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George Stern

On the War Fronts

(14 December 1940)

From Socialist Appeal, Vol. 4 No. 50, 14 December 1940, p. 1.
Transcribed & marked up by Einde O’Callaghan for the Encyclopaedia of Trotskyism On-Line (ETOL).

How far will or can Hitler let his Axis partner slip down into the bog of military reverses which is rapidly engulfing the Italian military machine?

The German legions that have already been concentrated in Hungary and Rumania arc in a position to attack the Greeks in the north, via Bulgaria. So far there has been no indication they will do so. A Greek minister is still in Berlin and a German minister in Athens. Extremely circumstantial reports from various quarters suggest that the Germans are by no means entirely displeased with Mussolini’s discomfiture.

Behind this, these reports say, is the internal struggle within the Axis. Mussolini is supposed to have been instrumental in sinking Hitler’s attempts to force Spain into his orbit on the grounds that Germany was edging too far into Italy’s “sphere” of present or future influence.

Most reports like this cannot be taken at face value, but German complacence in the face of Italian reverses seems to go far toward bearing them out. Mussolini is going to make a major effort to retrieve his losses in Albania and if that effort fails, then Hitler is first likely to step in and by doing so ensure that the disposal of the spoils in Southeastern Europe will be his alone.

Hitler’s Speech on Tuesday-last suggests that he is confident that the Nazi military machine alone is sufficient to deal with all enemies, actual and potential. The reduction of Italy to a minor vole in the Axis “new order” undoubtedly forms part of his plan and to this end, the Greek victories in Albania arc satisfactory to the Nazis.

But again, how far will Hitler let his ally slide? The Albanian defeats have already opened an astonishingly wide fissure in the Italian totalitarian facade. The army and navy commands have been split asunder. The official Italian news carries a curious report of protests by returning Italian soldiers against, the high command in Albania. Another official Fascist publication takes open note of an alarming increase in the cost of living in Italy. Official Rome communiques obviously protest too much in denying disaffection among army and navy officers and among the people generally.

One cannot yet by far deduce from these signs that Italy is close to a complete breakdown. But they do show how quickly reverses in the field can expose the internal weaknesses of a totalitarian regime. Hitler can not afford to have this happen even in Italy. It strikes too close to home.

Moreover, Hitler cannot himself afford to mark time. He has to keep his forces in motion – and victoriously in motion at that. It is safe to assume that he will begin to move again – and soon.

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