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Editorials written by Richard Fidler and Ross Dowson
Jan 13, art. 1 | WV #165 Break from NATO pact! NDP must demand, by Anne Macdonald |
Jan 13, art. 2 | Rail unions sellout: �New approach in labor relations�? (unsigned, editorial) |
Jan 13, art. 3 | LSA/LSO leadership holds plenary meet (politics and progress) (unsigned, editorial) |
Jan 13, art. 4 | Review: Che Guevara (the play), by P. Kent |
Jan 27, art. 1 | WV #166 Unable to restrain prices, gov�t admits, by P. Kent |
Jan 27, art. 2 | (Editorials) Trudeau renews ties to nuclear alliance; Out of NATO, now!; Cuba�s problems? Nothing like ours! (economic blockade) |
Jan 27, art. 3 | NDP Toronto slate? �Year of City Hall�, by Anne Macdonald |
Feb 10, art. 1 | WV #167 Hellyer�s censure (by Globe & Mail) only makes case for public housing, by P. Kent |
Feb 10, art. 2 | Opportunist Tendency resigns from League (Rands-Engler), by Ross Dowson |
Feb 24, art. 1 | WV #168 Socialists in debate with NDP official (Harney and Wright discuss role of Socialist Caucus, ONDY convention), by A.M. |
Feb 24, art. 2 | (Editorials) The Sir George Affair: Let�s hear the truth! (Montreal college conflict); Full inquiry needed; The real �fraud� was the Conference itself (constitutional meeting of federal-provincial premiers) |
Feb 24, art. 3 | �Just what is the enemy?� Column: Think it over (youth �terrorism�), by Ross Dowson |
Mar 10, art. 1 | WV 169 Behind Quebec�s revolt; An oppressed nation (the struggle for French-only schools) (unsigned, editorial) |
Mar 10, art. 2 | Where is U.K. Labor Party going? �The road ahead for the British Left (International comments on four years of Harold Wilson�s government) unsigned, editorial |
Mar 10, art. 3 | (Editorial) 8-page Vanguard is target of fund drive |
Mar 10, art. 4 page 1 page 2 page 3 page 4 page 5 page 6 page 7 page 8 page 9 page 10 page 11 | Agitator, teacher, historian � the role of the socialist press;(unsigned, editorial) 1) Our 48 years in labor�s fight for a better world; 2) (our press) �fights the system on all fronts�; 3) Building a new leadership, 4) The Vanguard, Vol. 1 No. 1, Nov.-Dec. 1932; 5) Our struggle against war (a consistent record); 6) Socialist Action, September 1939; 7) Labour Challenge, September 1945, 8) Labor Challenge, Mid-August 1950 (Korean War); 9) The (US) Militant, Dec. 1, 1928: �Spector�s statement to the Canadian Party�; 10) (continuation �Rykov-Stalin-Bucharin regime��) 11) (continuation, signed Maurice Spector.) |
Mar 24, art.1 page 1 page 2 | WV #170 NDP lags behind; Because of parliamentary dogmatism, by Ross Dowson (continuation) Photo: Confrontation (NDPers in solidarity with strikers) |
Mar 24, art. 2 | CBC, P.O. strikes mar CLC-Trudeau love-in; Sysco strike, by P. Kent |
Mar 24, art. 3 | (Editorial) Slam the door on OAS (U.S.-dominated Organization of American States) |
May 7, art.1 | WV #171 NDP challenges ABM, then endorses NATO, by Anne Macdonald |
May 7, art.2 | Hamilton labor march: Public join in anti-labor legislation demonstration in Ontario, by Paul Kent |
May 7, art.3 | (LSO) Our Quebec press (La Lutte Ouvri�re) by Arthur Young |
May 21, art.1 | WV #172 Toronto NDP in bid for all aldermanic posts, by Anne Macdonald |
May 21, art.2 | (Editorials) Bureaucrats bow to attack on labor press (Liberal government ends 2nd class mailing rights); Clear Watkins� name (attempt to frame Canadian black power leader); A new upsurge in the anti-war movement (Easter peace marches against Vietnam war, NATO and NORAD) |
May 5, art.1 page 1 page 2 | WV #173 B.C. IWA seeks to reopen contract (continued)May Day, 1969; Win language rights, by Paul Kent |
May 5,art.2 | Demands public ownership of communication satellite (NDP), by Anne Macdonald |
May 5,art.3 | Vive la Ligue Communiste! (founded by JCR, leaders in May 1968 French events) |
May 5,art.4 | (Editorial) NDP�s Toronto slate a big step forward (civic elections) |
May 5,art.5 | (Editorial) Vanguard expands to 8 pages; Photo: After deGaulle, what? |
May 19, art. 1 | WV #174 Mass rally set for May 31 to protest anti-labor laws (at Queen�s Park in Toronto) ,(unsigned, editorial) |
May 19, art. 2 | Socialist contests French presidency (Alain Krivine of the LC),(unsigned, editorial) |
May 19, art. 3 | The meaning of deGaulle�s defeat (in the referendum) |
May 19, art. 4 | New rise of world struggle hailed (Ross Dowson main speaker at Vancouver May Day rally) |
May 19, art. 5 | (Editorial) �Hate� literature bill a threat to civil liberties |
May 19, art. 6 | Teachers seek control of jobs (in Quebec) (Union front), by Paul Kent |
June 2,art.1 | WV #175 (Editorial) Labor ranks begin to move |
June 2,art.2 page 1 page 2 | (Editorials) PM keeps wraps on Canada�s secret police (S & I division of RCMP) Behind our price increase (Vanguard forced to raise sub rate) |
June 16,art.1 | WV #176 Militancy, unity at labor march (against union-busting legislation in Toronto), by Paul Kent |
June 16,art.2 | (Editorial) That NATO troop cut � What it really means (Trudeau�s �withdrawal� from Europe) |
June 30,art. 1 page 1, page 2 | WV #177 NDP to power! Manitoba says,(unsigned, editorial) (continued)Manitoba NDP victory |
June 30,art. 2 | Rail union merger stalled � blow to labor unity |
June 30,art. 3 | Appeals red-baiting clause (in Oakville UAW local), (unsigned, editorial) |
June 30, art.4
page 1 page 2 page 3 page 4 page 5 page 6 | 1) Soviet dissidents speak out; Oppose rehabilitation of Stalin; 2) Tartars demonstrate for national rights; 3) Oppositionists are seeking to restore workers� democracy; 4)continuation) Russian working class; 5)Critic was once hailed as �model Communist�; 6) Soviet citizens protest trials, launch appeal for free speech |
July 14,art.1 page 1, page 2 | WV #178 (Editorial) Manitoba shows the way (NDP in power) �Meaning of Manitoba NDP victory (urban and farmer working class support breakthrough) |
July 14,art. 2 | Photo caption: Trudeau�s Indian policy means more of this (evicted family) |
July 14,art. 3 | (Editorial) The rift deepens (Far East CPs boycott pro-Moscow conference) |
July 14,art. 4 | Cubans query role of CPs in anti-imperialist struggle (criticize peaceful coexistence line),(unsigned, editorial) |
Aug 11, art. 1 | WV #179 (Editorial) Army�s anti-labor training shows real meaning of security report; Vietnam protest group assails maneuvers |
Aug 11, art. 2 | Exclude women in job retraining; Inco offer; UAW must act on closures (union front column) by Paul Kent |
Aug 11, art. 3 | (Editorial) Trudeau tells the truth �about parliament (who really governs the country) |
Aug 11, art. 4 | (Readers forum) CBRT opposition (rail union merger defeated) by Jean Laplante |
Aug 11, art. 5 | Gov�t prepares to allow 4 U.S. bases in Canada,(unsigned, editorial) |
Aug 11, art 6 Page 1, Page 2 | An important document; Broad left forms in NDP impact of document �For an independent, socialist Canada� (continuation) Role of NDPleadership , photo anti-war demonstrations anti-U.S. imperialism |
Aug 11, art. 7 | U.S. profs control campus studies; �Put Canadian sovereignty in center stage�—Mathews |
Aug 11, art.8 page 1, page 2 | How to end �Americanization� of culture; A reply to Robin Mathews, by Ross Dowson U.S. control debate |
Aug 25,art. 1 | WV #180 Steel strike spreads, ranks aim at big gains, (unsigned, editorial) |
Aug 25,art. 2 | Bill 33 threatens in B.C. oil strike (union front column) by Paul Kent |
Aug 25,art. 3 | Where does Trudeau stand now on ABM? By Dick Fidler (notation by R.D.) |
Aug 25,art. 4 | (Editorial) Whatever happened to participatory democracy? (Trudeau backs down on his promises) |
Aug 25,art. 5 page 1 page 2 | Leon Trotsky on the struggle for a socialist Canada, by Ross Dowson (continuation) �gathering forces of revolutionary socialism in this country;� National question |
Aug 25,art. 6 page 1 page 2 page 3 page 4 | (document of the 1968 convention of the LSA/LSO) Canada and the US; The socialist view; half Canada�s biggest firms U.S.-controlled; " " (Canada�s) Special role; Radicalization, Apologists for U.S. rulers; " " (the bourgeois nationalist) Demagogy (of Diefenbaker), Socialist position; " " Public ownership (is alternative to U.S. control) |
Sept 8, art. 1 | WV #181 Issues facing Toronto NDP; Socialist proposals, by Anne Macdonald |
Sept 8, art. 2 | NDP must present a candidate for Mayor (of Toronto), by Ross Dowson |
Sept 8, art. 3 | Strike forges unity of Steel, Mine Mill (unions),(unsigned, editorial) |
Sept 8, art. 4 | (Editorial) �Some chickens come home to roost �B.C. election (reformist program of NDP yields defeat) |
Sept 8, art. 5 | Socialists start Que. monthly; La Lutte Ouvri�re expands,(unsigned, editorial) |
Sept 22, art. 1 | WV #182 Toronto LSA will contest mayoralty, says Ross Dowson to press |
Sept 22, art. 2 | Failure to fill out slate assailed at NDP meet, by Anne Macdonald (NDP has program but few candidates) |
Sept 22, art. 3 | (Editorial) Where is Schreyer�s government heading? (NDP government in Manitoba) |
Oct 6, art. 1 | WV #183 Unity deepens in Sudbury strikes (steel unions), by Paul Kent |
Oct 6, art. 2 | (Editorial) Canada in the �70s � potential vs. reality (affected by cutbacks depressing optimism) |
Oct 6, art. 3 | (Editorial) No retreat before the redbaiters ! (NDP brass attack public ownership platform of new �Independent Socialist Canada� document) |
Oct 20, art.1 page 1 page 2 | WV #184 Anti-war protests escalate; next mobilization Nov.15! Why Montreal exploded (Police and firemen�s strike prompts Trudeau to call out army) by Dick Fidler Trudeau�s new action army? (photo) (Editorial) Montreal events show instability of system (notations by R.D.) |
Oct 20, art. 2 | Meeting called to fight postal rates (union front column), by P.K. |
Oct 20, art.3 page 1, page 2 | Left spells out program; Resolutions at NDP convention, by Anne Macdonald (NDP MPP Stephen) Lewis attacks manifesto (for an Independent Socialist Canada) |
Nov 3, art. 1 | WV #185 Discord over (Hamilton ON) Steel contract, by Paul Kent |
Nov 3, art. 2 | (Editorial) Trudeau rips off mask in anti-Quebec rage (against militant strikes) |
Nov 3, art. 3 | Who�s to lead party posed by NDP debate (document For an Independent Socialist Canada requires a new leadership), by Anne Macdonald |
Nov 3, art. 44 | Canada and U.S. relations; The socialist viewpoint on the debate (LSA/LSO document reviewed); Canadian aid in Vietnam,(unsigned, editorial) |
Nov 3, art. 5 | CP restores its record (Canadian Stalinists repudiate their own delegation�s allegations of gross violations of Ukranian democratic and national rights),(unsigned, editorial) |
Nov 17, art. 1 | WV #186 Bosses, Steel brass pressure strikers (miners and smelter workers in Sudbury, Port Colborne), by Paul Kent |
Nov 17, art. 2 | (Editorial) The challenge facing socialists in the NDP (face down red-baiting of leadership and building the revolutionary alternative) |
Nov 17, art. 3 | Arab revolutionists at Vanguard Forum,(unsigned, editorial) |
Nov 17, art.4 | Socialist League organized; enters New Zealand election (new group allied to Fourth International),(unsigned, editorial) |
Dec 1, art. 1 | WV #187 Steel strikes ended by close votes; Strike firms up Mine Mill local, by Paul Kent |
Dec 1, art. 2 | For a labor-socialist alternative at city hall! (LSA Toronto campaign),(unsigned, editorial) |
Dec 1, art. 3 page 1, page 2 | Glimpses of Toronto socialist campaign; With the LSA-YS candidates,(unsigned, editorial) (continuation) John Riddell, socialist mayoralty candidate (photo) |
Dec 1, art. 4 | Fifty years of world revolution, edited by Ernest Mandel (Book review) by Paul Breton |
Dec 1, art. 5 | CP up to old tricks in peace movement (Stalinists� rank factionalism flops),(unsigned, editorial) |
Dec 15, art. 1 | WV #188 �Year of crisis� looms for Ontario teachers (teacher walkouts threatened), by Paul Kent |
Dec 15, art. 2 page 1, page 2 | Crisis in British labor party is analyzed by socialists,(unsigned, editorial) " " (continuation) The new revolutionaries (outside the BLP) |
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