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Incarceration Nation


By Mumia Abu-Jamal

Several years ago, during the early days of Hugo Chavez’ presidency, U.S. forces supported a coup attempt against him, and the barrios of Caracas exploded in support of the former military officer.  The people of the capital came forward demanding his immediate release—and Chavez was released.

The Americans of course denied involvement but everyone knew otherwise. Latin America has seen the bloody paws of the American Empire, and they’ve seen it for the better part of a century and it has never been pretty.

More recently, the New York Times has reported that the Trump administration has been in contact with Venezuelan generals and tried to get them to betray their country’s  government.  The White House denies it, but everyone knows otherwise.

Maduro, Venezuela’s elected president is at heart a Chavista, for he admired his old boss, Hugo Chavez, and he cherishes his memory.  Don’t believe for a moment claims that the U.S. government cares about the Venezuelan people.  For we need look no further than America’s colony, Puerto Rico, 

After hurricanes and storms ravaged the island, the administration called them ingrates after they demanded help from their “brother” Americans.  Trump threw paper towels at them.  This is true and he denied them any kind of real support. They were left to swim or drown in the face of a natural catastrophe.  May I remind you that Puerto Ricans are Americans and American citizens, no less. No matter.  

For when they needed help the most, they found that they were on their own. You think they care about Venezuelans when they don’t give a damn about Puerto Ricans? Does that make sense?  

A leopard they say, cannot change its spots.  

And Empire cannot change its ways., March 27, 2019