Encyclopedia of Anti-Revisionism On-Line

The Road to Founding the New U.S. Marxist-Leninist Communist Party


Having looked at the first two essential components, to take us successfully to founding the new Party – the Correct Ideo/Political Line, & the Correct Plan – let’s review the third.

The kind of cadre we need & the kind of cadre we now have are not the same thing. What we need are cadre “capable of developing, grasping and carrying out the Ideo/Political Line and the Plan”. And we need there to be a good deal more of this type of cadres than are active today. What we have is too few cadres, and the ones we have are too weak. Thus the question up for discussion here is: How are we going to develop enough & “qualified” cadres starting with what we’ve got now? This problem too could never be solved using the “great ideas in one’s head” approach. In fact, all the basic components of the solution (which we presented in earlier sections) have developed thru the real struggle that has gone on up til now both in the US and internationally and summed up in the works of the Classics and of the current IMLCM. What’s the Plan here? The Plan is:

Involve all the existing cadres & increasing numbers of sympathizers & supporters, the advanced and wider sections of the masses in the discussion of: the Ideo/Political Line (as summarized in “The 5 Burning Questions”); the Plan; and the Organizational Line (similar to that represented by SDMLG’s Constitution & Statements of the Anti-Imperialist Union and of the “Helpers”). Concurrent with this, carry out the Ideo/Political Line, the Organizational Line, and the Plan for the Work in practice. Emphasize the successful carrying out of “Our Main Task On This Question” for all 5 of the Burning Questions & working at all 5 General Levels of Activity with systematic check-up on all key aspects of this process. Never forget that “All political work must contribute to the founding of the new Party; thus it is OUR MAIN 5, ONLY TASK”. Help safeguard this process thru all-out study of and defense of the science of Marxism-Leninism and of the IMLCM in & thru the all-out review of and struggle against the bourgeois democratic illusions (etc.) and against opportunism of all hues as represented by the “Holy Alliance of the ’Left’” & others.

Our own experience, over the last year, shows that exactly this work produces & will continue to produce the “Capable Cadres” we need.