Eritrea: The Hidden War in East Africa by Mary Hanson
The War for Liberation in Eritrea
Eritrea: Then and Now by the Government of Ethiopia, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
The Ethiopian Revolution and the Problem of Eritrea by the Ethiopian Revolution Information Center
Eritrea: New Czars Step Up Agression
Guardian Meddles in Eritrean Movement by the New Voice
Eritrean Guerrillas and Soviet Naval Bombardment Peking Review, #50, December 12, 1978
Class Struggle and the Problem in Eritrea
Eritrea: Past and Present Peking Review, #37, September 14, 1979
Eritrea support and the ‘left’ danger by Dan Connell
Eritrea: The Roots of War [special issue of Horn of Africa]
War and Famine in Eritrea, Bill Fletcher interview with Dan Connel [Forward Motion, Vol.IV, No. 5, December 1985-January 1986]
Eritrea: Dynamics of a National Question by Tesfatsion Medhanie
Eritrea’s Independent Revolution, Bill Fletcher interview with EPLF representative Hagos Ghebrehiwet [Forward Motion, Vol.9, No. 3, August 1990]
Equality to Die For?: Women Guerrilla Fighters and Eritrea's Cultural Revolution by Victoria Bernal
The Eritrean People's Liberation Front: A Case Study in the Rhetoric and Practice of African Liberation by Tsenay Serequeberhan
Inside the EPLF: The Origins of the ‘People’s Party’ & its Role in the Liberation of Eritrea by Dan Connell
Gender: Eritrean People’s Liberation Front and Eritrean government initiatives
Eritrean Liberation Front by Richard Lobban
“What Went Wrong?: The Eritrean People’s Liberation Front from Armed Opposition to State Governance” by Paulos Tesfagiorgis
EPLF Statement No. 6: Soviet Warships Attack EPLF Positions
Eritrea - 500 Years of Struggle Speech by And Berhane [Southern Africa Support Committee Newsletter, Jan.-Feb.-March 1979]
Declaration of the Central Committee of the EPLF Concerning Negotiations with the Ethiopian Regime
The Eritrean struggle and the international situation (Editorial taken from Eritrea Information)
Eritrean People's Liberation Front and Tigray People's Liberation Front - Joint Statement
Mekalih Sewrana, Vol. 1, No. 2, December 1978
Eritrea Now, Vol. 1, No. 4, March 1979
Eritrea Now, Vol. 1, No. 7, September 1979
Invitation to Eritrean Congress, Bologna 1987
Eritreans for Liberation in North America by Mehretab Mehari
A Brief Historical Overview of and Program Recommendations For Eritreans for Liberation [from Liberation, Vol. II, No. 1, January 1973]
Vanguard, Vol. 1, No. 1
Liberation, (1973-1977)
Eritrean Liberation Night Speech
Revolution in Eritrea. The Ethiopian Military Dictatorship and Imperialism
Reactionary Clique Forced Out of EPLF!
Eritrea In Struggle, Vol. I, No. 6, December 30, 1976
Hail the First Congress of the Eritrean People's Liberation Front!
Zionist Israel Escalates Support for Fascist Ethiopian Junta
EPLF, ELF Sign an Important Agreement on National Unity
CPC(M-L) Delegation Visits EPLF Liberated Areas in Eritrea
EPLF Will Smash All Counter-Revolutionary Machinations Against the Eritrean Revolution
Eritrea: Great Strides Towards National Unity
Eritrean People's 17 Years of Heroic Armed Struggle
Guardian's Opportunism Exposed
The Revolutionary Children of Eritrea
AEWNA Holds Successful Congress
Condemn Soviet-Ethiopian Aggression in Eritrea
Demagogy of EPLF Leaders Exposed
More on Guardian's Opportunism
The Eritrean Struggle: Just, Popular, Revolutionary
Eritrea Has Chosen the Path of New Democracy
Self-Reliant Struggle in Eritrea
Eritrea In Struggle, Vol. II, No. 4, January 1978
Eritrea In Struggle, Vol. II, No. 6, March 1978
Eritrea In Struggle, Vol. II, No. 8, May 1978
Eritrea In Struggle, Vol. II, No. 9, June 1978
Eritrea In Struggle, Vol. II, No. 10, July 1978
Resistance, Vol. 1, No. 2, November-December 1978
Resistance, Vol. 1, No. 3, February-March 1979