MIA: History: International: Communist International: The Communist International Vol. 17, 1940 [U.S. Edition]

Workers of the World Unite!
The Communist International
Organ of the Executive Committee of the Communist International
Published once a month in English, Russian, German, French, Chinese and Spanish
Volume 17, 1940


The Communist Party of Great Britain ceased publication of The Communist Internationalin English in London with the December 1939 issue.

The Communist International continued to be published in the USA (in New York City, by the CP USA) during 1940... 12 monthly issues. But now instead of declaring itself to be “An Instrument of the Executive Committee of The Communist International”, those 1940 USA-published issues had substituted for that “Edited by Earl Browder”. Publication ceased with no announcement of this being about to happen with the December 1940 edition.

In 1941 and 1942 two successors to The Communist International... International Review and World Survey [all avaliable here] were sporadically published by the CP USA, before CI and its successors entirely fizzled out. The Commintern itself was formally dissolved by Stalin on May 15, 1943.

The observation made of the end of the second and last successor to The Communist International (World Survey, 1941 - 1942) in the introduction to the Greenwood Reprint of that publication also applies, I believe, to the end of publication of the original with the December 1940 USA version edition: “the end of the magazine Communist International ... came not with a bang but with a whimper.”

[All issues of The Communist International presented on this page were digitized by the Riazanov Library digital archive project... by me ... for the Marxists Internet Archive]

Martin H. Goodman MD
Director, Riazanov Library Digital Archive Projects

Links to the 1940 U.S. edition’s Tables of Contents as a PDF and
Year end Index also in PDF format.

Link to the BRITISH version of CI for this year

Number 1 January

Number 2 February

Number 3 March

Number 4 April

Number 5 May

Number 6 June

Number 7 July

Number 8 August

Number 9 September

Number 10 October

Number 11 November

Number 12 December