Press Articles by Marx and Engels


Articles by Marx & Engels in Neue Rheinische Zeitung banner

Jun 1848 - May 1849

Neue Rheinische Zeitung No. 1, June 1, 1848

Statement from the editorial board of Neue Rheinische Zeitung on the publication of the first issue, May 31, 1848

Originally the date of publication of the Neue Rheinische Zeitung was to be the first of July, and arrangements with correspondents, etc., were made with that date in view.

But since the brazen attitude reassumed by the reactionaries foreshadows the enactment of German September Laws in the near future, we have decided to make use of every available day and to publish the paper as from June the first. Our readers will therefore have to bear with us if during the first days we cannot offer so wide a variety of news and reports as our widespread connections should enable us to do. In a few days we shall be able to satisfy all requirements in this respect too.

Editorial Board:

Editor-in-Chief: Karl Marx
Editors: Heinrich Burgers, Ernst Dronke, Friedrich Engels, Georg Weerth, Ferdinand Wolff, Wilhelm Wolff.

Source: A number of the most important articles have been transcribed from Articles from Neue Rheinische Zeitung, 1848-49, Progress Publishers, Moscow 1972, by [email protected], 1994. The remaining articles have been transcribed from MECW, Volumes 7 to 9, by Andy Blunden, 2000. Articles sourced from Marx-Engels Collected Works, Vols 7-9, have been greyed out.
Scanned and Marked Up: by Andy Blunden, unless otherwise indicated.



June 1848
Statement of the Editorial Board of the Neue Rheinische Zeitung Jun 1 1848
The Assembly at Frankfurt Jun 1 1848
Huser Jun 1 1848
The Latest Heroic Deed of the House of Bourbon Jun 1 1848
The Democratic Party Jun 2 1848
Camphausen's Statement at the Session of May 30 Jun 3 1848
Defeat of the German Troops at Sundewitt Jun 3 1848
Questions of Life and Death Jun 4 1848
The Camphausen Government Jun 4 1848
The Question of Union Jun 4 1848
The War Comedy Jun 5 1848
The Reaction Jun 6 1848
Comite de surete generale in Berlin Jun 6 1848
Programmes of the Radical-Democratic Party and of the Left at Frankfurt. Jun 7 1848
The Agreement Debates in Berlin Jun 7 1848
The Agreement Debates Jun 8 1848
The Question of the Address Jun 8 1848
A New Partition of Poland Jun 9 1848
The Shield of the Dynasty Jun 10 1848
Cologne in Danger Jun 11 1848
Admission of Incompetence by Assemblies of Frankfurt and Berlin Jun 13 1848
The Berlin Debate on the Revolution Jun 14 1848


Jun 15 1848


Jun 16 1848


Jun 17 1848
The Position of the Parties in Cologne Jun 18 1848
The Agreement Assembly of June 15 Jun 18 1848
The Prague Uprising Jun 18 1848
Valdenaire's Arrest-Sebaldt Jun 19 1848
The Agreement Assembly Session of June 17 Jun 20 1848
The Stupp Amendment Jun 21 1848
A New Policy in Posen Jun 21 1848
The Downfall of the Camphausen Government Jun 22 1848
The Downfall of the Camphausen Government Jun 23 1848
The First Deed of the German National Assembly in Frankfurt Jun 23 1848
The Hansemann Government Jun 24 1848
The Neue Berliner Zeitungen on the Chartists Jun 24 1848
Threat of the Gervinus Zeitung Jun 25 1848
Patow's Redemption Memorandum Jun 25 1848
The Democratic Character of the Uprising Jun 25 1848
News from Paris Jun 25 1848
Reichensperger Jun 26 1848
News from Paris Jun 26 1848
Details about the 23rd of June Jun 26 1848
News from Paris Jun 27 1848
The Northern Star about the Neue Rheinische Zeitung Jun 27 1848
The 23rd of June Jun 28 1848
The 24th of June Jun 28 1848
The 25th of June Jun 29 1848
The June Revolution Jun 29 1848
July 1848
The Kolnische Zeitung on the June Revolution Jul 1 1848
The June Revolution (The Course of the Paris Uprising) Jul 1 1848


Jul 2 1848
Germany's Foreign Policy Jul 3 1848
Marrast and Thiers Jul 3 1848
The Agreement Debates Jul 4 1848
Arrests Jul 4 1848
Arrests Jul 5 1848
The Agreement Debates Jul 5 1848
Legal Proceedings against the Neue Rheinische Zeitung Jul 7 1848
The Berlin Agreement Debates Jul 7 1848
The Government of Action Jul 9 1848
The Agreement Debate Jul 9 1848
The Ministerial Crisis Jul 9 1848
The Agreement Session of July 4 (Second Article) Jul 11 1848
Legal Proceedings against the Neue Rheinische Zeitung Jul 11 1848
German Foreign Policy and the Latest Events in Prague Jul 12 1848
The Agreement Debates of July 7 Jul 14 1848
Herr Forstmann on the State Credit Jul 14 1848
The Agreement Debates Jul 15 1848
The Debate on Jacoby's Motion Jul 18 1848


Jul 19 1848


Jul 23 1848


Jul 25 1848
The Suppression of the Clubs in Stuttgart and Heidelberg Jul 20 1848
The Prussian Press Bill Jul 20 1848
The Armistice with Denmark Jul 21 1848
The Faedreland on the Armistice with Denmark Jul 21 1848
The Civic Militia Bill Jul 21 1848


Jul 22 1848


Jul 24 1848
The Armistice "Negotiations" Jul 24 1848
The Concordia of Turin Jul 25 1848
The Agreement Debates on the District Estates (Session of July 18) Jul 26 1848
The Bill on the Compulsory Loan and Its Motivation Jul 26 1848


Jul 30 1848
Armistice Negotiations with Denmark Broken Off Jul 28 1848
The Dissolution of the Democratic Associations in Baden Jul 28 1848
The Bill Proposing the Abolition of Feudal Obligations Jul 30 1848

August 1848
The Kolnische Zeitung on the State of Affairs in England Aug 1 1848
The Agreement Debate about the Valdenaire Affair Aug 2 1848
The Milan Bulletin Aug 2 1848
The Russian Note Aug 3 1848
Miscellaneous Aug 3 1848
Bakunin Aug 3 1848
The Hansemann Government and the Old-Prussian Criminal Aug 4 1848
The Kolnische Zeitung on the Compulsory Loan Aug 4 1848
Proudhon's Speech against Thiers Aug 5 1848
Dr. Gottschalk Aug 5 1848
Debate about the Existing Redemption Legislation Aug 6 1848
The "Model State" of Belgium Aug 7 1848
The Frankfurt Assembly Debates the Polish Question Aug 9 1848


Aug 12 1848


Aug 20 1848


Aug 22 1848


Aug 26 1848


Aug 31 1848


Sep 1 1848


Sep 3 1848


Sep 7 1848
The Danish Armistice and Hansemann Aug 11 1848
The German Citizenship and the Prussian Police Aug 12 1848
The Italian Liberation Struggle and the Cause of Its Present Failure Aug 12 1848
Charles Albert's Betrayal Aug 17 1848
The Attempt to Expel Schapper Aug 19 1848
Geiger and Schapper Aug 24 1848
The Kolnische Zeitung about Italy Aug 27 1848
The Zeitungs-Halle on the Rhine Province Aug 27 1848

September 1848
Mediation and Intervention. Radetzky and Cavaignac Sep 1 1848
The Antwerp Death Sentences Sep 3 1848
The Conflict between Marx and Prussian Citizenship Sep 5 1848
The Danish Armistice Sep 8 1848
Editorial Note with the Article "The Financial Project of the Left" Sep 9 1848
The Fall of the Government of Action Sep 9 1848
His Successors Sep 10 1848
The Danish-Prussian Armistice Sep 10 1848
Arrests Sep 12 1848
The Crisis and the Counter-Revolution Sep 12 1848


Sep 13 1848


Sep 14 1848


Sep 16 1848
Army Order, Election Candidates, Comments on Prussian Ambiguity Sep 15 1848
Freedom of Debate in Berlin Sep 16 1848
Ratification of the Armistice Sep 20 1848
The Uprising in Frankfurt Sep 20 1848


Sep 21 1848
The Faedreland on the Armistice Sep 22 1848
The Government of the Counter-Revolution Sep 23 1848
The Cologne Committee of Public Safety Sep 26 1848
Public Prosecutor Hecker asks Questions about the Worringen Meeting Sep 26 1848
Counter-Revolution in Cologne Sep 26 1848
An Attempt to Arrest Moll Sep 27 1848
State of Siege in Cologne Sep 27 1848

October 1848
Editorial Statement Concerning the Reappearance of the Neue Rheinische Zeitung Oct 12 1848
Revolution in Vienna Oct 12 1848
The Latest News from the "Model State" Oct 12 1848
The "Revolution of Cologne" Oct 13 1848
The Pfuel Government Oct 14 1848
Thiers' Speech Concerning a General Mortgage Bank with a Legal Rate Oct 14 1848
The Frankfurter Oberpostamts-Zeitung and the Viennese Revolution Oct 19 1848
Reply of the King of Prussia to the Delegation of the National Oct 19 1848
Reply of Frederick William IV to Delegation of Civic Militia Oct 20 1848
The Reforme on the June Insurrection Oct 22 1848
English-French Mediation in Italy Oct 22 1848
The "Model Constitutional State" Oct 22 1848
Public Prosecutor "Hecker" and the Neue Rheinische Zeitung Oct 29 1848

November 1848
"Appeal of the Democratic Congress to the German People" Nov 2 1848
The Paris Reforme on the Situation in France Nov 2 1848
The Viennese Revolution and the Kolnische Zeitung Nov 3 1848
The Latest News from Vienna, Berlin and Paris Nov 4 1848
Our Bourgeoisie and Dr. Nuckel Nov 5 1848
News from Vienna Nov 5 1848
The Victory of the Counter-Revolution in Vienna Nov 6 1848
The Crisis in Berlin Nov 8 1848
The Ex-Principality Nov 11 1848
Counter-Revolution in Berlin Nov 11 1848
Decision of the Berlin National Assembly Nov 12 1848
Sitting of the Swiss Chambers Nov 12 1848
Cavaignac and the June Revolution Nov 13 1848
Appeal of the Democratic District Committee of the Rhine Province Nov 14 1848
Impeachment of the Government Nov 14 1848
The New Institutions.-Progress in Switzerland Nov 15 1848
Statement Nov 17 1848
Confessions of a Noble Soul Nov 17 1848
The Kolnische Zeitung Nov 17 1848
No More Taxes!!! Nov 17 1848
A decree of Eichmann's Nov 19 1848
Tax Refusal and the Countryside Nov 19 1848
Appeal Nov 19 1848
Appeal Nov 21 1848
The City Council Nov 21 1848
Proclamation of the Brandenberg-Manteuffel Ministry on Tax Refusal Nov 22 1848
The Chief Public Prosecutor and the Neue Rheinische Zeitung Nov 22 1848
The Public Prosecutor's Office in Berlin and Cologne Nov 22 1848
Elections to the Federal Court.-Miscellaneous Nov 23 1848
The Frankfurt Assembly Nov 23 1848
State of Siege Everywhere Nov 23 1848
Position of the Left in the National Assembly Nov 23 1848
News from Switzerland Nov 24 1848
Result of the Elections to the National Council Nov 25 1848
Elections.-Sydow Nov 26 1848
Manteuffel and the Central Authority Nov 26 1848
The German Central Authority and Switzerland Nov 26 1848
Drigalski-Legislator, Citizen and Communist Nov 26 1848
Three State Trials against the Neue Rheinische Zeitung Nov 26 1848
Debate in the National Council Nov 26 1848
Report of the Frankfurt Committee on Austrian Affairs Nov 28 1848
Raveaux's Resignation.-Violation of the Swiss Frontier Nov 28 1848
Personalities of the Federal Council Nov 29 1848
News Nov 29 1848
Sittings of the Federal Council and the Council of States Nov 29 1848
Letters Opened Nov 29 1848
Joint Sitting of the Councils.-The Federal Council Nov 30 1848
Organ of Manteuffel and Johann.-Rhine Province and King of Prussia Nov 30 1848
The Revolutionary Movement in Italy Nov 30 1848
German Professorial Baseness Nov 30 1848

December 1848
Sitting of the National Council.-The Council of States Dec 1 1848
Sitting of the National Council Dec 1 1848
Berne Declared Federal Capital.-Franscini Dec 2 1848
News from Switzerland Dec 3 1848
Duel between Berg and Luvini Dec 5 1848
The Closing of the German Frontier.-The Empire.-The Council of War Dec 5 1848
The Federal Council and the Foreign Ambassadors Dec 6 1848
Swiss Evidence of the Austrian Army's Heroic Deeds in Vienna Dec 6 1848
The French Working Glass and the Presidential Elections Dec 7 1848
Proudhon Dec 7 1848
Herr Raumer Is Still Alive Dec 7 1848
Second Stage of the Counter-Revolution Dec 7 1848
The Coup d'Etat of the Counter-Revolution Dec 7 1848
Measures Concerning the German Refugees Dec 10 1848
The National Council Dec 10 1848
The Bourgeoisie and the Counter-Revolution Dec 10 1848


Dec 15 1848


Dec 16 1848


Dec 31 1848
A New Ally of the Counter-Revolution Dec 12 1848
The Calumnies of the Neue Rheinische Zeitung Dec 13 1848
Ursuline Convent.-Recruiting for the Grape-Shot King... Tariff Dec 14 1848
Address of the Workers' Associations of Switzerland in Frankfurt Dec 15 1848
Dismissal of Drigalski Dec 17 1848
The Trial of Gottschalk and His Comrades Dec 22 1848
The Prussian Counter-Revolution and the Prussian Judiciary Dec 24 1848
Letter to the Workers' Association in Switzerland in Vivis Dec 25 1848
Refutation Dec 27 1848
Measures against German Refugees.-Return of Troops from Tessin Dec 28 1848
The New "Holy Alliance" Dec 31 1848

January 1849
The Revolutionary Movement Jan 1 1849
Swiss-Italian Affairs Jan 3 1849
A Bourgeois Document Jan 4 1849
A New-Year Greeting Jan 9 1849
The Magyar Struggle Jan 13 1849
Herr Muller.-Radetzky's Chicanery towards Tessin...-Lohbauer Jan 13 1849
The Last volunteer Insurgents Jan 14 1849
Budget Jan 14 1849
Priests' Rebellion Jan 14 1849
The Swiss Press Jan 17 1849
Protectionist Agitation .-Recruiting into the Neapolitan Army Jan 17 1849
Muller.-The Freiburg Government.-Ochsenbein Jan 17 1849
Montesquieu LVI Jan 20 1849


Jan 21 1849
Answer from Colonel Engels Jan 26 1849
The Prussian Warrant for the Arrest of Kossuth Jan 28 1849
The Berlin National-Zeitung to the Primary Electors Jan 26 1849


Jan 28 1849
The Situation in Paris Jan 31 1849


Jan 31 1849
February 1849
The Kolnische Zeitung On the Elections Feb 1 1849
The Struggle in Hungary Feb 3 1849
Camphausen Feb 4 1849
From the Banat Feb 4 1849
The 19th Army Bulletin and Commentaries on It Feb 6 1849

The First Trial of the Neue Rheinische Zeitung

Speech by Karl Marx (7 Feb)

Feb 14 1849

Speech by Frederick Engels (7 Feb)

Feb 14 1849
The Tax-Refusal Trial Feb 10 1849
Political Trial Feb 10 1849
Lassalle Feb 11 1849
War.-Discord between the Government and the Southern Slavs Feb 11 1849
The War in Hungary Feb 11 1849
The Division of Labour in the Kolnische Zeitung Feb 11 1849
From the Theatre of War Feb 13 1849
Democratic Pan-Slavism Feb 14 1849


Feb 16 1849
Prussian Financial Administration under Bodelschwingh and Co Feb 17 1849
Stein Feb 18 1849
Three Stars versus Triangle Feb 18 1849
The Vienna Correspondent of the Kolnische Zeitung Feb 18 1849
Saedt Feb 18 1849
The Kolnische Zeitung on the Magyar Struggle Feb 18 1849
Bulletin No. 22 Feb 18 1849
Croats and Slovaks in Hungary Feb 19 1849
Military Art of the Royal Imperial Army Feb 19 1849
Proclamation of a Republic in Rome Feb 21 1849
Windischgratz.-Jews and Southern Slavs Feb 22 1849
Further Contribution on the Old-Prussian Financial Administration Feb 23 1849
A Denunciation Feb 23 1849
Bulletin No. 23.-From the Theatre of War Feb 24 1849
The Trial of the Rhenish District Committee of Democrats Feb 25-27 1849
Latest News of the Magyars...-Brutality of the Austrians Feb 25 1849
More News of the Magyars Feb 25 1849
The Russians in Transylvania Feb 27 1849
Russian Invasion.-Serbs.-Prospects for the Austrians... Feb 28 1849

March 1849
Speech from the Throne Mar 1 1849
From the Theatre of War in Transylvania and Hungary Mar 2 1849
European War Inevitable Mar 2 1849
From the Theatre of War Mar 3 1849
Lassalle Mar 4 1849
The War in Hungary Mar 4 1849
From the Hungarian Theatre of War Mar 4 1849
The Proceedings against Lassalle Mar 6 1849
Magyar Victory Mar 6 1849
The State of Trade Mar 7 1849
From the Theatre of War Mar 7 1849
The Military Reports of the Kolnische Zeitung Mar 8 1849
The 26th Austrian Army Bulletin Mar 8 1849
The English Soldier's Oath of Allegiance Mar 9 1849
From the Theatre of War Mar 9 1849
The 27th Bulletin.—Military Reports Mar 10 1849
Ruge Mar 10 1849
The March Association Mar 11 1849
From the Theatre of War Mar 11 1849
The Model Republic Mar 11 1849
Vienna and Frankfurt Mar 13 1849
Three New Bills Mar 13 1849
Government Provocations Mar 14 1849
An Austrian Report Published in the Augsburg Algemeine Zeitung Mar 14 1849
From the Theatre of War Mar 14 1849
Austrian Defeats Mar 14 1849
The Hohenzollern General Plan of Reform Mar 15 1849
The Censorship Mar 15 1849
From the Theatre of War Mar 15 1849
From the Theatre of War Mar 15 1849
From the Theatre of War Mar 15 1849
The Milliard Mar 16 1849
Draft Address of the Second Chamber Mar 16 1849
From the Theatre of War Mar 16 1849
The Frankfurt March Association and the Neue Rheinische Zeitung Mar 17 1849
From the Theatre of War Mar 17 1849
Military Dictatorship in Austria Mar 17 1849
From the Theatre of War Mar 18 1849
The 18th of March Mar 18 1849
The Neue Preussische Zeitung on the Occasion of the 18th of March Mar 18 1849
From the Theatre of War Mar 18 1849
Military Reports from Hungary Mar 20 1849
From the Theatre of War Mar 21 1849
From the Theatre of War Mar 22 1849
The Hohenzollern Press Bill Mar 22 1849
From the Theatre of War Mar 23 1849
From the Theatre of War Mar 24 1849
From the Theatre of War.-The Confused Situation in Serbia Mar 27 1849
The War in Italy and Hungary Mar 28 1849
From the Theatre of War Mar 29 1849
From the Theatre of War [Italy] Mar 29 1849
The Debate on the Address in Berlin Mar 30 1849
From the Theatre of War Mar 30 1849
From the Theatre of War [Italy] Mar 30 1849
Latest News from Hungary Mar 30 1849
From the Theatre of War.-More Russian Troops Mar 31 1849
The Defeat of the Piedmontese Mar 31 1849

April 1849


Apr 1 1849


Apr 4 1849
From the Theatre of War Apr 1 1849
From the Theatre of War Apr 1 1849
From the Theatre of War Apr 3 1849
From the Theatre of War Apr 4 1849
French Foreign Policy Apr 4 1849
The Comedy with the Imperial Crown Apr 4 1849
The Call-Up of the Army Reserve in Prussia Apr 4 1849
Wage Labour and Capital Apr 5 1849


Apr 5 1849


Apr 6 1849


Apr 6 1849


Apr 7 1849


Apr 8 1849


Apr 8 1849


Apr 11 1849


Apr 11 1849
The Southern Slavs and the Austrian Monarchy Apr 5 1849
The War in Hungary Apr 6 1849
From the Theatre of War Apr 7 1849
From the Theatre of War Apr 8 1849
From the Theatre of War Apr 8 1849
Austrian Lamentations Apr 9 1849
From the Theatre of War Apr 11 1849
From the Theatre of War Apr 12 1849
The Extradition of Political Refugees Apr 13 1849
From the Theatre of War.-The German Navy Apr 13 1849
From the Theatre of War.-Windischgratz on the Imposed Constitution Apr 13 1849
Rumours of the Extermination of the Rebels Apr 13 1849
A Magyar Victory Apr 13 1849
A Magyar Victory Apr 13 1849
An Austrian Defeat Apr 14 1849
From the Theatre of War Apr 15 1849
Parliamentary Decisions Are Disregarded.-Manteuffel's Spies Apr 15 1849
Statement Apr 15 1849
From the Theatre of War Apr 15 1849
From the Theatre of War Apr 17 1849
From the Theatre of War.-Peasant War in the Bukovina Apr 18 1849
Elkemann Apr 19 1849
From the Theatre of War Apr 19 1849
Sitting of the Second Chamber in Berlin. April 13 Apr 20 1849
The Slovaks.-The So-Called Dembinski Bulletin Apr 20 1849
From the Theatre of War Apr 20 1849
"Magyar Rodomontade" of the Kolnische Zeitung Apr 21 1849
The New Croatian-Slavonian-Dalmatian Robber State Apr 21 1849
The Russians Apr 22 1849
From the Theatre of War Apr 22 1849
From the Theatre of War Apr 22 1849
The Debate on the Law on Posters Apr 22 1849


Apr 27 1849
From the Theatre of War Apr 24 1849
From the Theatre of War Apr 25 1849
The Hungarian War Apr 26 1849
Lassalle Apr 27 1849
From the Theatre of War Apr 27 1849
Hungarian Victories Apr 27 1849
From the Theatre of War Apr 28 1849
Hungarian Advances.-Excitement in Vienna Apr 28 1849
Magyar Advances Apr 29 1849
Dissolution of the Second Chamber Apr 29 1849
Posen Apr 29 1849
From the Theatre of War Apr 29 1849

May 1849
From the Theatre of War May 1 1849
The Counter-Revolutionary Plans in Berlin May 1 1849
Lassalle May 2 1849
A Prussian Kick for the Frankfurt Assembly May 2 1849
The Dissolution May 2 1849
From the Theatre of War May 2 1849
Lassalle May 3 1849
Prohibition of the Meeting of the Rhenish Municipal Councils May 3 1849
From the Theatre of War May 3 1849
The Congress of Rhenish Towns May 4 1849
The Third Party in the Alliance May 4 1849
From the Theatre of War May 4 1849
News from Southern Germany May 4 1849
News from Hungary May 6 1849
Longing for a State of Siege May 6 1849
The Situation in Hungary May 6 1849
From the Theatre of War May 6 1849
Kossuth's Proclamation May 8 1849
From the Theatre of War May 8 1849
The Prussian Army and the Revolutionary Uprising of the People May 8 1849
A Question to the Workers May 8 1849
The Tsar and His Subordinate Knyazes May 9 1849
The Approaching Revolution May 9 1849
The Deeds of the Hohenzollern Dynasty May 10 1849
The Situation in Elberfeld May 10 1849
From the Theatre of War May 10 1849
Counter-Revolutionary Offensive and Victory of the Revolution May 10 1849
The Uprising in Elberfeld and Düsseldorf May 11 1849
The New Prussian Constitution May 13 1849
The Sanguinary Law in Dusseldorf May 13 1849
The Uprising in the Berg Country May 13 1849
The Venal Baseness of the Kolnische Zeitung May 13 1849
The Kreuz-Zeitung May 16 1849
A New Prussian Kick for the Frankfurt Assembly May 16 1849
The New Martial-Law Charter May 16 1849
Elberfeld May 17 1849
The Worthy Schwanbeck May 17 1849
The Summary Suppression of Neue Rheinische Zeitung May 19 1849
Hungary May 19 1849
"To My People" May 19 1849
To the Workers of Cologne May 19 1849

Last updated on 7 July 2024