Encyclopedia of Anti-Revisionism On-Line

Grand Rally – Mao Tsetung Thought is the Bright Red Banner of the Anti-Fascist Revolution of the American Working Class and People!

Published: Buffalo Student, Volume 1, Number 2, May 3, 1972.�
Transcription, Editing and Markup: Paul Saba
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On April 28, the Buffalo Student Movement held a grand rally at UB, “MAO TSE TUNG THOUGHT IS THE BRIGHT RED BANNER OF THE ANTI-FASCIST REVOLUTION OF THE AMERICAN WORKING CLASS AND PEOPLE.” Nearly fifty youth and students and workers came to take part in this’ great event, to hold high the banner of MAO TSETUNG THOUGHT in the midst of the American people. Everyone came with just one purpose in mind: to build the PARTY of the proletariat, and throughout the evening the whole room shook with the sound of revolutionary slogans: “Down with bourgeois individualism and ’individual salvation’” “BUILD THE PARTY and AROUSE THE MASSES!” “LONG LIVE COMMUNISM!” “LONG LIVE MARXISM-LENINISM MAO TSETUNG THOUGHT!” “LONG LIVE THE GREAT REVOLUTIONARY ASPIRATIONS OF THE AMERICAN PROLETARIAT!” “LONG LIVE THE BUFFALO STUDENT MOVEMENT!” “LONG LIVE THE AMERICAN COMMUNIST WORKERS’ MOVEMENT (MARXIST-LENINIST)!”

At a time when fascist Nixon is stepping up his atrocities against the American and world’s people, especially the heroic Indo-Chinese people, the nearly fifty comrades and friends participated in this grand rally with the sole purpose of building a revolutionary PARTY based on the revolutionary theory of Marxism-Leninism Mao Tsetung Thought and in the style of the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution. Throughout the week, the young revolutionaries had participated in the BSM conference “Uphold the Revolutionary Aspirations of the American Proletariat” by working hard to arouse the masses to participate in building the PARTY by going deeply and boldly among them to disseminate: “Buffalo Student”, the local organ of working class propaganda and by organizing and leading mass democratic struggles in the midst of the masses.

The rally was opened by the spokesman of the BSM, comrade David Katzman, who gave a most clear talk on the militant heritage of the American proletariat in waging class struggle and in building the PARTY And in which he clearly put forward the present task to go against everything old and moribund and to DARE to arouse the masses, to rely solely on the revolutionary capacity of the masses and to rely solely on MAO TSETUNG THOUGHT, the Marxism-Leninism of the present era.

After leading the people in several revolutionary slogans, Comrade Katzman introduced a worker comrade to give the main speech of the rally. She briefly explained that when she had formerly been associated with the revisionist party, she had never been “allowed” to study MAO TSETUNG THOUGHT and that it was through this method that the revisionists hoped to keep the American working class enslaved. She showed how in her own experience only the line of the ACWM (M-L) was the lifeline of the revolutionary struggle for the working and oppressed American people. Then she read the statement of the Zone 2 Branch of the ACWM which calls upon all comrades and supporters to take up the “WIDESGALE DISSEMINATION AND LIVING STUDY AND APPLICATION OF MARXISM-LENINISM MAO TSETUNG THOUGHT.” This militant call was most enthusiastically received by the comrades and friends and once again the room resounded with revolutionary slogans.

Following this, representatives of the American Student Movement, the ACWM (M-L), the Canadian Student Movement under the leadership of the COMMUNIST PARTY OF PARTY OF CANADA (MARXIST-LENINIST), and other students and national minority youth made statements of solidarity. With fists raised high, the comrades and friends closed the formal part of the meeting by singing the INTERNATIONALE and the EAST IS RED.