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Socialist Appeal, February 1935, Volume 1 No. 1, Page 2
Transcribed and Marked Up by Damon Maxwell in 2009 for the Encyclopedia of Trotskyism On-Line.


The number of socialist papers and magazines turnout the country is surprisingly small, taking into consideration the number of members in the Socialist party and the support it has in the ranks of American labor and of the American people in general. For that reason, if tor no other, the appearance of the SOCIALIST APPEAL in this modest form needs no apology.

The Appeal Publishing Association in issuing a mimeographed monthly (in the hope that it will soon come out in printed form) is certainly not coming into a crowded. field and interfering with the circulation of some worth while socialist monthly. Especially in Chicago which is without any socialist paper of its own, weekly or monthly. Wonderful indeed would it be if every large branch in the Socialist party would issue some paper of its own!

In its present form the SOCIALIST APPEAL cannot hope to function as an agitational organ for a wide circle of non-party readers. It will be primarily a magazine for party members and close sympathisers. This first issue furnishes an example of the, type of articles it will include within its covers. Articles on current, events – international, national and local – and discussions on party problems will form the chief contents of the SOCIALIST APPEAL.

It would be useless to conceal the fact that the APPEAL will take a consistently left position with reference to all current events and party problems. Nevertheless its pages will be open to all viewpoints within the party. Recognising that the party is passing through a period of struggle between various tendencies and convinced that only a thorough and honest discussion will hammer out correct policies and keep the unity of the party intact, it will encourage contributions from all who have different ideas about any important question.

Unity of the party based on the principles of revolutionary Marxism and achieved, thru free discussion will be the goal of the SOCIALIST APPEAL.

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Last updated on 07 February 2009