M.I.A. | History Section | Philippines | Bulatlatan Archive


We search for TRUTH against LIES and HALF-TRUTHS.

Note: Not all of the articles of Bulatlatan are archived here. Some articles consisted of copied articles from other sources, others dealt with international affairs, and still others are no longer extant.



Animal Farm within the National Democratic Revolution

Win Greater Victories in the People’s War!


Excerpts from “How Will Our People’s War Attain a Qualitative Leap?”


Pitao-Dadula Killing: A Grave Injustice

On the Resumption of the NDF–GRP Peace Talks


I was there on January 22, 1987 [On the Mendiola Massacre]

New Cracks in the Maoist Armor

Crocodile Tears for Cory?


Sison-Tiamzon Conflict: KM V.S. SDK


[Bourgeois Legalism Protection] Kangaroo Court in the Philippine Underground Movement



Psy War Spin or Financial Opportunism?

Expose the Reformism and Opportunism of the Utrecht Mafia

The Real Score on Makabayan-Nacionalista Coalition

Misunderestimating the Philippine Left

The Good Revolutionaries

Revolutionary Tasks during Elections

Our Policy on the May 2010 National Election


Militantly Oppose Right Opportunism and Its Blatant Betrayal of the National Democratic Revolution

Criticize Dogmatism, Build the Broadest United Front and Mobilize the Masses in Their Millions in the 2010 Elections

Revolutionary Authorities Require Candidates to Observe Policies in Revolutionary Areas

CPP-NDF-NPA: State or ‘Non-state Actor’?

CHR Issues an Advisory on the Permit-to-Campaign Scheme Imposed by the NPAs and Other Non-state Groups

NDF-Southern Mindanao on the GRP Elections: No Illusions

Contending Views and the Test of Practice

Can There Really Be “Meaningful Participation” in the Reactionary Elections of May 2010?

Manny Villar: Is He Really the “Most Progressive Presidentiable”?

The CPP Bows to Bureaucrat Capitalism


People’s War Not Trapo Wars!

Leading the Armed Revolution Astray


Sabotaging the Path to the Strategic Stalemate

Jose Maria Sison: Party animal by night

Bombard the Headquarters of the Opportunist Utrecht Mafia!

Better Fewer, but Better

How the Left Fared


Self-Criticism and Excuses

Turn Grief into Revolutionary Courage, Learn from Ka Elliot, Cast Away Parliamentary Illusions!


Administered by Simoun Magsalin