MIA: History: ETOL: 1938-1949: World War II: Fourth International During & After World War II
The Fourth International
During World War II (immediately afterwards).
The debate over bourgeois democracy vs. Bonapartism/fascism in the post-war world (Felix Morrow, Jean van Heijenoort, Albert Goldman, Ted Grant, Ivan Craipeau vs. James Cannon, Pablo, Ernest Germain, Pierre Frank, Arne Swabeck, George Novack)
Program, Manifestos and Resolutions
Manifesto of the Fourth International: France under Hitler and Petain—1940
American Intervention in China—1941
Manifesto of the Fourth International For Defense of the Soviet Union—1941
Manifesto of the Fourth International: To the Workers and Peasants of India—1943
Manifesto of the Fourth International on the Dissolution of the Comintern—1942
The Maturing Revolutionary Situation in Europe and The Immediate Tasks of the IV International—1945—Political Resolution Adopted by the European Executive Committee, Fourth International
Theses on the Liquidation of World War II and the Revolutionary Upsurge—1945 by European Conference of the Fourth International
The Discussion on the National Question in Europe
The National Question in Europe—Daniel Logan [Jean van Heijenoort]
The Tenth Convention of the Socialist Workers Party SWP National Committee: The National Question and Europe
Revolutionary Tasks under the Nazi Boot—Daniel Logan [Jean van Heijenoort] 1942
Group of European Comrades: The National Question in Europe: Three Theses on the European Situation and the Political Tasks—19 October 1941
The National Question in Europe: Our Differences with the Three Theses—Felix Morrow
The Central Slogan for Occupied Europe—M. Morrison [Albert Goldman]
The Character of the European Revolution: A Reply to Some Comrades of the IKD Originally—published in Workers International News, London, Vol.6 No.1, October 1945
Articles, Letters and Discussion Contributions
A Statement on the War by James P. Cannon—1941
Editorial Comment—1940 Editorial by the Editors of Fourth International on the war in Europe
Defend the Soviet Union!—1941, Manifesto of the Socialist Workers Party
The Italian revolution and the tasks of British workers,—1943, Ted Grant
The First Phase of the Coming European Revolution: A Criticism of the International Resolution of the Fifteenth Anniversary Plenum—December 1943 by Felix Morrow
The Italian Revolution—1943 by Felix Morrow,
1. The Anglo-U.S. Policy of Counter-Revolution
2. The Anti-Fascist Movements in ItalyPerspectives and Tasks of the Coming European Revolution
Trotsky’s Prognosis of Our Epoch—1944 by Joseph Hansen
Group of European Comrades, Problems of the European Revolution—1944
The European Revolution: Its Prospects and TasksSpeech Delivered in the Name of the National Committee of the SWP, at New York Membership Meeting (October 4, 1944)—October 1944 by E.R. Frank [Bert Cochran]
Resolution of the Socialist Workers Party: The European Revolution and the Tasks of the Revolutionary Party—1944
Editorial: The Eleventh Convention of the American Trotskyist Movement [SWP]—1944
On the European Situation and our Tasks (Part 1),—January 1945, Daniel Logan [Jean van Heijenoort]
On the European Situation and our Tasks (Part 2),—February 1945, Daniel Logan [Jean van Heijenoort]
Imperialist War and Revolutionary Perspective,—E. R. Frank
The Italian Revolution and the Slogan “For a Republic”: The Strategy of Lenin vs. Ultra-Leftism,March 14, 1945—By Daniel Logan [Jean van Heijenoort]7
Declaration of the International Communists of Buchenwald,—1945
European Perspectives,—April 1945, William Simmons [Arne Swabeck]
The Political Position of the Minority in the SWP,—1945, Felix Morrow
Big Three Differences in Germany,—1945 Felix Morrow
Trotskyist Tasks in Europe,—July 1945, William Simmons [Arne Swabeck]
On the Tempo in Europe: To All Sections of the Fourth International,—November 1945—Felix Morrow
Pre-War Perspectives and Post-War Realities: An Analysis of the Politics of the Fourth International,—December 1945, Max Shachtman
Tactical Problems of the European Movement,—Felix Morrow
European Perspectives and Policy: A Letter to the European Secretariat of the Fourth International,—July 10, 1945, Felix Morrow
Revolutionary Policy in Western Europe:—An Answer to Comrade Morrow—1946—by Wiliam F. Warde (George Novack)
On WP-SWP Unity Negotiations: Documents of the WP and SWP Minority—Correspondence between Cannon, Shachtman & Morrow
Replies to Questions: A Discussion at the SWP Plenum—1945—By Albert Goldman
European Secretariat of the Fourth International, A Reply to Comrade Morrow
Perspectives of European Revolution: It Is Time to Grow Up: The Infantile Sickness of the European Secretariat,—Felix Morrow
On Comrade Morrow’s Reply ,—April 1946, Pablo
The First Phase of the European Revolution,—August 1946, Ernest Germain [Mandel]
Problems of the European Revolution,—April 1946, Ernest Germain [Mandel]
The Twelfth National Convention of the Socialist Workers Party—November 1946,
Resolution on the French Constitutional Referendum—1946, Twelfth National Convention of the Socialist Workers Party
Theses on the American Revolution,—1946, James P. Cannon
Resolution on Wages, Prices, Profits and the Struggle against Inflation—1946, Twelfth National Convention of the Socialist Workers Party
From a Propaganda Group to a Party of Mass Action (Resolution)—1946, Twelfth National Convention of the Socialist Workers Party
Supplementary Resolution on the Struggle Against Inflation—1946, Twelfth National Convention of the Socialist Workers Party
Motion on the Minority Faction—1946, Twelfth National Convention of the Socialist Workers Party
Motion on Unity with the Shachtmanites—1946, Twelfth National Convention of the Socialist Workers Party
Economic Trends in the United States—1946, By Art Preis
Contemporary Comments and Criticism
Democracy or Bonapartism in Europe?,—November 1945, Pierre Frank
Bonapartism in Europe,—November 1945, Pierre Frank
Democracy or Bonapartism in Europe—A Reply to Pierre Frank—late 1945 or early 1946, By Ted Grant
Where Trotskyism Got Lost: World War Two and the Prospect for Revolution in Europe —1947, By Peter Jenkins
Last updated on 11.3.2005