Dominican Republic 1938
Written: 1938;
First Published: March 19, 1938;
Source: Workers Age, Vol. 7, No. 12, 1938, p. 1;
Transcribed: by Amaury Rodriguez, 2014.
Transcriber’s note: This appeared in Workers Age (originally Revolutionary Age), organ of the American Communist Party (Majority Group) led by Jay Lovestone (1897-1990). Grammar corrected for clarity.
A recent tour of James Roosevelt, [1] playing the role of an American Prince of Wales, included a friendly visit to the home of none other than Dictator Trujillo, bloody master of Santo Domingo, [2] who recently was responsible for the slaughter of several thousand Haitian [3] workers. [4]
The visit, far from unofficial, was arranged through [5] the offices of Ambassador Joseph Davies, plenipotentiary of these democratic United States, and served the purpose of convincing the masses of Santo Domingo [6] that Washington backed Trujillo’s dictatorship.
1. James Roosevelt (1907-1991) was the son of Franklin Delano Roosevelt (1882-1945), a Democrat who was President of the United States from 1933 to 1945. See:
2. Santo Domingo appears as “San Domingo” in the original text.
3. Haitian appears as “Haitaian” in the original text.
4. The document is referring to the 1937 Haitian massacre carried out by Trujillo’s army. See: With God and Trujillo!
5. The word “through” appears as “thru” in the original text.
6. Santo Domingo appears as “San Domingo” in the original text.