This insertion makes it worse.{1} It creates the impression that Consciousness grows spontaneously. Yet, there is no conscious activity of workers in international Social-Democracy outside the Social-Democrats’ sphere of influence.
Vtoroi ocherednoi syezd R.S.D.R.P. Polny tekst protokolov, Central Committee publication, Geneva, 1904 | Printed from the text of the book |
{1} A reference to an amendment to the paragraph of the general section of the draft programme which said: “But as all these contradictions, which are inherent in bourgeois society, increase and develop, the discontent among the labouring and exploited masses with the existing state of things grows, the number and the solidarity of proletarians increase, and their struggle against their exploiters becomes sharper.” When this paragraph was discussed by the Programme Committee (a sitting Lenin did not attend) the word “consciousness” was inserted after the words “the number and the solidarity”.
The amendment was rejected by the Congress, with a majority voting for the original wording. p. 86
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