Concerning the point of the agreement between the C.C. and the M.C.B. under which the Congress shall open in the presence of three-quarters of the delegates of the Russian committees, the O.C. resolves:
Both sides, making up the O.C., see this point as meaning that both the C.C. and the M.C.B. should have taken the most vigorous measures to achieve full representation at the Congress and also to guarantee to the Party that the C.C. and the M.C.B. have set themselves the aim of organising an all-Party and not a factional congress. This point of the agreement was not at all meant to offset the effect of the paragraph of the Party’s Rules under which a congress is valid in the presence of one-half of the total number of votes. As for the plenitude of representation at the Congress, all measures have been taken on that score. There is no news only from the Astrakhan and the Crimean committees. The selection of delegates and their dispatch abroad (in two instances, transfer of mandates from the Kuban Committee to comrades abroad, Parvus and a person to be appointed by the Iskra Editorial Board) have been carried out by the Don, Gornozavodsk, Kiev, Kuban, Tver, Kharkov, Smolensk, Siberian and Yekaterinoslav committees. Together with the delegates available from 19 committees, we would have, with these 9 committees, a total of 28 committees, that is, more than three-quarters Out of 34 committees (the figure of 34 is the maximum number of empowered organisations initially on the O.C. list).
If 9 delegates from the said committees have failed to turn up at the Congress, despite the fact that they were given the corresponding mandates from the committees and arrived abroad, their absence is due to no fault of the O.C., but to the fact that all the efforts of the O.C. to achieve full representation at the Congress were frustrated by the illegal resistance of the three members of the Party Council.
Written not later than April 11 (24) | Printed from the original |
Published in 1905 in the book Trety ocherednoi syezd R.S.D.R.P. Polny tekst protokolov, Central Committee publication, |
{1} This is a draft of point five of the resolution adopted by the Organising Committee for Convening the Third R.S.D.L.P. Congress on April 11 (24), 1905 (see Trety syezd R.S.D.R.P., pp. 31–32). The basic propositions of this document were also included in the resolution on the constitution of the Congress motioned by P. A. Krasikov (Belsky), M. S. Leshchinsky (Zharkov) and M. M. Litvinov (Kuznetsov) at the third sitting of the Congress on April 13 (26), and adopted at its fifth sitting on April 14 (27), 1905 (ibid., p. 96). p. 144
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