
Introduction to the
Philosophy of Religion


A. The Relation of the Philosophy of Religion to its Pre-suppositions and to the Principles of the Time.

I. The severance of religion from the free worldly consciousness

II. The position of the philosophy of religion relatively to philosophy and religion

1. The attitude of philosophy to religion generally

2. The relation of the philosophy of religion to the system of philosophy

3. The relation of the philosophy of religion to positive religion

III. The relation of the philosophy of religion to the current principles of the religious consciousness.

1. Philosophy and the prevalent indifference to definite dogmas

2. The historical treatment of dogmas

3. Philosophy and immediate knowledge

B. Preliminary Questions.
C. Division of the Subject.

I. — The Moment of Universality

II. — Of Judgment, or Definite Religion

III. — Revealed Religion.

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