Children's Literature
Published: 1934
HTML Markup: For in 2002.
Note: spelling errors retained from original.
THE LENINGRAD INSTITUTE FOR THE STUDY OF MOTHER AND INFANT PROTECTION, in the name of Clara Zetkin (Av. of K. Marx 69) was founded in 1925. A Medical High-School was joined in 1932.
All the institutions of the Institute and the Medical High-School are placed in buildings of 1-2-3 storeys disposed in a park spread over an area of 9 hectares.
In these buildings there are: children's (with 562 beds) and women's, (with 155 beds) clinics, institutions of scientific study and auxiliary scientific institutions (laboratories, studies etc.)
Until the year 1924 these buildings contained a children's infection hospital which is now transferred to another place. All these buildings have been partly reconstructed, refurnished and adapted to the new aims to be pursued by the Institute.
The principal tasks of the Institute of Mother and Child Protection and its Medical High-School, are
1) scientific study,
2) the training and the skill improvement of the specialist's personel for the protection of mother and child (physicians, health visitors, nurses, nurses-pedagogues etc),
3) the methodical guidance of the whole practical work in the system of the protection of mother and child in Leningrad, in the Leningrad region and the other regions of the Union.
The scientific study of the Institute is aiming at a complete and thorough study of the child in natural conditions of development considering the physiological and pathological particularities of the age, in order to study and determine in this way the medical prevention methods and the pedological and pedagogical measures for health improvement of the children's population, for reduction of the infant morbidity and mortality.
At the same time the scientific study of the Institute is aiming at the problems connected with the health improvement of the women's population, with the reduction of women's morbidity and mother's morality, and turns too its attention to the right application of woman's work in the industry and the farming.
The scientific study and the pedagogical work is carried out by the chairs of the Institute and the Medical High-School; these chairs are occupied by 24 professors, associated professors and, assistants. Each chair has at its disposal several institutions for carrying on the scientific study and the pedagogical work.
At present the Institute has the following 24 chairs:
1) The chair of dialectical materialism--head M. Troitsky.
2) The chair of social hygiene of woman and child--head prof. J. Mendeleva. This chair disposes of the Maternity and Infant Centre, the statistical study-room, the Mother and Child museum-exhibition and the social law study-room.
3) The chair of physiology, hygiene and dietetics of the prime age child--head prof. A. Tour (the department of the new-born, the department of the prematurely born, the Infant Home, the little Child's Home and the milk station).
4) The propaedeutical clinic for infants (prof. A. Tour).
5) The chair of pedology of the prime age--head prof. L. Chulitskaya (the pedological study-room, the Infant Home, Little Child's Home, the Nursery School and the pedological clinic).
6) The chair of pediatrics--head prof. M. M aslov (the clinic for infants and children with 116 beds and the polyclinic).
7) The chair of child phthysis--head prof. P. Medbviko (the department of physical children with 60 beds).
8) The chair of child venerology -- head prof. L. Erlikh (the department of syphilitic children with 43 beds: 35 for children and 8 for mothers).
9) The chair of child surgery--head prof. A. Koslovsliy (the surgical department for children with 60 beds).
10) The chair of children's infection diseases--head prof. M. Danilevich (the quarantine department with 40 beds and the children's infection hospital on Wasilevsliy Ostrov).
11) The chair of child neuropathology-- head prof. J. Jogikhes (the department of nervous children with 20 beds).
12) The chair of obstetrics and gynaecology--head prof. K. Skrobanskii (the obstetrical department with 120 beds: 65 for mothers and 55 for children, and the gynaecological department with 65 beds: 55 for women and 10 for children).
13) The chair of rontgenology--head prof. R. Reinberg (3 rontgenological studies).
14) The chair of bacteriology -- head prof. 0. Gartokh (the bacteriological laboratory).
l5) The chair of experimental physiology --head prof. E. London (the physiological laboratory) and the supplementary chairs of the Medical High-School which are:
1. Anatomy--head prof. K. Romodanovsky
2. Physiology--head prof. A. Guinetsinsky
3. EZistologq--head prof. B. Lavrentiev
4. Biology--head prof. V. Pavlov
5. Pathological physiology--prof, E. London
6. Biochemistry--prof. L. Soloviev
7. Inorganic and organic chemistry--prof. M. Wishnyaltov
8. Operative surgery--prof. F. Valker
9. Therapy--prof. V. Valdman
10. Political economy--head L. Levitskaya
From the year 1925 till l933 the scientific workers of the Institute had published more than 500 scientific articles in russian and foreign periodicals and in addition several large monographics, manuals and textbooks. Since 1929 the Institute has its own magazine ("Questions of Pediatry, Pedology and Mother and Child Protection"--6 issues a year).
The courses for skill improvement of the pediatrists organised by the Institute 2-3 times a year are attended by physicians coming from all the republics of the Union. During the period from the year 1925 till 1933 the Institute has given a special training to 1364 physicians.
The Institute enters in the system of the People's Commissariat for Health and its Section of the Leningrad District. The director of the Institute is prof. J. MENDELEVA.
The budjet of the Institute and the Medical High-School for the year 1934 provides 3,520,000 roubles.