MIA: History: ETOL: Newspapers & Periodicals: International Socialist Review
International Socialist Review, Issue 23: May–June 2002
Justice for Palestine
- How much can Bush get away with?
- A step forward for the antiwar movement
- Beating back Le Pen
- Venezuela: Coup and Countercoup, by Bridget Broderick
Interview with James Petras- Greece: Social Democracy near collapse, by Antonis Davanellos
- U.S. escalates Colombia’s dirty war, by Tristan Adie
Jenin: Eyewitness report, by Jeff Guntzel
The war against the Palestinians, by Tikva Honig-Parnass
Israeli policy and Washington’s complicity, by Rania Masri, Tayseer Arouri, Toufic Haddad, Ghassan Andoni, Huwaidi Arraf, Chris Toensing
Lies, damned lies, and Israeli propaganda, by Anthony Arnove & Paul D’Amato
Students for justice in Palestine, by Snehal Shingavi
Language, media manipulation, and the “war on terror”, by Normon Solomon
Taking on the fascist menace in France, by Sherry Wolf
- Interviews with Hassan Berber and Danielle Sallandre
Class and poverty in the maquila zone, by Avery Wear
A new colonial “age of empire”? by Lance Selfa
On the road with Karl Marx, by Brian Jones
Zionism and Anti-Semitism, by N. Israeli
Special reprint: The class character of Israel, by Moshe Machover & Akiva Orr
- The real story of class in the U.S.
- Roots of Bush’s war
- Voices in the antiwar movement
- Cracking the lies of empire
- Formation of the South Korean working class
- Making Mexicans illegal
- Still the Commander-in-Thief
- Palestine – When “peace” means war
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