International Working Men’s Association
[The Minutes are in Eccarius’s hand on p. 125 of the Minute Book]
Citizen Shaw in the chair.
The Minutes of the previous meetings were severally read and confirmed.
A letter was read from Jos. Hart, Goswell Road, desiring to become a member.
Citizen Jung volunteered to see him.
Citizen Marx proposed and Citizen Maurice seconded that the Rules be printed, Citizen Marx offering to advance the money if not [enough] should come in.[238] Carried.
Citizen Jung read a letter from Paris stating that the Committee had decided to clear up the debt of last year. Counting 300 members, their obligation would amount to £4 12s. Deducting £2 10s. for expenses incurred, they hoped the Council would not object to taking £2. They wished to have it brought before the Council and to have an early answer. They would then try to collect some money and send it as soon [as] possible.
It was agreed that the Council? [could not] had power to abate the amount due, and Citizen Shaw undertook to inform the French Secretary of it.
Citizen Jung also announced that the engravers of Geneva had joined the Association.
The Secretary was then called upon to read the resolution respecting the Fenian question proposed by Citizen Fox.
The resolution having been read, Citizen Jung said that he wished to say a few words before the question was entertained. He said it was desirable that Citizen Fox should be present and to enable him to do so, he would retract what he had said about Fox having committed a dishonest act, and he moved that the consideration of the resolution be postponed.
This was agreed to and the Secretary instructed to communicate it to Citizen Fox.
The Council then adjourned.
Members present: Buckley, Eccarius, Jung, Mrs. Law, Lessner, Marx, Maurice, Shaw.
Matthew Lawrence, Chairman Lawrence was in the chair at the meeting of December 31, at which the said minutes were read and confirmed.
J. G. Eccarius, Secretary
[The Minutes are in Eccarius’s hand on p. 126 of the Minute Book]
Citizen Lawrence in the chair.
The Minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed.
Citizen Lawrence stated that in consequence of having resigned the secretaryship of the Tailors’ Association he was free to attend the meetings of the Council and would do all that lay in his power to promote the objects of the Association. He also thanked the Council on behalf of the Tailors’ Association for the assistance rendered during the strike.[239]
Citizen Jung stated that he had been to see Joseph Hart but that he was not in town.
From Switzerland he announced that the engravers of Geneva had joined the Association and that two bakers had entered into a Contract to supply the members of the Association with bread at a lower charge than the general selling price.
The resolution of Citizen Fox was, on account of his absence, again postponed.
Citizen Dupont announced that domiciliary visits had been made by the Paris police at some of the members’ houses.[240]
The Council then adjourned.
Members present: Dupont, Eccarius, Jung, Lawrence, Lessner, Maurice, Zabicki, Huleck, and Mrs. Huleck.
R. Shaw, Chairman
— J. George Eccarius, Secretary