Some other projects and activities of related interest

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Publishers & Publications

Porcupine Press – An independent socialist publishing venture

Index Books – A publishing venture associated with former supporters of that wing of the Workers Revolutionary Party that broke with their disgraced long-time leader G. Healy in 1985.

New Interventions – socialist discussion journal

Journal of Trotsky Studies – An academic journal dedicated to Trotsky-related studies

What Next? – A socialist discussion journal. – Email [email protected], or website

Britain, World War 2 & the Sama Samajists, a study of the documents contained in the secret files maintained by the Public Record Office, London.

Books by Baruch Hirson on the revolutionary movement in South Africa.

Index to Searchlight South Africa, ‘Justice for Southern Africa’ pamphlet Mutiny in the ANC, 1984.

Sam Levy’s book The Epoch of Trotskyism


Return to Main Index – Updated by ETOL: 27 May 2021