MIA: History: ETOL: Fourth International: The Yugoslav Revolution
Discussion On
Yugoslavia & The Tito-Stalin Split
An Open Letter to Congress, Central Committee and Members of the Yugoslav Communist Party—1948
Yugoslav Events and the World Crisis of Stalinism—1948
Behind the Stalin-Tito Clash—1948 by Ted Grant
The Yugoslav Affair—August, 1948 by M. Pablo
“Comrade” Tito and the 4th International: Left-Wing Stalinism—A Senile Disorder—by Hal Draper, 1948
The Yugoslav Revolution—1951
Yugoslavia and the Shachtmanites—May 1951—George Breitman
First Balance Sheet of the Yugoslav Affair, by Ernest Mandel—July 1951
Yugoslavia, East Europe and the Fourth International: The Evolution of Pabloist Liquidationism A large collections of documents assembled by the Spartacist League which includes original documents from the discussion inside the Fourth International and their own analysis.