MIA: History: USA: Unions: 1934: Minneapolis: Teamster Strike
1934 Minneapolis Teamster Strikes
Various sourcesAmerican City by Charles R. Walker
First hand narration and interviews with the major participants of the Strike. This book tells the story of Minneapolis as it became a union town under the impact of the organizing drive of Teamsters Local 574. It includes interviews with participants from all sides in the strike and gives a blow-by-blow account of the three strikes that year.
Periodicals covering the strike
The Organizer Strike bulletin of Local 574 published only published during 1934. It was pubished daily and weekly depending on the intensity of the strike actions. Edited by Trotskyist leader James P. Cannon it provided a voice the striking drivers and a tribune of the labor movement that year.
Writings on the strike by Daily Strike Bulletin Editor James P. Cannon:
The Strike Call by Teamsters Local 574 July 16, 1934 From the Daily Strike Bulletins of the 1934 Truckers Strike
“ . . . If It Takes All Summer” July 29, 1934 From the Daily Strike Bulletins of the 1934 Truckers Strike
Eternal Vigilance August 6, 1934 From the Daily Strike Bulletins of the 1934 Truckers Strike
Spilling the Dirt—a Bughouse Fable August 8, 1934 From the Daily Strike Bulletins of the 1934 Truckers Strike
Drivers’ Strike Reveals Workers’ Great Resources August 11, 1934 From the Daily Strike Bulletins of the 1934 Truckers Strike
Thanks to Pine County Farmers August 13, 1934 From the Daily Strike Bulletins of the 1934 Truckers Strike
The Secret of Local 574 August 18, 1934 From the Daily Strike Bulletins of the 1934 Truckers Strike
What the Union Means August 23, 1934 From the Daily Strike Bulletins of the 1934 Truckers Strike
From various eyewitness reports in newspapers of the time; headlines from the pages of Minneapolis Labor Review magazine
[organ of the Minneapolis Central Labor Union]:“Citizens Alliance Tactics Bring Strike Recommendation For Monday Meet” Two Thousand Drivers Hold Gigantic Meeting
“Inciting Strike Is Charged To Alliance”
“Unionists Report For Picket : Duty To 1900 Chicago Ave” ALL UNIONISTS URGED TO JOIN IN PICKETING
From various participants in the Strike, from the pages of Revolutionary History magazine:
Introduction to Revolutionary History magazine’s section on the 1934 Strike
How the Strike was organized From a Striker
At the Minneapolis City Market ‘The Battle of Deputy Run’ From a Striker
A Lesson in ‘Law and Order’ William Kitt
Women Active on firing line From a Women’s Auxiliary Member
Role of the League in Strike (Communist League) From a Striker
The Story of Minneapolis Carl Skoglund