Jim D'Arcy


James (“Jim”) D'Arcy was born in Glasgow where his father was a founder member of the Glasgow branch. In his early twenties he moved to London where in 1942 he himself joined the SPGB.

He registered as a conscientious objector to killing fellow workers in a war between capitalist states and, when this was refused, went on the run. This caused employment difficulties for him after the war and led to him setting up his own business as a building contractor.

He was an outdoor speaker and indoor lecturer and debater for the Party, travelling all over the country (and North America) to put the case for socialism, and served for many years as Branch secretary, Central Organiser and Executive Committee member.

He was an SPGB candidate in the 1977 GLC elections. He represented the Party in debates with opponents across the spectrum from the I.L.P. and I.S. through Conservatives, Liberals, Labourites to Mosley's Union Movement. In 1991 he was expelled, by a membership vote, for undemocratic behaviour.