Louis C. Fraina

Revolutionary Socialism

A Study in Socialist Reconstruction


Louis C. Fraina, Revolutionary Socialism, New York 1918.
Authorized & issued by the Central Executive Committee of the Socialist Propaganda League.
Published by the Communist Press.
Transcribed & marked up by Einde O’Callaghan.

BOURGEOIS revolutions, like those of the eighteenth century, rush onward rapidly from success to success, their stage effects outbid one another, men and things seem to be set in flaming brilliants, ecstasy is the prevailing spirit; but they are shortlived, they reach their climax speedily, then society relapses into a long fit of nervous reaction before it learns how to appropriate the fruits of its period of feverish excitement. Proletarian revolutions, on the contrary, such as those of the nineteenth century, criticize themselves constantly; constantly interrupt themselves in their own course; come back to what seems to have been accomplished, in order to start anew; scorn with cruel thoroughness the half measures, weaknesses and meannesses of their first attempts; seem to throw down their adversary only in order to enable him to draw fresh strength from the earth, and again to rise up against them in more gigantic stature; constantly recoil in fear before the undefined monster magnitude of their own objects until finally that situation is created which renders all retreat impossible, and the conditions themselves cry out: “Hic Rhodus, hic salta!” – Karl Marx, The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte.


I. Socialism and the War

II. Imperialism and Capitalism

III. Class Divisions Under Imperialism

IV. The Death of Democracy

V. Fundamentals of Socialism

VI. Socialism in Action

VII. The Great Collapse

VIII. Socialist Readjustment

IX. Class and Nation

X. Problems of State Capitalism

XI. Unionism and Mass Action

XII. The Proletarian Revolution


I. Imperialism in Action

II. Concentration and Labor


Last updated on 14.10.2007