First published in 1941 in the book: M. V. Frunze na frontakh grazhdanskoi voiny. Sbornik dokumentov (M. V. Frunze on the Civil War Fronts. A Collection of Documents), Moscow.
Printed from the original.
Collected Works,
Progress Publishers,
Volume 44,
pages 268c-269a.
Translated: Clemens Dutt
R. Cymbala
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Revolutionary Military Council, Eastern Front
Our failures and the delays south of Buzuluk, at Uralsk and at Tsaryov strike me as very alarming. Please give the matter greatest attention and inform me more precisely. The restoration of the railway to Uralsk[1] is vitally essential.[2]
Chairman, Council of Defence
[1] In the text of the telegram Lenin marked off the words: “strike me as very alarming. Please give the matter” and “The restoration of the railway to Uralsk”. In the margin he wrote: “In code.” —Ed.
[2] In reply (their telegram of July 28, 1919) Frunze and Lashevich informed Lenin that the situation south of Buzuluk and in the Uralsk area gave no cause for alarm; that not later than July 31 the whole right bank of the Ural River would be liberated from the enemy, and that the railway to Uralsk was cleared and rapidly being repaired. The telegram also mentioned that a serious situation had arisen north of Astrakhan.
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