Mao Zedong

Inscription for Japanese Worker Friends



Written: 18 September 1962.
First Published: Hsinghua, 17 September 1968.
Source: "Chairman Mao's Important Inscription for Japanese Worker Friends", Peking Review, 38/1968 (September 20), page 5.



Chairman Mao's Important Inscription for Japanese Worker Friends

Chairman Mao Tse-tung wrote an important inscription for Japanese worker friends on September 18, 1962 when he received the Japanese Delegation to China of Worker Activists in Study. Tomorrow being the sixth anniversary of Chairman Mao’s inscription, we hereby release it.

The full text of Chairman Mao’s inscription follows:


"The Japanese revolution will undoubtedly be victorious, provided the universal truth of Marxism-Leninism is really integrated with the concrete practice of the Japanese revolution.

Written for our friends the Japanese workers, in compliance with the request of the friends of the Japanese Delegation to China of Worker Activists in Study.

Mao Tste-tung

September 18, 1962"


(Hsinhua report, September 17)


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