Labor Challenge articles by Ross Dowson
(pseudonyms: Paul Kane, Jean LaPlante, Charles Kent) & editorial articles
(note re dates: 01_15 = Mid-January)
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01_15-1a 01_15th-1b | Vol. IV, No. 23 (52) 15,423 votes for RWP candidate; 11% for Dowson in Toronto Mayoralty; Clairmont 4,593 for Board of Control, by Paul Kane (continuation) photos of Dowson and Clairmont |
01_15th-2 | Militants in France seek revolutionary unity (PCI-FI) Editor: Ross Dowson |
02_15th-1 | (53) LPP (Canadian Stalinists) Changes its line, throws support to CCF, by Ross Dowson |
02_15th-2 | Editorials: Let’s have the whole truth (US State Department bares Stalin-Hitler documents but not it’s own secret diplomacy); The symbolic death of Gandhi (apostle of “non-violence” assassinated) |
02_15th-3 | 100th Anniversary of the Communist Manifesto (Karl Marx), by James Martin |
02_15th-4 | Boosting the (Labor) ‘Challenge’ (sub drive) |
03_15th-1a 03_15th-1b | (54) Trotskyists name candidate for U.S. presidency (continuation) Photos of Grace Carlson and Farrell Dobbs |
03_15th-2 | Workers forcing leaders into new wage struggles, by Jean Laplante (pan-Canadian strikes) |
03_15th-3 | (Editorials) LPP betrayed again (shocked by bourgeois party class intransigence); Labor beware! (Labor-busting Taft-Hartley laws in the US to be imported into Canada?) |
03_15th-4 | How a revolutionist fights in Parliament, by Charles Kent (vs. how CCF MP’s buckle in fight against price increases) |
03_15th-5 | “Workers’ Bookshelf” (Review) “Who owns Canada” by Watt Hugh McCollum, by Paul Kane |
04_15th-1 | (55) ‘Vote right—or else’ is threat of Wall Street to Italian workers, by Charles Kent (Truman heightens hostilities toward Soviet Union) |
04_15th-2a 04_15th-2b | (Editorial) Strike a blow at the war-makers (Yankee and Russian troops are face to face on a dozen fronts as Canadian ministers thump cold war drums) (continuation) You lie, Mr. King! (on claim to steady improvement of living conditions) |
04_15th-3a 04_15th-3b | GPU concocts new forgery to smear Leon Trotsky (From the US Militant, by George Breitman) (continuation) Trotsky’s “In Defense of Marxism” |
04_15th04 | CP militants, Trotskyists joining in united actions (in India, Ceylon and France) |
04_15th-5 | An unpublished letter (to the Toronto Globe & Mail, from Ross Dowson on De Gaullism) |
05_01st-1a 05_01st-1b 05_01st-1c | (56) (Editorial) May Day, 1948 and labor’s task (continuation) Red-baiting drive (continuation) The treacherous LPP, and the CCF |
05_01st-2 | Indo-Chinese Trotskyists in fight for independence (from a militant) |
05_01st-3 | May Day Meetings (RWP); Our program |
05_15th-1a 05_15th-1b 05_15th-1c | (57) For a CCF victory at the polls! By Ross Dowson; U.E. workers battle cops in second strike at Rogers, by Paul Kane (continuation) Rogers Majestic strike; Labor must defeat capitalist parties in federal and provincial elections (continuation) Vote for CCF victory is labor election slogan |
05_15th-2 | 4th International holds World Congress in Paris (special to LC) |
05_15th-3 | Palestine revolutionists oppose U.N. partition (parts of statement by RLP in Hebrew) |
05_15th-4 | RWP branches honor May Day by militant rallies (in Toronto and Vancouver but closed down by Padlock Law in Quebec) |
05_15th-5 | Stormy convention due for British Labor Party, by Charles Kent (as Atlee government announces wage-freeze policy) |
05_15th-6 | (Editorials) 4th International Congress; Rally behind the seamen (CSU branded “communist"); column “The Fight against Cancer” by Mary Wood quotes Health Minister Paul Martin |
06_01st-1 | (58) Unions support CCF in important (provincial) elections (editorial article) |
06_01st-2 | Trotskyists in Peru persecuted by govt (special to LC); (US) SWP (presidential) candidate Dobbs speaks on NBC network |
06_01st-3 | (Editorials) Too hot to handle (the butter ban on margarine); Wage drive bogs (labor brass’ failure shows their policies bankrupt) |
06_01st-4 | LPP (Canadian Stalinists) jumps on Zionist bandwagon; Tragedy of Palestine, by Paul Kane |
06_15th-1a 06_15th-1b | (59) Labor rolls up victory for CCF (editorial article by David Williams)
(continuation) victory for 22 CCF candidates |
06_15th-2a 06_15th-2b | (Editorials) For a united labor conference (to counter bosses’ onslaught against unions)
Open the doors (the plight of European refugees) |
06_15th-3 | The indomitable spirit of German Trotskyists, by Paul Stevens (underground paper report) |
07_01st-1 | (60) LPPers: examine the Tito affair, by Paul Kane (Stalinists must face up to fact of Stalin-Tito rupture) |
07_01st-2 | Few labor candidates in Quebec election (under repressive Duplessis regime) |
07_01st-3a 07_01st-3b 07_01st-3c 07_01st-3d 07_01st-3e 07_01st-3f 07_01st-3gf | 4th International world manifesto; “Against Wall Street and the Kremlin! For the Program of the ‘Communist Manifesto’! For the world socialist revolution!” (Manifesto of the 2nd Congress of the FI to the exploited masses of the world) (continuation) Note to (LC) readers; Totalitarian nature of capitalism (continuation) Organization of bloody chaos; Perspectives of American revolution (continuation) Karl Marx; Role of the U.S.S.R. (continuation) Crimes of the bureaucracy; For a socialist United States of Europe (continuation) Leon Trotsky; Upheavals in the colonies (continuation) Defend the colonial revolution |
08_01st-1 | (61) (US) SWP nominates Dobbs-Carlson |
08_01st-2 | (Manitoba) CCF assails Marshall Plan, by Paul Kane (clashes head-on with Coldwell leadership) |
08_01st-3a 08_01st-3b 08_01st-3c 08_01st-3d 08_01st-3e 08_01st-3f 08_01st-3g 08_01st-3h | (Part 2) 4th International world manifesto (issued by the 2nd Congress of the FI); Wall Street in Latin America; The workers and capitalists (continuation) “The Third Force"; “The New Democracy” (continuation) The Stalinist traitors; The crisis of (proletarian) leadership (continuation) A world movement and an international leadership; The struggle for the Transitional Program; For workers control (continuation) Unity of the laboring masses; For the proletarian state; The trade union bureaucracy and the State (continuation) Worker’s United Front needed; For the overthrow of the Stalinist bureaucracy; For the defense of the October conquests (of the Russian Revolution) against imperialism (continuation) Congress of the Fourth International; The program of the communist future (continuation) Our victory is assured; Under the banner of the Fourth International |
09_01st-1a 09_01st-1b | (62) CCF base shifts to labor, unions must assert control, by Paul Kane (continuation) Electoral base shifts, trade unions must determine its policies |
09_01st-2 | Minneapolis CIO asks rights of 18 restored (SWP and Local 544 leaders jailed under Smith Act; Stalinists dissent) |
09_01st-3 | (Editorials) Open the books; To our readers (LC forced back to a monthly) |
09_01st-4 | An Open Letter to the Communist Party of Yugoslavia, from the IS of the FI |
09_01st-5 | Boosting the Challenge; RWP in action (circulation drive of Labor Challenge) |
10_01st-1a 10_01st-1b | (63) $15,000 goal set in drive for Labor Challenge fund (continuation) Laura Grey cartoon |
10_01st-2 | Jailed 2 years, Indonesian Tan Malaka reported free, by Joseph Hansen (SWP) |
10_01st-3a 10_01st-3b | (Second Open) Letter to Yugoslav Communist Party (continuation, signed) IS of the FI |
10_01st-4 | (Editorials) An injury to all (US border closed to union delegates); The Russian emigr�s (fleeing from Kremlin gangsters) |
11_01st-1a 11_01st-1b | (64) IWA (BC lumberworkers) routs Stalinists; way open to new gains, by Paul Kane
(continuation) Dangers in situation (LC advises against any boss collaboration) |
11_01st-2 | RWP opens Vancouver Hqtrs; Dowson addresses Coast meeting |
11_01st-3 | Hail election campaign of U.S. Trotskyists; U.S. immigration bars Ross Dowson |
11_01st-4 | (Editorials) Force and violence (British capitalist and DeGaulle defend right to physically attack labor governments); Three years of UN (capitalist governments ignore UN, but not CCF) |
11_01st-5 | Revolutionists’ 2-day conference held in Germany; Highest recorded vote in Madras cast for BLPI (India) |
11_01st-6 | Nov. 30 is deadline-all out now to put $1500 fund drive over the top! (Labor Challenge drive) |
11_01st-7 | 4th International calls on workers to prevent De Gaullist dictatorship |
12_01st-1a 12_01st-1b | (65) RWP enters Toronto elections; Runs Ross Dowson for Mayoralty on fighting program for workers; Labor Challenge drive for $1500 goes over the top
(continuation) Ad: Hear Ross Dowson speak |
12_01st-2 | (Editorials) Attlee and steel (British LP nationalizes key industry under old management); Let the people speak (on the drive toward committing Canada to another war) |
12_01st-3 | (An Open Letter) To former leaders of Quebec LPP (Stalinist party), from Quebec Trotskyists of La Ligue pour la paix et la d�mocracie (advice and welcome to dissidents) |
12_01st-4 | Column: International Comment (Trotskyism in Peru and Albania) |
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