Marxist Writers: Alfred Rosmer
Alfred Rosmer Archive
The Situation in France, 1922
Genoa and France, 1922
Speech in Discussion of Executive Committee Report (4th Congress of the Comintern), 1922
Protest against Arrest of Polish Deputies (4th Congress of the Comintern), 1922
Speech in Discussion of Trade Union Report (4th Congress of the Comintern), 1922
Speech to Session of Enlarged Executive of C.I., 1923
Letter to the Party Secretariat, 1924
British Imperialism and French Imperialism After The London Conference, 1924
On Since Lenin Died, June 1925
Letter to The Militant, July 1929
The Split Danger in the French C.G.T.U., December 1929
Karakhan Takes a Pleasant Trip to Turkey, January 1930
An island of resistance in 1914: la Vie Ouvrière, 1936
France – the Last Week Before the War, 1936
Enough of Mud! Enough of Blood!, 1938
Preface to Stalinism in Spain, 1938
Workers Front and Popular Front, 1938
A Fictionized Version Of Trotsky’s Murder, 1948
Problems of Yesterday and Today, September 1949
Trotsky in Paris During World War I, 1950
Natalia Trotsky’s Letter – A Comment, 1951
Moscow in Lenin’s Days: 1920–21, 1953 (extracts)
Two Books by Lenin, 1953 (extract from Moscow Under Lenin)
Stalin’s Satellites in Europe, November 1953 (book review)
The Paris Militant, Autumn 1959
Last updated on: 16 October 2021