Encyclopedia of Anti-Revisionism On-Line

Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist)

Political Report of the Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist)

Chapter 4: Two tactics in the era of “legal” Marxism-Leninism

Marxism-Leninism is not banned in Canada and Quebec. There is no legislation making the study, dissemination and reproduction of works of Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin and Chairman Mao illegal. What is banned in Canada and Quebec is the practice of Marxism-Leninism. The capitalists have legislated that they should not be violently overthrown. The capitalists quite nakedly give themselves the right to practice their beliefs and sanctify these through large standing armies, but they forbid everyone else from practicing their beliefs and theories. The capitalist state is extremely hostile to Marxism-Leninism and those who practice it. The “tolerance” of it is only for appearance sake.

The social fascists (socialists in words but fascists in deeds) fully abide by the capitalist dictatorship. Under the moribund banner of social fascism they spout socialist phraseology in order to strengthen the capitalist system. They label everyone who puts Marxism-Leninism into practice “sectarian” and “adventurist”. Social fascism has become the public relations, the image builder of the capitalist state. It is the main force which is standing firmly against any revolutionary change.

The Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist) is not banned in Canada. But its members recieve letters from Solicitor General Goyer that they are a “threat to national security”. Demonstrations are not banned in any part of Canada, but many demonstrations organised by CPC(M-L) have been harassed, assaulted and repressed by the police and other organs of the capitalist state. Any member or supporter of CPC(M-L) is prejudged by the capitalist courts ands unjustly persecuted solely because of his political affiliations.

There is-no ban on the sale of political literature, but on innumerable occasions members and supporters of CPC(M-L) are violently harassed, assaulted and prosecuted for doing so.

There is no clear statement against Marxist-Leninists becoming landed immigrants in Canada. But as soon as a Marxist-Leninist appiies for immigration, his application is arbitraritly rejected. Those who become Marxist-Leninists after coming to this country are threatened with deportations; some are actually deported, and others are deprived of citizenship.

Marxist-Leninist professors are not banned from the universities. But` as soon as the Marxist-Leninist professor begins teaching and advocating his beliefs ,he is thrown out.

The capitalists actually use trade unions to build opposition to the Marxist-Leninist political line among the working people. Through their agents they introduce anti-Marxist-Leninist clauses as to the qualifications of members and those elected to their executives.

The two aspects of the bourgeois outlook, of saying one thing and doing the other, are reflected in every cell of the capitalist state and cultural superstructure. There is banning of Marxism-Leninism in practice, and its “legal” existence is only in theory.

During this period of “legal” Marxism-Leninism, the revisionists of various hues and colours are lauding the bourgeois dictatorship as “democracy above classes.” Their motive is to discredit every revolutionary struggle and justify its suppression.

The capitalist state uses counter-revolutionary double-tactics in 1)singing swan songs about their bourgeois democracy, parliament, police, armed forces, judiciary, civil service and cultural institutions, and 2) violently suppressing the democratic and proletarian forces. We must oppose these counter-revolutionary tactics by following the two revolutionary tactics of 1) preparing public opinion against the theory and practice of bourgeois democracy, parliament, police, armed forces,judiciary, civil service and cultural institutions, and 2) resisting the attacks of the capitalist state machine.

Monopoly capitalists are democrats in theory only, but they are fascists in practice. They are not going to become Buddhas of their own accord. They must be overthrown as the ruling class and must be replaced by the working class as the ruling class. Revisionists are attempting to lull the people, do propaganda for democracy in general, disarm and disengage people from struggle, and subvert and sabotage the apparatus of the Party. We must oppose revisionism. We must not become complacent and give up struggle. There is no such thing as democracy in general, and there is no such thing as “legal” Marxism-Leninism.