The Russo-German Alliance: August 1939 – June 1941, by A. Rossi (Angelo Tasca) 1949
The Russo-German Alliance: August 1939 – June 1941
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Chapter I: The Suspicious Partners: Hitler’s Germany and Soviet Russia Approach Each Other Warily
Chapter II: The Agreement in the Making: March to July 1939
Chapter III: The Agreements of 23 August 1939
Chapter IV: The Polish Campaign
Chapter V: Ribbentrop’s Second Moscow Journey and the Fourth Partition of Poland
Chapter VI: German – Soviet Collaboration During the ‘Phoney War’
Chapter VII: The Clouds Gather
Chapter VIII: Germany and the USSR Quarrel Over the Balkans
Chapter IX: Molotov in Berlin (12-13 November 1940)
Chapter XI: By Way of Conclusion