International Group
A journal of Marxism in the Labour Party

Journal of the International Group. The International Group was a significant split from the International Marxist Group / Socialist League in 1985. Formerly the largest minority, Faction One, led by Phil Hearse, Dave Packer, Davy Jones, and Bob Pennington, they left after two smaller minorities formed what they regarded as an unprincipled alliance to block them from the leadership of the group. They published nine issues of “International- A journal of Marxism in the Labour Party” before fusing with the Socialist Group (formerly Workers Socialist League) in 1987 to form the International Socialist Group which then published Socialist Outlook. The IG / ISG considered itself to be a sympathising section of the Fourth International and became the official section at the 1995 World Congress.

These issues of Socialist Outlook scanned by the Splits & Fusions Blog dedicated to the history of British Trotskyism.

Contents by Issue

No. 1, November-December, 1985

Kinnock's Right Turn
After the Reagan Skyjacking
Behind the Tottenham Riot
Interview with Narendra Makenji
Revolutionary Upsurge in South Africa, Statement of the Fourth International
South African Communist Party Attacks Black Trade Unions by Charlie van Gelderen
Women Against Pit Closures by Jane Kelly
CND at the Crossroads by Gunter Minnerup
Building a Marxist Movement in Britain by Paul Lawson
Crisis in Central America by Dave Packer
A socialist economic policy for Labour by Phil Hearse

No. 2, January-February, 1986

The Anglo-Irish accord - the Labour-Tory accord by Geoff Bell
The fall and fall of Gerry Healy by Bob Pennington
The split in the NUM by Jane Kelly, Brendan Young & Phil Hearse
Glyn's economics and socialist strategy by Jeanette Findlay
No room for complacency by Teresa Convay
The defeat in Liverpool by Tim Rigby & Nick Wolfe
Star Wars and the summit by Oliver Mac Donald
The strategy of the ANC by Erica Flegg
Child abuse - crisis in the family? by Eileen Stanford
To Russia with love by David Grant Keir
What price masculinity? by Erica Flegg
Farewell to Sartre by Kathy Lowe

No. 3, March-April, 1986

Editorial | El Salvador | Sellafield | Sinn Fein
Willis' surrender at Fortress Wapping by Pat Hickey
The Heseltine affair - the empire strikes back? by Oliver MacDonald
South Africa: workers against apartheid by Charlie van Gelderen
Solidarity with the Filipino People, Statement of the Fourth International
British Bolsheviks by Bob Pennington
Black liberation and socialism by Walid Haddad
Kinnock's new coalition by Jane Kelly
And that means you, twinkletoes by Dave Shepherd
Revenge of the right by Nick Wolfe
British peculiarities by Chris Bertram
Socialist Register by Julian Atkinson
Kiss of the Spider Woman by Peter Purton

No. 4, May-June, 1986

Editorial | Local elections | South Africa | Women Against Pit Closures | Ireland
Libya and Reagan's new global strategy by Oliver Mac Donald
Interview with Eric Heffer
The Savage Inquiry by Erica Flegg
The General Strike 1926: Tragedy of a Generation by Bob Pennington
Women hold up half the sky by Valerie Coultras
Tribute to Simone De Beauvoir by Judith Arkwright
Wapping Assault by Davy Jones
Marxism Today's 'New Axis' by Phil Hearse
The need for principled politics
The split with Socialist Action
Ran by David Grant Krier
Absolute Beginners by Ian Howkins
Breakfast with Mao by Veronica Held
Word Rhythms Pete Roberts

No. 5, July-August, 1986

Editorial | Printers | Stalker | Witchhunt conference | Well done, Neil!
The significance of COSATU, Speech by Jay Naidoo
Who are the real philistines? by Mike Marquese and Tom Trevelyan
The risks of respectable feminism by Fran Rayner
Interview with Ralph Miliband
Stalinism in the 1930s: Popular Fronts & the great purges by Jeff King/Chris Bertram/Bob Pennington
An improved economy? by Jamie Gough
Pornography and censorship by Jane Kelly
George Breitman 1916-1986: a tribute
From Resistance to Rebellion by Ros Young
The struggle for health by Paul Stern
Harold Wilson's ghost by Chris Bertram
Engels updated by Jude Arkwright
Wedding blues

No. 6, September-October, 1986

Editorial | Symposium | US warmongering | Labour and Ireland
How the right fought back by Phil Hearse
Still here, still fighting, Tony Benn interviewed
Apartheid's continuing crisis by Charlie von Gelderen
What future for women under Labour by Barbara Green
Printworkers fight on by Jude Arkwright
Trotsky: photo supplement
Nicaragua's agrarian reform by Stuart Piper
Robinson sets the pace by Francis Devine
Troubled tories by Jean Baker & Jane Welk
Brookside: the rape and the ratings by Jane Wells
Shootdown by Graham Richards
Revisionism revisited by Julian Atkinson
The artful Hoxha by Michele Lee
Yellow Earth by Gill Lee
Rosa Luxemburg by Colin Smith

No. 7, November-December, 1986

Editorial | Terrorism | Privatisation | Sinn Fein Ard Fheis | Big Bang | International Symposium | Mozambique Appeal
New realism rules - OK? by Graham Topley
Mozambique - South Africa's dirty hands by Joana Ferreira
WAC backtracks on leadership's attacks by Jane Wells
Labour's nuclear future by Simon May
How Red are the Greens? by Steffi Engert
Rosa Luxemburg by Norman Geras
What alternative to the Atlantic alliance? by Oliver MacDonald
The new woman in China by Ronnie Held
Nicaragua - contradictions of the mixed economy by Phil Hearse & Dave Packer
War & the International by Charlie van Gelderen
SDP Mark 2? by Phil Hearse
Liberal shibboleths by Chris Bertram
Christmas crackers by Caroline Rault, Dave Palmer & Mike Marqusee
Blood Red Roses Jean Reilly & David Grant

No. 8, January-February, 1987

Editorial | MI5 | Positive Images | WRP | Jack Collins
One year at Wapping by John Tuite
French upsurge threatens Chirac by Penny O'Malley & Sylvia Zappi
Solidarnosc and Socialism, Valerie Coultas interviews Tony Benn
AIDS by Jamie Gough & Teresa Conway
Terrorism by Colin Smith
All the President's men - pt II by Paul Lawson
Tories go back to school by Rick Hatcher
The Philippines after Marcos by Dave Kellaway
The Workers Party of Brazil by Stuart Piper & Joao Machado
Don't mention the war by Davy Jones
Touchdown by David Grant
K.S. Karol by Colin Meade
Alan Turing by Judith Arkwright

No. 9, March-April, 1987 Final issue

Editorial | Lebanon | Wapping | France | BBC | Tom Gustafsson
Irish election heralds further instability by Brian Pelan
Thatcher's offensive and Labour's impasse by Dave Packer & Jane Kelly
Anti-zionist Israeli arrested by Ros Young
South African revolution marks time by Charlie van Gelderen
Self-determination for Scotland? by Jim Niblock
Sisterhood, still powerful? by Valerie Coultas
Unions must defend women at work by Janet Knight
A mixed blessing? by Leonora Lloyd
Filipino women's party launched, Interview with Maria Gomez
Is there a future for town hall socialism? by Davy Jones
Why socialists should support Solidarnosc by Zbigniew Kowaleski
Communists and the Easter risingc by D R O'Connor Lysaght
Andy Warhol by Paul Russell
New Trotsky notebooks by Chris Arthur
The Jaguar Smile by Alan Tracy
Salvador by Dave Robinson


Last updated on 11 December 2024