MIA : Early American Marxism : Socialist Labor Party: Publications of the SLP (1876-1930)



Publicationsof the SLP

Due to its long history and an intense dedication to printed propaganda, the complete list of Socialist Labor Party publications is vast. Furthermore, there has been little effort to date by scholars or bibliographers to comprehensively catalog these materials. As a result, the list here (long though it may seem) should be regarded as a minor fracton of the whole. Be advised that many titles (particularly the English language titles by Daniel DeLeon) went through a series of reprints throughout this period—only the date of the first edition is listed. Serious collectors of this material willing to contribute information should get in touch: [email protected].


The Socialist Labor Party was predominantly a German-speaking organization in its earliest years. The Ohio Volks-Zeitung [People's News], published in Cincinnati, seems to have been the earliest newspaper with anything like“official” status. The New Yorker Volkszeitung was the leading German organ of the party throughout the late 1880s and 1890s. This publication was at the center of the split of 1899, leaving the SLP in 1899 amidst many lawsuits on a political trajectory which ended with the formation of the Socialist Party of America in 1901.

The party is best known for its English-language organ, The People, which was edited by Daniel DeLeon from 1890 until his death in 1914. The publication was variously a weekly, a daily, and back to weekly status again during this period. In the post-DeLeon era, Olive M. Johnson served a long term as editor of this paper, wielding the blue pencil from 1918-1938.

The SLP had four main Language Federations during the decade of the 1920s. The Party's Bulgarian Federation published a weekly called Rabotnicheska Prosveta [Worker's Enlightenment]. The Hungarian Socialist Labor Federation published a weekly called A Munkas [The Worker]. The Scandinavian Socialist Labor Federation published a Swedish-language weekly called Arbetaren [The Worker]. The SLP's South Slavonian Federation published a weekly called Radnicka Borba [The Workers' Struggle]. Until July of 1923, a Slovenian-language monthly called Socijalisticna Zarja [Socialist Dawn] was produced by the South Slavonian Federation. In the middle 1920s a Ukrainian monthly called Robitnychyi Holos [The Workers' Voice] was also published in the South Slavonian Federation's printing house on behalf of a Ukrainian Organizing Committee of the SLP. A Greek language paper called Organosis [Organization] was also published from Aug. 1917 through 1924. This publication was published at different intervals over its existence, beginning as a monthly, moving to publication every ten days, and ending as a bi-monthly.


Socialistic Labor Party: Platform, Constitution, and Resolutions. Adopted at the National Congress of the Workingmen’s Party of the United States, Held at Newark, NJ, December 26-31, 1877. Together with a Condensed Report of Congress Proceedings. [1878]

[A series of pamphlets were published monthly as a serial“magazine” to take advantage of lower postage costs for“periodicals.” The first number of this“Socialistic Library” series was issued Jan. 1, 1886.]

Platform und Constitution der Soz. Arbeiter-Partei angenommen auf der 5ten Natiional-Convention in Cincinnati, Ohio, am 5., 6., 7. und 8. October 1885. (Socialistic Library no. 1) [Jan. 1, 1886]

Stiebeling, Goerge C.: Die Erzeugung und Vertheilund des Arbeitsertrags in den Vereinigten Staaten. [1886]

Stiebeling, Goerge C.: Die Wirthschaftliche Entwickelung der Vereinigten Staaten in dem Jahrzehnt 1870 bis 1880. [1886]

Socialism and Anarchism: Antagonistic Opposites. [1886]

Hepner, Adolf: Die Ikarier in Nordamerika: Eine Warnung vor communistischen Colonialgründugen. [1886]

"Dr. M.D.": Der Anarchismus: Nach dem Französischen des Gabriel Deville. (Socialistic Library no. 8) [Aug. 1, 1886]

Büchner, Georg: Danton’s Tod: Ein Drama in 3 Akten. [1886]

Die Bienen: Nach dem Russischen des Bisaren. [1887]

“W.L.R” [Rosenberg, W.L.]: Vor der Walschlacht: Luftspiel in 1 Akt. [1887]

Kautsky, Karl: The Capitalist Class. Translated by Daniel DeLeon. (Labor Library no. 7) [1894]

Kautsky, Karl and Jonas, Alexander: The Co-operative Commonwealth: Adapted for the New York People from K. Kausky by Daniel DeLeon. With Why Workmen are Unemployed? An Answer to a Burning Question. (Labor Library no. 9) [1894]

Kautsky, Karl and Bracke, William: The Proletariat: Adapted for the New York People from K. Kautsky. With Down With the Socialists! (Labor Library no. 10) [1894]

Altgeld, John P.: Gov. Altgeld’s Pardon; and Kautsky, Karl: The Modern Tagedy, The Downfall of the Small Producer; and Ibsen, Karl: The Crisis: Its Cause and Cure as Explained by Proposed by Socialism. (Labor Library no. 12) [1894]

Kautsky, Karl: The Class Struggle: Adapted for the New York People by Daniel DeLeon. [1894]

DeLeon, Daniel and Harriman, Job: The Socialist Trade and Labor Alliance versus the“Pure and Simple” Trade Union: A Debate Held at the Grand Opera House, New Haven, Conn., November 25, 1900, between Daniel DeLeon representing the [ST&LA] and...Job Harriman... [1900]

Engels, Frederick: The Development of Socialism from Utopia to Science. [1900]

DeLeon, Daniel: Socialism versus Anarchism: A Lecture Delivered at Boston, October 13, 1901. [1901]

Kautsky, Karl: The Proletariat: Adapted from the German. Daniel DeLeon, trans. (Volkszeitung Library vol. VII, no. 3). [1901]

DeLeon, Daniel: Two Pages from Roman History: I. Plebs Leaders and Labor Leaders; II. The Warning of the Gracchi. [1903]

DeLeon, Daniel: What Means This Strike: Address delivered by Daniel De Leon in the City Hall of New Bedford, Massachusetts, February 11, 1898. [1903]

DeLeon, Daniel: The Burning Question of Trades Unionism: How the Workers Must Organize to Abolish Capitalism. [1904]

DeLeon, Daniel: Socialist Reconstruction of Society. [1905]

DeLeon, Daniel: The Preamble of the Industrial Workers of the World: An Address Delivered by Daniel DeLeon at Union Temple, Minneapolis, Minnesota, July 10th, 1905. [1905]

DeLeon, Daniel: As to Politics: A Discussion Upon the Relative Importance of Political Action and of Class-Conscious Economic Action, and the Urgent Necessity of Both... [1907]

Herve, Gustave: Antipatriotism: Address of Gustave Herve at the Close of His Trial for Anti-militarist Activity, Before the Jury of La Seine, December, 1905. Solon DeLeon, trans. [1907]

DeLeon, Daniel: Unity: An Address Delivered by Daniel De Leon at New Pythagoras Hall, New York, February 21, 1908. Stenographically Reported by Sydney Greenberg. [1908]

DeLeon, Daniel: Marx on Mallock; or Facts vs. Fiction. [1908]

Johnson, Olive M.: Woman and the Socialist Movement: Written for the Socialist Women of Greater New York. [1908]

DeLeon, Daniel: To the International Socialist Congress of Copenhagen, August-September 1910. [1910]

Kautsky, Karl: The Working Class. [1911]

DeLeon, Daniel and Watson, Thomas E.: Watson on the Gridiron, or, Bourgeois Theories Dissected and Hung Up to Dry: A Political-Economic Discussion Between Thomas E. Watson and Daniel DeLeon. [1911]

DeLeon, Daniel: Woman’s Suffrage: An Address Delivered by Daniel De Leon Under the Auspices of the Socialist Women of Greater New York, Mary Papelsky, Presiding. Cooper Union, May 8, 1909. [1911]

DeLeon, Daniel: Abolition of Poverty: Socialist versus Ultramontane Economics and Politics. [1911]

DeLeon, Daniel, Berger’s Hit and Misses: at the Called Session of the Sixty-Second Congress, April-October: A Symposium of Economic, Political, Sociological, Tactical, and Historic Live Topics. [Feb. 1912] —wrappers read 1911.

DeLeon, Daniel and Carmody: De Leon-Carmody Debate: Individualism vs. Socialism: Delivered at Proctor’s Theatre, Troy, NY, April 14, 1912. [1912]

DeLeon, Daniel: Father Gassoniana, or, Jesuit“Sociology” and“Economics” at the Bar of Science and History. [1912]

DeLeon, Daniel: Socialist Reconstruction of Society: The Industrial Vote. [New title of The Preamble of the Industrial Workers of the World.] [1912]

Reinstein, Boris: International May Day and American Labor Day. [1913]

DeLeon, Daniel: Vulgar Economy, or, a Critical Analyst of Marx Analysed. [1914]

DeLeon, Daniel and Berry, Willam H.: DeLeon-Berry Debate: Solution of the Trust Problem. [1915]

The Socialist Movement: Brief Outline of its Development and Differences in this Country. (Arm & Hammer Pamphlet no. 2) [1915]

Bang, Gustav: Crises in European History. Arnold Petersen, trans. [1916]

DeLeon, Daniel and Petersen, Arnold: Money [DeLeon] with High Cost of Living: Real Causes Underlying Increased Cost of Commodities Explained [Petersen]. [1917]

The Russian Soviet Republic of Workers and Peasants: Who and What Are the Bolsheviki? [1917]

Kautsky, Karl: The Capitalist Class. Translated by Daniel DeLeon. [1918]

DeLeon, Daniel: James Madison and Karl Marx: A Contrast and a Similarity: Two Articles by Daniel DeLeon. [1920] -- 4,000 printed (a)

Holmes, T.J.: Socialism: Aim, Method, and Tactics as Applied to Twentieth Century Conditions. [1920] -- 5,000 printed (a)

Holmes, T.J.: Socialism: Aim, Method, and Tactics as Applied to Twentieth Century Conditions. [UKRAINIAN] [192X]

Holmes, T.J. and Morris, William: Socialism [Holmes] with Factory Work [Morris]. [HUNGARIAN] [192X] -- 3,000 printed (a)

Vilmos, Boehm: The Origin and Downfall of the Hungarian Council Republic. Preface by Alex Kudlik. [HUNGARIAN] [192X] -- 3,000 printed (a)

Johnson, Olive M.: Woman and the Socialist Movement. [192X]

Johnson, Olive M.: Woman and the Socialist Movement. [HUNGARIAN] [192X] -- 3,000 printed (a)

Johnson, Olive M.: Woman and the Socialist Movement. [UKRAINIAN] [192X]

Anastasoff, Christ and Kudlik, Alex: The American Labor Movement [Anastasoff] with Is the SLP Justified? [Kudlik] [HUNGARIAN} [192X] -- 2,000 printed (a)

Anastasoff, Christ: Socialist and Labor Movement in United States. [UKRAINIAN] [April 1924]

Gyorgy, Kelecsenyi: Appeal to Woman. [HUNGARIAN] [192X] -- 2,000 printed (a)

Socialist Party Fusion, Compromise, and Political Trading. [1920]

Constitution of the SLP, with 1920 Amendments. [192X] -- 4,000 printed (a)

1920 National Convention Proceedings. [192X] -- 3,100 printed (a)

After Thirty Years. (A Symposium) [192X] -- 2,000 printed (a)

Johnson, Olive M.: Americanism. [192X] -- 11,000 printed (a)

Brady, Thomas; Historical Basis of Socialism in Ireland. [1921] -- 2,000 printed (a)

DeLeon, Daniel: Anti-Semitism: Its Cause and Cure. [1921] -- 4,500 printed (a)

[Kuhn, Harvey]: Manifesto of the Socialist Labor Party to the Working Class of America: Changing Tides Around the Rock of Gibralter. [1921] -- 2,000 printed (a)

[Kuhn, Harvey]: Manifesto of the Socialist Labor Party. [GREEK] [192X]

1921 May Day Publication. [SWEDISH] [1921]

1922 May Day Publication. [SWEDISH] [1922]

1922 Landkaenning. [SWEDISH Christmas publication] [1922] -- 4,000 printed

Cotton and Budgeon: Craft Unionism vs. Industrial Unionism. [192X] -- 2,000 printed (a)

Johnson, Olive M.: Daniel DeLeon. [192X] -- 1,600 printed (a)

Morris, William: Factory Work. [192X] -- 2,000 printed (a)

Marx, Karl: Free Trade. [192X] -- 2,000 printed (a)

Marx, Karl: Wage-Labor and Capital. [192X] -- 2,000 printed (a)

Marx, Karl and DeLeon, Daniel : The Gotha Program [Marx] with Did Marx Err? [DeLeon]. [1922]

DeLeon, Daniel and Debs, Eugene V.: Industrial Unionism. [192X] -- 5,000 printed (a)

Engels, Frederick: The Revolutionary Act. [192X] -- 4,000 printed (a)

Engels, Frederick: The Revolutionary Act. [BULGARIAN] [1923] -- 2,000 printed

Marx, Karl: Value, Price, and Profit. [SWEDISH] [1923] -- 1,000 printed

Fifteen Questions. [SWEDISH] [Reprint, 1923] -- 1,000 printed

Fifteen Questions. [YUGOSLAV] [1924]

1923 Landkaenning. [SWEDISH Christmas publication] [1923] -- 4,000 printed

Taylor, A.J. and Johnson, Olive M.: Labor Lambs and Capitalist Lions [Taylor] with Industrial Serfdom [Johnson]. (Arm and Hammer Pamphlet no. 4). [192X] -- 2,000 printed (a)

Kuhn, Henry: Mines to the Miners. [192X] -- 5,000 printed (a)

Kuhn, Henry: Railway Workers, Wake Up! [192X] -- 12,000 printed (a)

Morris, William: Factory Work: As It Is and Might Be. [1922]

Hotson, C.: State Ownership versus Socialism. [UKRAINIAN] [192X]

Johnson, Olive M.: Revolution. (Arm and Hammer Pamphlets no. 5). [192X] -- 3,000 printed (a)

Bulgarian Song Book. [BULGARIAN] [reprinted 1923] -- 1,500 printed

Johnson, Olive M. and DeLeon, Daniel: Karl Marx: Forty Years After (1883-1923) [Johnson] with Karl Marx [DeLeon]. (Arm and Hammer Pamphlets no. 6). [1924] -- 4,000 printed (a)

DeLeon, Daniel and Johnnson, Olive M.: Karl Marx [DeLeon] with Forty Years After Marx [Johnson]. [UKRAINIAN] [April 1924]

Johnson, Olive M.: The Cooperative Movement. [1924]

DeAngulo: "Trial” of Ferrer. [192X] -- 1,000 printed (a)

Marx, Karl and Engels, Frederick: The Communist Manifesto. [GREEK] [192X]

The Future Society. [GREEK] [192X]

Proletarian Through the Ages. [GREEK] [192X]

Sue, Eugene: The Silver Cross. [192X] -- 1,000 printed (a)

Sue, Eugene: The Silver Cross. [GREEK] [192X]

Eugene Sue Advertising Booklets. [192X] -- 17,000 printed (a)

Lassalle, Ferdinand: What Is Capital? [192X] -- 2,000 printed (a)

DeLeon, Daniel: Ten Canons of the Proletarian Revolution: A Revolutionary Decalogue. [192X]

DeLeon, Daniel: Industrial Unionism. [BULGARIAN] [1923] -- 2,000 printed

DeLeon, Daniel: Industrial Unionism. [GREEK] [192X]

DeLeon, Daniel: Reform or Revolution: Address Delivered Under the Auspices of the People’s Union at Well’s Memorial Hall, Boston, January 26, 1896. [1924] —this almost certainly not a first edition.

DeLeon, Daniel: Reform or Revolution. [GREEK] [192X]

DeLeon, Daniel: Reform or Revolution. [ITALIAN] [192X] -- 1,500 printed (a)

DeLeon, Daniel: Reform or Revolution. [YUGOSLAV] [Second Edition, 1923]

DeLeon, Daniel: What Means This Strike. [GREEK] [192X]

DeLeon, Daniel: What Means This Strike. [ITALIAN] [192X] -- 1,000 printed (a)

DeLeon, Daniel: What Means This Strike. [UKRAINIAN] [192X]

DeLeon, Daniel: The Socialist Reconstruction of Society. [SPANISH] [192X] -- 1,000 printed (a)

DeLeon, Daniel: The Socialist Reconstruction of Society. [GREEK] [192X]

Petersen, Arnold: Socialist Production and the Collapse of Capitalism. [ENGLISH] [192X] -- 2,000 printed (a)

Petersen, Arnold: Socialist Production and the Collapse of Capitalism. [GERMAN] [192X] -- 1,000 printed (a)

Petersen, Arnold: Socialist Production and the Collapse of Capitalism. [SPANISH] [192X] -- 2,000 printed (a)

Petersen, Arnold: Socialist Production and the Collapse of Capitalism. [GREEK] [192X] -- 1,000 printed (a)

Petersen, Arnold: Socialist Production and the Collapse of Capitalism. [RUSSIAN] [192X] -- 1,000 printed (a)

Petersen, Arnold: Socialist Production and the Collapse of Capitalism. [YIDDISH] [192X] -- 1,000 printed (a)

Reynolds, Verne L.: The Party’s Work. [1925]

Brandon, Joseph; Workers Party vs. Socialist Labor Party. (Arm & Hammer Pamphlet no. 8) [1925]

Plechanov, George: The Bourgeois Revolution: Its Attainments and Its Limitations. (Arm & Hammer Pamphlet no. 9) [1926]

The Socialist Labor Party and the Third International: Socio-Political Science vs. Revolutionary Romanticism. [1926]

Who Are the Falsifiers? Documentary Evidence Proving Correctness and Authenticity of the SLP Translation of Frederick Engels’ Introduction to“Class Struggles in France” by Karl Marx and an Exposure of the “Communist” or Burlesque Bolsheviki... [1926]

“Proletarian Dictatorship” or Industrial Unionism: Silver-Amter Debate, Youngstown, Ohio, April 27, 1927. [1927]

Unemployment and “Overproduction": Workers Unemployed and Starving Because They Produce Too Much: The Cause and Remedy. (Arm & Hammer Pamphlet no. 11), [May 1928]— this was reprinted 7 times through 1932...

Engels, Frederick: Historical Materialism. [1928]

Party Organization and Discipline. [1928]

Johnson, Olive M.: The Reform Vote versus The Revolutionary Vote: The Socialist Party - Workers (Communist) Party: Petty Bourgeois Twins Contrasted with the Revolutionary Socialist Labor Party. (Arm & Hammer Pamphlet no. 14) [1929]

Johnson, Olive M. and Lafargue, Paul: The Spy in the Labor Movement. [1929]

DeLeon, Daniell: Revolutionary Socialism in US Congress:“Parliamentary Idiocy” vs. Marxian Socialism. [New title of Berger’s Hit and Misses]. [1931]


Sanial, Lucien (ed.): The Socialist Almanac and Treasury of Facts, v. 1, no. 1. [1898]—only edition produced, 5,000 copies printed.

Proceedings of the Tenth National Convention of the Socialist Labor Party Held in New York City, June 2 to June 8, 1900. [1901]

Engels, Frederick: Socialism: Utopian and Scientific. [1901]

Marx, Karl: Value, Price and Profit. (Addressed to Workingmen). [1901]

Marx, Karl: Wage- Labor and Capital. (Translated By Harriet E. Lothrop ) [1902]

Bax, E. Belfort: The Story of the French Revolution. Preface by Daniel DeLeon. [1902?; Reissued 1922] -- hc: 500 printed (a)

Lassalle, Ferdinand: Franz von Sickingen: A Play in Five Acts. Daniel DeLeon, trans. [1904]

Bebel, August: Woman Under Socialism. [1904]

DeLeon, Daniel: Flashlights of the Amsterdam Congress. [1906]

An enormous percentage of Daniel DeLeon’s corpus involved the translation of the“proletarian” French novels of Eugene Sue (1804-1857). The fact that he invested so much of his energy in this particular project is remarkable — that scholars have paid little attention to this aspect of his intellectual life is puzzling. Between 1904 and 1911 at least 21 volumes were produced, all published in burgundy hardcovers,bearing the imprint of the New York Labor News Co., and sold by the SLP. These books include:

The Gold Sickle; or Hena, the Virgin of the The Isle of Sen: A Tale of Druid Gaul. [1904]

The Infant’s Skull; or, The End of the World: A Tale of the Millennium. [1904]

The Pilgrim’s Shell; or, Fergan the Quarryman: A Tale From the Feudal Times. [1904]

The Iron Trevet; or, Jocelyn the Champion: A Tale of the Jacquerie. [1906]

The Brass Bell; or, The Chariot of Death: A Tale of Caesar’s Gallic Invasion. [1907]

The Poniard’s Hilt; or, Karadeucq and Ronan: A Tale of Baguders and Vagres. [1907]

The Abbatial Crosier; or, Bonaik and Septimine: A Tale of a Medieval Abbess. [1908]

The Branding Needle; or, The Monastery of Charolles: A Tale of the First Communal Charter. [1908]

The Carlovingian Coins; or, The Daughters of Charlemagne: A Tale of the Ninth Century. [1908]

The Casque’s Lark or Victoria; or, The Mother of the Camps: A Tale of the Frankish Invasion of Gaul. [1909]

The Iron Arrow Head; or, the Buckler Maiden: A Tale of the Northman Invasion. [1909]

The Iron Collar; or, Faustina and Syomara: A Tale of Slavery Under the Romans. [1909]

The Iron Pincers; or, Mylio and Karvel: A Tale of the Albigensian Crusades. [1909]

The Silver Cross; or, the Carpenter of Nazareth: A Tale of Jerusalem. [1909]

The Blacksmith’s Hammer; or, the Peasant Code: A Tale of the Grand Monarch. [1910]

The Executioner’s Knife; or, Joan of Arc: A Tale of the Inquisition. [1910]

The Sword of Honour; or, The Foundation of the French Republic: A Tale of the French Revolution. (2 Volumes) [1910, 1911]

The Pocket Bible; or, The Christian Printer: A Tale of the Sixteenth Century. (2 Volumes) [1910]

The Galley Slave’s Ring; or, The Family of Lebrenn: A Tale of the French Revolution of 1848. [1911]

Marx, Karl: The Paris Commune: Including the“First Manifesto of the International on the Franco-Prussian War,” the“Second Manifesto of the International on the Franco-Prussian War,"“The Civil War in France.” Preface and notes by Lucien Sanial. [1910]

Daniel DeLeon: The Man and His Work — A Symposium. [1919]

DeLeon, Daniel: Industrial Unionism: Selected Editorials. [1920] — hc: 500 printed, pap: 2,500 printed (a)

Max, Karl: Paris Commune. [192X] — 2,000 printed (a)

1923 Annual Almanac. [BULGARIAN] [1923] — 3,000 printed

1923 Annual Almanac. [YUGOSLAV] [1923]

1924 Annual Almanac. [YUGOSLAV] [1924] — 5,000 printed

DeLeonist. [YUGOSLAV] [1924]

Marx, Karl: The Class Struggles in France, 1848-1850. Translated and with a preface by Henry Kuhn. [1924]

Sixteenth National Convention, Socialist Labor Party, May 10-13, 1924: Minutes, Reports, Resolutions, Platform, etc. [1924]

DeLeon, Daniel: Russia in Revolution: Selected Editorials. [1927]

DeLeon, Daniel: Ultramontanism: Roman Catholic Political Machine in Action: Selected Editorials. [1928]

Kuhn, Henry and Johnson, Olive M.: The Socialist Labor Party During Four Decades, 1890-1930. [1931]


1920 Platform of the SLP, small. [192X] — 414,667 printed (a)

1920 Platform of the SLP, small. [SPANISH] [192X] — 20,000 printed (a)

"The Only Issue.” [HUNGARIAN] [1920]

"Difference Between the SLP and the SP,” large. [192X] — 45,000 printed (a)

DeLeon, Daniel:“Americanism,” small [192X] — 35,000 printed (a)

DeLeon, Daniel:“Americanism,” large [192X] — 30,000 printed (a)

DeLeon, Daniel:“Closed Shop — Open Shop.” [192X] — 20,000 printed (a)

DeLeon, Daniel:“Capitalist System at Work.” [192X] — 17,500 printed (a)

DeLeon, Daniel:“Industrial Unionism,” small. [192X] — 97,500 printed (a)

DeLeon, Daniel:“Who Pays the Taxes,” small. [192X] — 5,000 printed (a)

"How to Get Possession.” [192X] — 57,500 printed (a)

"Industrial Peonage,” large. [192X] — 50,000 printed (a)

"A Labor Judas,” small. [192X] — 10,000 printed (a)

"Own Your Job,” small. [192X] — 117,500 printed (a)

"Railway Workers,” large. [192X] — 60,000 printed (a)

"Scab Herding A.F. of L.” small. [192X] — 20,000 printed (a)

"Significance of the Ballot,” small. [192X] — 30,000 printed (a)

"Unemployment,” small. [192X] — 110,000 printed (a)

"Value of Labor Laws,” small. [192X] — 30,000 printed (a)

"What is Socialism?” small. [192X] — 75,000 printed (a)

"Socialismen.” [SWEDISH] [1923] — 10,000 printed




(a) - total printed in interval between 1920 and 1924 SLP Conventions.