Pact, adjunct to UNO)
(continuation) CCF rank and file resolutions against Atlantic war pact (RWL position) |
04_01st-3 | (Editorials) “A thing of honor” (Cardinal Spellman denounced as strike-breaker by Catholic workers); But we remember� (facts of complicity of CCF and Stalinists in aiding the expelling of Japanese from BC during WW2) |
04_01st-4 | Trotskyism around the globe: Ceylon, France, Indonesia, United States, Japan |
05_01st-1a 05_01st-1b | (70) May Day Manifesto of the R.W.P.
(continuation) The union bureaucracy; a Workers Program |
05_01st-2 | Strike firm, policy soft in Asbestos (strike report from La V�rit�) |
05_01st-3 | Railwaymen want control of nationalizations; dissatisfaction of British workers rises, by Jean Laplante |
05_01st-4 | Lewis swindles convention which way for left wing, by Paul Kane (BC CCF defies leadership support for Atlantic war pact) |
05_01st-5 | (Editorials) A good move—but—(Steelworkers local decides on shorter work week with the same hourly rate of pay); World Peace Congress fraud (Stalinists make empty threats, capitalist press pretends to be “shocked"; Lenin’s example) |
05_01st-6 | Inside report on China war (from Chinese Trotskyists) |
06_01st-1a 06_01st-1b | (71) Vote CCF—reject boss parties; National Secretary reaffirms RWP policy of critical support, by Ross Dowson
(continuation) Support CCF |
06_01st-2 | Trotskyism haunts Commons (Government hacks red-bait Rodney Young, (BC) CCF-MP) |
06_01st-3 | Bengough to dump CSU Seamen, (but) win (British dockers) Support, by Paul Kane (Canadian and AFL bureaucrats abandon CSU support against SIU drive) |
06_01st-4 | (Editorials) Asbestos (important Quebec strike shakes off Catholic influences); For trade union control (of the CCF, despite Stalinist intrigues) |
06_01st-5 | RWP in Bolivian struggles (FI participates in proletarian united front) |
06_01st-6 | 4th International program for China (against the Kuomintang and Mao’s eight-point peace program) |
06_01st-7 | Anti-war program outlined to congresses by De Silva (leader of Ceylonese Trotskyists speaks to Congress of partisans of peace in Paris) |
07_01st-1a 07_01st-1b | (72) What’s behind the CCF debacle? CCF leaders aided big Liberal sweep by weak-kneed electoral policy, by Paul Kane
(continuation) CCF; Unions line up in new wage drive; Bosses prepare for tough battle, by Jean LaPlante |
07_01st-2 | Trotskyism around the globe: Egypt, Holland, Indonesia, France |
07_01st-3 | The pay-off on LPP election treachery, by Ross Dowson (Stalinist electoral support for Liberals results in LPP vote free fall) |
07_01st-4 | (Editorials) Only three cents (corporate profits dwarf workers waves, dividends double them); Paris ("Cold War") Conference |
08_01st-1 | (73) British Trotskyists dissolve RCP; Enter Labor Party |
08_01st-2 | An end to lies and secrets; Let the people decide, by Jean LaPlante (American imperialism dictates policy of unconditional surrender of Germany, Japan and Italy, supported by the allies and the BLP) |
08_01st-3 | West Coast leader rips Coldwell’s policy, by Ross Dowson (Left-winger Colin Cameron draws lessons of bankrupt CCF program) |
08_01st-4 | (Editorials) Vatican thought-control (favors fascists over communists); Why they wrecked it (Stalin sabotages Bill of Rights conference in order to preserve verdict of Moscow trials) |
08_01st-5 | The RWP in action, by Susan Joyce (LC sub campaign) |
09_01st-1 | (74) Stalinists withdraw CSU from Congress; Give green-light to Hall gang and SIU; Does this herald spit from TLC & CCL, by Paul Kane |
09_01st-2 | (Editorial) Rally the CCF left! Call a conference! Forge a program! |
09_01st-3 | Tasks before CCL-CIO rally, by Jean LaPlante |
09_01st-4 | (Editorials) All this could be—but (capitalism squanders social wealth); The time is now (the silence from the church and Stalinists in defence of civil rights) |
09_01st-5 | First hand report of struggle led by Bolivian Trotskyists (special report) |
09_01st-6 | Is Tan Malaka, Indonesian leader, still alive? (Trotskyist and veteran communist has disappeared) |
10_01st-1 | (75) Prices skyrocket; Bosses profiteer through Canadian dollar devaluation, by Jean LaPlante |
10_01st-2 | Vancouver CCF club and RWP discuss problems facing the left, by Paul Kane |
10_01st-3 | (Editorial) A-Bomb monopoly broken (by the Soviets—either international socialism or atomic annihilation) |
10_01st-4a 10_01st-4b 10_01st-4c 10_01st-4d | Tito-Stalin clash; Why workers in all countries must defend Yugoslavia; An Open Letter to Labor Progressive Party members (editorial article)
(continuation) Why Stalin wants to destroy Tito (continuation) Stalin not a communist (continuation) Fourth International issues statement condemning frame-up trials in Hungary |
10_01st-5 | Labor Challenge opens $1,500 drive |
11_01st-1 | (76) Sask. legislation tangled up and junked by hostile courts (disallow provincial recognition of taxi drivers’ union) |
11_01st-2 | Fratricidal strife engulfs UE locals, by Jean LaPlante (after Stalinist leadership expelled from CIO) |
11_01st-3 | (Editorials) The trust-busting blow-up (public anti-combines guardian exposed); Two democracies (CCF internal democracy for leadership only) |
11_01st-4 | You’ve got to pay for what you get (Labor Challenge fund drive) |
12_01st-1a 12_01st-1b | b class="pub"> (77) RWP enters Toronto elections; Runs Ross Dowson for mayoralty on fighting program for workers (continuation) CCF-LPP policy on civic elections; Paper fund drive at two-third mark, last push needed (LC fund drive) |
12_01st-2 | (Editorials) The real subversives (conspiracies of the Vatican and Smallwood government in Newfoundland); Coldwell’s war stand (CCF supports Ottawa war budget) |
12_01st-3a 12_01st-3b | First mayor of Toronto led revolt against Tories (under William Lyon MacKenzie (continuation) “�(even) in disillusionment, MacKenzie reveals his deep insight and revolutionary instinct.” |
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