Victor Serge 1917

A Subscription in Support of Victor Serge

Source: Par delà la Mêlée, no 23 [1917];
Translated: by Mitchell Abidor;
CopyLeft: Creative Commons (Attribute & ShareAlike) 2013.

After five years completed day for day without an hour of pardon, Le Rétif has left prison.

Those among us who lived the troubled hours of the “tragic bandits” [1] have not forgotten the iniquity of his condemnation.

Le Rétif has been expelled to Spain.

For many years he played too important a role in our intellectual activity for us to not think about his material situation, which is necessarily precarious.

We have thus decided to open a subscription in order to assist him

Let each follow the dictates of his heart.

The subscriptions received will appear in this paper.

The following have already subscribed; E. Armand, 5 fr., Pierre Chardon, 5. Denise, 5. Zan, 2. Various donors, 18.30

1. The Bonnot Gang, the individualist anarchist bandits at whose trial Serge – who did not participate in their hold-ups – was sentenced to five years.