May Day Archive

From: Report of the Second Annual Session of the Federation of Organized Trades and Labor Unions of the United States and Canada, Held in Cleveland Ohio. November 21, 22, 23, 24, 1882

Second Day – Afternoon Session

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Proofed and Corrected: by Dawen Gaitis 2007.

The Congress was called to order at the appointed time by the President, W. J. Hammond.

The roll of officers and delegates was called and absentees noted.

A congratulatory message was received from the Amalgamated Labor Unions of New York City, and the Treasurer was ordered to send a suitable reply.

On motion, it was ordered that a committee of five be appointed, to whom all resolutions shall be submitted, unless otherwise ordered.

The President appointed the following as the Committee on Resolutions: C. W. Rowan, Aug. Stirmel, W. R. Ramsey, J. B. Waterhouse, G. Edmonston.

Mr. Ramsey offered the following:

RESOLVED, That this Congress respectfully but earnestly protest against the attitude assumed by President Chester A. Arthur in refusing to appoint a chief of the Labor Bureau of Statistics.


The Committee on Standing Orders submitted the following report:

RESOLVED By the Federation of Organized Trades and Labor Unions of the United States and Canada, that eight hours shall constitute a legal day's labor from and after May 1, 1886, and that we recommend to labor organization throughout this jurisdiction that they so direct their laws as to conform to this resolution by the time named.

Proposed by G. Edmonston, Washington, D.C.

Seconded by Thomas J. Doran, Chicago, Ill.

Your Committee on Standing Orders, after a careful investigation of the subject-matter of the above resolution, would respectfully recommend its adoption by the Congress.

F. BLEND, Chairman.

After a lengthy discussion, participated in by Messrs. Donath, Oyster, Hogan, Doran, McClelland, Edmonston, Powers, Askew, and Ogden, the previous question was ordered.

On the question of adoption the ayes and nays were called, with the following result:

Ayes – Hammond, O'Sullivan, Edmonston, Ramsey Smith, Levy, Lowa, Hogan, Donath, Blend, Ogden, Waterhouse, Connolly, McClelland, Stirmel, Powers, Bernard, and McCinley Finnegan, Rowan, Oyster, Doran, Cameron, – 23.

Nays – Askew and Oten – 2.
