Encyclopedia of Anti-Revisionism On-Line

Workers Viewpoint Newspaper May Day 1975 Supplement

Revisionism: Phoney Peace of Detente

selling out the Class Struggle by “C”PUSA

The “C”PUSA is quick to call union leads “class collaborators” when they represent the most reactionary, Rightist policies–the Abels, Meanys, Boyles, and Woodcocks–those who have already been thoroughly exposed to us rank and file workers. But as far as the more dangerous, more subtle union misleaders, “C”PUSA has nothing but praise, these so-called “progressives” that they’re so fond of are those liberals who operate under the guise of so-called “left platforms”–who push policies appearing “progressive” and even “socialist”, while in reality selling out our real interests. “C”PUSA cheers Arnold Miller (United Mine Workers), Leon Davis (1199), and other top leadership in UE, ILWL and the Distributive Workers, for “Not living off the fat of the land with enormous salaries and almost unlimited expense accounts, with big pensions and what have you” (Political Affairs, Nov. 73, p. 116). “C”PUSA tags behind these progressives (if not a part of them), and help to lead us workers down the same path of sold-out interests.

These seemingly “militant” misleaders, like Miller and others, are better defenders of the capitalists than the capitalists themselves. Who else but people like Miller could get away with staying in office, when 43% of the miners voting solidly against the contract last year and at the same time left the Mine Construction Workers out cold, with no contract at all! Who else could serve the bosses better, –and still get off scott-free?

We all want peace. But we also know that imperialism causes wars. Our struggle for peace must be linked up with our struggle against imperialism. But “C”PUSA calls for “detente”–a robber’s peace between U.S. imperialism and the Soviet’s social-imperialism (socialism in words, but imperialism in real deeds),–only to be carried out at the expense of oppressed nations around the world. They say this “detente” is even more important than the working class struggle here. It is more important than the struggle against imperialism! Gus Hall, the chieftain of the sellout “C”PUSA, has said–“the struggle for detente is the major factor in determining the course of world events... But for the U.S. it is more than central, it is going to determine the course of events both in foreign and domestic affairs.” (The Big Stakes of Detente)

This robber’s peace “detente” between the two super-powers is another way to further the arms race and gear up for future fights. This phoney peace “detente” will lead us into a new world war!

They say “Detente is irreversible” – which, to them, means detente will change the nature of imperialism. They proclaim “permanent peace” once U.S./U.S.S.R. are into this “detente”, when we know it is the nature of imperialism to depend on war. THIS DETENTE IS ANOTHER LIE!

“C”PUSA even went so far as to support big banks, like Bank of America, to do business with U.S.S.R. For them, this is the way out of massive unemployment and crisis! They say “Detente means jobs.” What is this but just another cheap trick!

“Detente” must be exposed! It lulls us working people into sleep! It will disarm us–it will drop our vigilence against the danger of world war internationally and against the danger of fascism at home,– which would develop rapidly once the U.S. enters into another world. “C”PUSA tries to prettify the monopoly capitalist/imperialist system–to create illusions about it. This is the most dangerous for us, at a time when we must rise up and smash this system, once and for all!