Marxist Writers: Mary Marcy
Marxists’ Internet Archive
Mary Marcy
(1877 – 1922)
September 1904: Letters of a Pork Packer’s Stenographer – No. III
November 1904: Letters of a Pork Packer’s Stenographer – No. IV
November 1904: Letters of a Pork Packer’s Stenographer – No. V
March 1907: William, the Faithful
January 1910: The Awakening of China
February 1910: Progress in China
February 1910: A Strike in the “Model Village”
May 1910: The Milwaukee Victory
June 1910: Economic Determinism and Sacred Cows
July 1910: Working Men and Women
December 1910: Beginners Course in Socialism and the Economics of Karl Marx No. II
1911: Shop Talks on Economics (pamphlet)
August 1911: Are You a Socialist?
September 1911: Can a Socialist Serve All the People?
October 1911: The Busy Silk Worm
November 1911: The World-Wide Revolt
August 1912: Why the Socialist Party Is Different
December 1912: Morals of Rubber
February 1913: The New York Garment Workers Strike
March 1913: Hard Times and How to Stop Them
April 1913: The White Flag Agreement Brigade
September 1913: The March of the Machine
November 1913: The Food Destroyers
January 1914: Competing with the Machines
February 1914: Nine Sharpshooters
April 1914: China and Standard Oil
May 1914: How the Capitalists Solve the Problem of the Unemployed
June 1914: Whose War is This?
September 1914: The Real Fatherland
October 1914: Organize with the Unemployed – A New Way to Fight
October 1914: Socialist Unpreparedness in Germany
February 1915: Better Any Kind of Action Than Inert Theory!
March 1915: The Value of Immorality
March 1915: Where We Stand on War
April 1915: Plenty of Jobs!
April 1915: We Must Fight It Out
October 1915: Stories of the Cave People (excerpt)
September 1916: They Belong Inside!
October 1916: Hamstringing the Unions
November 1916: Who Pays the Taxes
December 1916: Mass Action – Where We Stand
March 1917: Marxian Economics – Transportation
March 1917: Killed Without Warning
April 1917: Marxian Economics – How the Farmer Is Exploited
May 1917: Our Gains in the War
June 1917: The Class Struggle Disguised
July 1917: The Cause of War
August 1917: Why Not Register Them All?
September 1917: A Month of Lawlessness
October 1917: German Socialist in Russia
February 1918: Economic Power
1919: Industrial Autocracy (pamphlet)
September 1918: A Revolutionary Party
See also: International Socialist Review Archive
and: Women and Marxism – Mary Marcy
Last updated on: 20 January 2023